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Welcome to the Serial Killers Clan!
Welcome to the Serial Killers Clan Homepage. We are a group of people who play in Acrophobia's 50's room. We enjoy playing against one another that someone got the idea to form a "Clan" and play against other people. We are a diverse group of individuals consisting of Nurses, Teachers, Attorneys and Professionals. So watch out for us, were ready and gonna kick some butt!
~~WANTED~~ Opponents
brave enough to face the "Serial
Andy's Killers
by Soroba
"Eek," I yelled, "We better run!"
"It's a serial killer with a gun!"
Then I blinked. What did I see?
Only our webmaster, SK Andy.
Blood is dripping on the floor,
Faces grinning through the gore.
Acrophobes now all agree,
Our gruesome guru is Andy!
He sends chills along your spine;
Now Serial Killers play at nine.
They leave the pages of his site
And stalk the Acro rooms at night.
A trail of bodies are left behind
In the zone rooms; but never mind.
The killers always come to light
On Andy's gory SK website.
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
"Serial Killers" (by Bev !!)
Acrophobia is where we all met,
A competitive word game on the "net".
After a while, some teams were formed,
Ours was named for Serial Mom.
The team is Captained by PATGEHR and Bunny,
What do you mean, those names sound funny?
The other Captain is none-other than Bev !!
And we're all in good hands with our very own Rev.
We welcome all teams to challenge us to win,
Something we do with a vbg ... very BIG grin :-)
We're mostly women but don't think we're vain,
'Cause our 4 men will getcha, Andy, John, Ron and Shane.
Retiree, Carole, Dixie, OH and Blue Eyes,
All help "cut" our challengers down to size.
And don't even try to to type any panders,
Dook and MyLuck will stop you (so will AnnSlandrs).
If you think that's all, then you're very wrong
mista ,
You haven't dealt yet with our sista Trista !!
We don't want to hear your continuous rantin'
Know who'll stop ya? Teagan, earthy and Phantom.
If LadyBrit or Katy needs a BRAINO pill,
They can count on luvy, Patyann and Lil.
MakinWaves and JoJo are as silly as putty,
And let's not forget jan and Nutty.
We slay our opponents with savvy and SKill,
Always ready to move in for the "kill".
That's our team as it is today,
We're Serial Killers...... c'mon, let's play !!!!!!
Meet the Players!
My name is Dixie and, as my name implies, I was born in the south. Miami,Fl. to be exact. I married a native of Ct. and we lived there for 28 years, rasied our two sons and then retired (he is on early disability SS) back to my home state, in the central section, in Ocala. This area is where almost all of the famous thouroghbreds are bred and/or trained for the big derbies. I am a semi-retired LPN with experience in childhood exceptionalities. My hubby built Trident submaries for the Navy in Ct. Now a days we golf, play darts, swim and work on my homepages. I manage all of the ones we have (6 lol). My home page is located at http://www.geocities.com/~dixiedoll and is called From the Heart Of Dixie. My ICQ is 1778415....Ya'll come (((HUGS))) Dixie
My name is Bev !! ...married 25 yrs (to the same man, no less....lol) 2 children, 5 grandchildren. I hail from Rhode Island and love to sing country music and play acro. Going to college for degree in Computer Programming. I can usually be found in my regular hideout, Mardi Gras, as Bev !! TheShrewSK
Hello acrobuddies, Makin'Waves here, aka Joy. I was so honored when I was approached to join the SK's! I guess I should tell you all a little bit about myself. Hmmm where do I start. Well, I live in Kelowna B.C. with my wonderful Hubby and 3 teenage boys. We have one dog, a beagle called Daisy-May and a grouchy cat named Domino. I used to work for Blockbuster Canada untill July of last year when I had to go into forced retirement. I was diagnosed with Lupus. Makes working out of the question. No employer will hire anyone who can't come into work at a moments notice. Oh well, I don't let it get me down!!! My youngest son also is an acro adict his nic is donald duck. He plays in the kids rooms and has made many friends from all over the world, just like his Mom! Again many thanks for choosing me to be on our great team!!! Let's kick some butt shall we!!! My ICQ is 39754034
SorobaSK describes herself as a lifelong dilettante and humanist. A retired paramedic with a graduate degree in journalism law, she has also worked as a secretary, a landscaper, a disk jockey, a free-lance writer, and a "professional" volunteer. She and her first husband were divorced 4 years ago after a 29-year-marriage. Their two sons are both married; one couple live in Utah and one in North Dakota. Ten months ago she met an online friend, a widower; the friendship grew and they were married this past May. They live in Virginia Beach, VA, with their pets."Retiree, a 50 something former telephone company employee who enoys
retirement,flower gardening, reading, traveling and acrophobia. Two
children, one of
each, and no grands or pets. Have lived in Maryland
all my life and
thoroughly enjoy this area."
