Sifl    and    Olly    Characters

Chester is the side host to Sifl and Olly. Born in Las Vegas, Chester was raised by a tap dance tribe. His hobbies are tap dancing and roller skating. Chester learned to tap dance at the age of 15, he was sitting on a roulet table and got an "amazing sense of rhythm" from it ripping across his bum. He enjoys using air hockey pucks on his feet at Sifl's house, according to Chester, "I do a pretty mean moonwalk with them!" Chester also likes customizing his friend Codie's van, he says "It's good for the hookers!"

Sifl and Olly's landlord is one weird dude. His dail routine consists of threatening to kick Sifl and Olly out due to those "Frickin' Monkeys" owned by them. With a total of 60 frickin' monkeys, the floors are filled with 3 feet of monkey crap, or that is what the landlord reports.(Sifl and Olly claim the monkeys are trained to use the toilets.)

The Grim Reaper was a guest on the Sifl and Olly show. He says "I often get mistaken that I have come to kill you, but I am notified when you will die and I come and tell you at the time." The Reaper was born in Montreal and is French Canadian like Celion Dion. The Reaper is a Gemini, listens to R&B and motowm, and his favourite colour is black. He knew weeks before Kennedy and Hendrix died, and Jimi Hendrix played 'Purple Haze' for him.

Stealth hates Olly. It is because Olly drove a golf cart through Stealth's barmitzfah in a beaver costume. Stealth claims "Every cigarette is a tiny smoke signal beckoning the angel of death." and "The black wrath hell will fall through the skies sweeping your grave with death smoke and hell."
Sifl is one of two hosts on the Sifl and Olly show. He is the black sock with green hair.(To tell sifl and olly apart, it is in order as the name of the show. Sifl is first and on your left, Olly is second and on your right.)
Olly is the second host on the Sifl and Olly show. He is the beige sock. Olly's dream girl is Serena Alsutl, the mtv news caster. (So Serena, if you're looking at this page give a Olly a buzz and do a guest appearence!)
Precious Roy has is own Precious Roy Network, full of wonderful products.