Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.398 Sutano Jaataka The bodhisatva was once a poor householder named Sutana, and supported his parents. One day the king of Benares went hunting, and after chasing a deer, killed it. He was returning with the carcase when he passed under a tree belonging to the yakkha Makhaadeva, who by powers conferred on him by, claimed him as food. The king was set free on condition that he sent one man daily to the yakkha for food. As time went on, no-one could be found to take rice to the yakkha, because all knew what awaited them. The king then offered the reward of a thousand and the bodhisatva, for the sake of his parents, and against his motherís wishes, consented to go. Before going, he obtained slippers, umbrella, sword and a golden bowl of rice from the king, and approached the yakkhaís tree. He pushed the bowl towards the yakkha with the point of the sword. The yakkha then started talking to Sutana and was pleased with him. Sutana exhorted him to give up his evil ways and returned to Benares with the yakkha, who was given a settlement at the city gate and provided with rich food. For the introductory story see the Saama Jaataka (J.540). The yakkha is identified with Angulimala and the king with Ananda. 59/224 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iii.324ff. filial piety

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.