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Windows 98

Finally the much awaited Windows 98 has been released after much speculation of it’s becoming Windows 99 courtesy the US Justice Dept. In a nutshell it is not as major an upgrade as Win3.11->Win95 was but is essentially a rejuvenated Win95.

To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question..well, read on for the answers


98 voluntarily installs all your device drivers without being inquisitive

It supports FAT32 filesystems and thus optimises access and and increases the FSI of your HDD (on my 4.3GB disk, I got 500MB free)

It incorporates the new buzzwords like DVD, USB, AGP, Infra red ports etc,

It looks like WIN95 after a trip to the beauty parlour having smooth scrolling windows and lotsa new themes. MS Plus is inbuilt in Win98

It has an "active desktop" which means that you can view and update any internet content on you desktop(i.e. keep jpeg files or gif animations on your desktop) and it is not as slow and buggy as the one provided by Win95+IE4.0

It is highly customizable having the ability to be viewed in a variety of ways,

It enables large hard disk access of greater size than 2GB ( it can address my 4GB drive as one drive which is not possible with win95)

Installation is easy enough for the college guards to accomplish

IE4 is tightly integrated into Win98 and gave me consistent 33.6 connects on tcp/ip

It has a host of new system utilties like the link checker, system monitor, fat32 convertor, sysinfo, maintenance wizard, scheduled tasks, system monitor etc.

It has done away with Win95’s plug-&-pray to give some semblance of plug-&-play

The DirectX API is newer than that of Win95 and gives better performance

It has a well made startup disk with various diagnostic tools

It has support for a new technology called VPN( Virtual private networking) and supports the PPTP( point-to-point tunneling protocol) which enables users to log on to another network privately after using a public network like the internet as a backbone. This may replace WAN after security problems are sorted out.

It really brings out the best in your hardware ( I found drivers installed for atleast 5 devices of whose existence I was unaware of e.g. infrared ports, PCI Bridges etc.)

You get cool OpenGL 3D screen savers inbuilt and also TweakUI with which you can virtually change just about anything that you want.

The help files, being in HTML format , are easy to access and use



The FAT32 system cannot be converted back to FAT16 which means you cannot uninstall even by formatting since Win95 won’t install on FAT32; and though hackers have made utilities for 32-16 conversion, I suggest you steer clear of those

FAT32 disks cannot be compressed by drivespace/stacker etc.

USB,DVD,AGP are only technologies accessible to those with new comps and that excludes most of us

The WebTV feature is only available in the US and Canada as of now

Though I noticed a speed increase on my PII, I cannot guarantee whether that benefit trickles down to the 486 class machines

Unlike OS/2 Warp; 98 still fragments your HDD and the bundled defrag is slower than a CR train

Uninstallation information takes up 50MB of space

Stability problems, though reduced are still present

There are some conflicts while using old DOS games & programs.

 Final Word : Win98 is a stable, improved, highly customizable and mature OS having support for the latest technology. The benefits of FAT32 are undeniable though a compression utility is lacking. Compressed drives have to be uncompressed to install FAT32. It does have some lacunae as regards stability vis-a-vis WindowsNT 4 so those of you doing mission critical work like launching nukes will have to wait for the next generation OS -Windows NT 5.0

Windows NT 5.0 is still in alpha stage and will come out by the turn of the century. It is a marriage between NT’s rock hard stability and unbreachable security & Win 98’s ease of use and multimedia/internet capabilities. It will include DirectX 6 API, a new NTFS file system, new directory architecture, Kerberos 5 protocols for security,Power management, the Microsoft management Console, Active directory support and last but not the least will have support for 9 Indian languages.

— Saumitra

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