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The Extreme Leaf Fanatic Page

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Visitors since August 20, 2003:

Last Updated:
 January 10, 2009

Well the good news is that the Leafs are ahead of Ottawa in the standings. While the Leafs aren't doing so hot....that was sort of expected, Ottawa's breakdown was not.

2008-2009 TORONTO MAPLES LEAFS 16-19-6

Upcoming Games

Leafs at Philly - January 10, 2009.

News & Rumours - updated tonight (again) - Grabs suspended.

Message Forum cleaned up! visit the forum and start a discussion
New Fan of the Moment NEEDED e-mail me your fanatic picture for the start of the New Year.



Send me your Leaf Fanatic Picture - You supporting the Leafs. Check the Leaf Fanatic Page for more information.



What's the deal with Chat?
  • I haven't checked the chat since the Leafs exited the playoffs last season.  Generally the best times to check chat are one hour before the game and right after the game.  Sometimes people login prior to the game while others login right after the game (usually to vent or cheer).  Some Leaf fans stay in chat during the entire game if they're catching the game via a radio station over the internet.  Just try it and see what you think.  Please let me know of any problems.

You can login and then surf if nobody is there - just stay in the room.  Note, keep the sign-in window open - don't close it, minimize it, and then minimize the chat window if nobody is in.  If your speakers are on you'll hear when someone enters the room.  Thanks!!!   What's the deal with your counter?

  • The old provider stopped tracking hits and wanted money.  Since I'm not the RBC and do this as a hobby I just switched to a free counter by Bravenet.  I dated it "Since August 20th, 2003" to show that these are new hits since that time as it wouldn't let me set it to the last known hit amount.  The site has actually  been up 6 or 7 years or maybe longer.

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