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Update Mar, 21, 2000
Added part 2 of Talk to the Moon in the library. Also uploaded one fanart and stuck it in my fanart gallery ^^ Lame excuse of an art gallery, but I'm too lazy to put it all up at once hehe.

Update Mar, 20, 2000
Uploaded the prologue and part 1 to my new Gundam Wing fanfiction, Talk to the Moon.

Update Mar, 10, 2000
Opened the fic archive in the library. ^^

Update Mar, 9, 2000
Scanned in some parts of doujinshis. Some Kenshin and some Gundam Wing. Page is still under heavy construction but I'm trying to fix most dead links. Joined a couple of new webrings...Slowly Fading is completed and I added a new Gundam Wing fanfiction called From My Eyes, written in Meiran's POV. Also updated cosplay page. Have new pictures of Celes Chere.