August 97

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President's Address

Hi Friends,

Welcome to a whole new world of fun-filled facts and the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about ELECTRONICS. That’s what Students Forum for Electronics is all about, keeping you all inquisitive members abreast with the latest in TRONIC lifeline, the beats of today’s products, the war cry of today’s info-giants.

So this years first issue of E-MAIL with a whole new outlook, believe me the EDS have reaped a great harvest after rigorous toil, I invite you to an unprecedented expedition to quench the thirst for knowledge exclusively at the S.F.E.


 Editor's Address

Another year,a different editorial cell and a fresh new look for E-Mail is what the think-tank of the SFE has in store for it’s members .E-Mail,as you know was intended to be a platform for students' ideas to be expressed thro’ their articles and has functioned quite efficiently in this respect.This year too,it’ll operate as the mouthpiece of the SFE.But,keeping in mind the need for change,we’ve initiated a total revamp of the newsletter format.

For starters,we shall feature one educational article for our readers downloaded from the Net.Then we’ll take time-out with the capsules Netwatch,Howzzat & Funny Bytes.The FAQ corner will provide helpful answers to queries on one technical topic every month. You always wanted to know these… and now you know whom to ask!And finally Techno Buzz will keep you abreast of the latest trends on the technological front.So now you have something to look forward to every month other than your allowance!!!

The Editorial Board wishes to mention here that this issue would not have met it’s deadline but for the efforts of Tushar Pai from Executive Cell.Keep up the good work,Tushar!!


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