I am the mother of one son,
have two lovely granddaughters, and live on
the beautiful coast of New
Hampshire. At present, I am semi-retired, work
when I feel like it, and like
to spend my spare time playing Acrophobia, cards,
visiting historical sites,
shopping flea markets and garage sales,
reading, and corresponding
via computer. My regular handle is PATGEHR, my Serial
Killer Clan handle is
PATGEHRSK, and I am co-captain of this terrific team.
My name is Sandy Brown. Have been playing Acro for about 3 months and became addicted the first week. But I soon learned that when an SK appeared after a name, that meant that person was "good" and I should retreat quietly or quivver in silence. I love the game and at times have had server problems and have changed severs three times in two weeks. After a hard day at work, I would dash home, then couldnt get into Acro game server and I have been known to cry in frustration. I am 50 and the mother of one daughter, Shannon, age 20, who just celebrated her 2nd wedding anniversary. My son-in-law is Bobby Tiffany, a distant kin of the famous New York Tiffany's. He is in Air Force and they are presently in beautiful Biloxi. I have no grandchildren but a grand-puppy, Kira, a baby Dalmation. I am an avid reader.....I love books and read everything except for romances, science fiction and westerns. Fav writes are D Steel , Katherine Stone, S King, J Grisham, and many more. A hobby is writing to the authors and collecting the letters I receive in return. Charlotte Vale Allen is a fav writer and we correspond by e-mail and I have told her about Acro . A local friend, Linda Ladd, is a romance writer and I do read her romances. I love music, oldies and classical; I do jigsaw puzzles, the bigger the more challenging. I collect lighthouses and saw my first real lighthouse last month in Biloxi. I work for Tenet Health Systems at Lucy Lee Hospital and have just finished my 26th year there. Started out as telephone operator and supervisor for 21 years. Burned out and transferred to the Business Office. I do payment review, discount review and work with managed care accounts......I really really love my job. I have my own little office within our large office and I like my home away from home. My boss plays Acro as panzer and I must say she needs lots more practice. One more note....after 2 divorces and junk, my youngest sister and I , along with Shannon , ended up living in the home that my sister and I grew up in. I now have the bedroom that I had from age 2 until 19. It is real neat! And a coincidence that we found the house for sale and grabbed it. Only 2 other owners have lived here.
Hello everyone! I'm so glad that I've finally made it into the SK's the clan of my dreams! Its great to be in
and I love the people! Everyone is funny, smart and warm and you couldn't ask for a better combination.
I am a 20 year-old from Michigan, in love with a man in Wisconson. We met in acro and are hopelessly devoted
<grin> I still live at home so watch what you say to me my mom might be around LOL. I'm currently studying early
childhood development with hopes of becoming a preschool director in the near future. Be nice, or I'll put you in
time out. Sarah "Nutty"SK
Hi my name is Luvy.... I am a regular player of acro for almost a year now. I enjoy meeting regularly with the people I have met playing acro. My niece got me interested in the game and I have been playing ever since.. See you there... Luvy......LuvySK
Lumpy SK-- Hi everyone! My name is Shane.. I'm a 20 year old male from Wisconsin. I'm a full time college student at the University of Wisconsin Stout.(I'm sure you've never heard of it) As of now my major is Architectural Engineering and I hope to finish in the spring of 2001!I am a huge fan of music..I Like all types, and I usually have the radio playing! My biggest interest right now is NutNBaby! You all probably know her as NuttySK.. She's my sweetheart! Well now that you know who I am,what do you say we go and kick some acro butt!
Hi Everyone! You probably know me as Myluck. The name means as luck might have it, somedays good, somedays not so good! I live in Oklahoma and have lived here for fifteen years now. We transferred here from Illinois. I love to play acrophobia and the best part of it all, is the fine people you meet there. I work with an employment agency so I sometimes have assignments that last a few weeks or a few months. Receptionist or data entry are what I like best. My kids are gone now one in San Diego and one in Dallas so my husband and I just enjoy each others company and have for thirty-four years now. I want to thank you for inviting me to join your fine team here. Sounds like a lot of fun!!! Myluck
Howdy from My name is Marilyn Jo Simpson, JoJo_1212 to acroers, and I am proud to be a new Skiller. I am from the Texas Panhandle, and you will get tired of me braggin'about Texas. (It ain't braggin', if it's true!) LOL. My husband and I have been married for 7 years... the second for both of us. Between us, we have 5 grown kids, and 8 grandkids. My husband is a retired USAF MSgt., 26 years in the Air Force, and a vet of Viet Nam and Desert Storm We both teach at a small school, live waaaay out in the boondocks, and love it. We are 16 miles from the next gallon of milk, (or 12-pack of Dr.Peppers for me). I am in my second career... burned out being a Real Estate Broker and Appraiser. I am 52 yrs. old and a real Baby Boomer, and have been accused of still living in the Sixties! (Kinda like the Fifties, too.) See everyone in Acroland. Thanks Skillers, will try to make you proud. JoJo_SK
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