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This is webpage design from ROM Nation. Webpage prices go for a very competitive rate right now. $150 to $300. You can look anywhere across the internet and you'll see high prices like $600 to $2000. But since it's just me working on the pages I can charge a very cheap price. So if you need a quality webpage just contact me at Below are some other things you may want to read.

 What I can do
 - Basically all HTML
 - Web Graphics, e.g the one you see on the main page
 - I can install CGI and Java programs.

 What I can't do
 - Create Java or CGI

This is a very basic list, to come will be comparison sheets a long with many stats to show my service is better than others.

Other works of mine are:


Ded-Clan: Total Annihilation FF7 Page

So if you need a webpage just contact me at and we can work something out.