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Name: Elly-chan
Location: Atlanta, GA
Likes: Anime, PSX, Gundam Wing, Bishounen, Yaoi, Cosplay, Drawing, Writing, Fanfiction, Fanart, being a complete nut ^_^
Favourite RPG: Xenogears
Favourite Guy: Hiko! Hiko! Hiko! With Wufei SUCH a close second..
Fave Yaoi Couples: DuoxWufei/WufeixDuo also anyone xHiko/Hikox but 5x2/2x5 is still my favourite.
AIM: Only if you're lucky :P
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115lbs
Favourite Anime: Gundam Wing!!
Favourite Colour: Red
Job: I work at a movie theatre...it requires a total of two brain cells to do :P

Wufei: You say more pointless things than Duo...
Elly: ! *sniff* That hurt.
Duo: I'm not that bad...am I?