For a complete filmography go to the IMDB
Born: October 5, 1952, Liverpool, England.
British writer, producer, director. Annointed "the future name in horror fiction" by Stephen King, Barker is a best seller whose high-flown novels continue to contribute to the genre. HELLRAISER and CANDYMAN excepted, the films he has generated are less inspirational, perhaps bespeaking the limited possibilities of Hollywood horror.
- BFI Companion to Horror
Barker's goal has been to produce horror films that take themselves seriously, as opposed to the campy, tongue-in-cheek fare that has dominated the genre in recent years. He made his directorial debut with HELLRAISER, adapted by Barker from his novella The Hellbound Heart. Described by the London periodical Time Out as "a serious, intelligent and disturbing horror film," this exceptional project was produced on a shoestring budget of $1.5 million and grossed more than $30 million. HELLRAISER introduced the sharp-featured "prince of pain" character who has been given the affectionate nickname "Pinhead" by an enthusiastic and bloodthirsty audience. Pinhead also appeared in HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER II and HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTH, both of which were executive-produced by Barker but directed by others. He has no control over the extensive marketing of his creation (whom he describes as "the Noel Coward of the lower depths") because he sold those rights for $1 million in the deal that allowed him to direct the first installment.
Barker's second outing as a writer-director was NIGHTBREED, adapted from his novel Cabal, in which fellow horror auteur David Cronenberg had a role as a sinister psychiatrist.
- Baselines Encyclopedia of Film/Cinemania
Official Clive Barker homepage - How to join his "Lost Souls" fan club, along with some artwork. Not alot of movie info.
Hellraiser - The Hellbound Web - Includes images, audios, on-line stories, scripts etc.
Redzone - Currently two short stories on line, plus many links
Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden - edt. by Stephen Jones
Clive Barker's A-Z of Horror - compiled by Stephen Jones
The Essential Clive Barker: Selected Fiction - by Clive Barker, Armistead Maupin
The Hellraiser Chronicles, 1992