Births of Burr Oak and surrounding areas in St Joseph County, Michigan
Contributed to the Michigan USGenWeb Project
Transcribed and proof-read by Josephine Reed Garzelloni
16 Oct 1997

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Martin L Lampe and wife (Jennie Sanborn) on the
arrival of a baby girl at their home, April 25. Even little brother Eugene is greatly pleased at
the coming of a sister.
Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hill of Sturgis, who are the happy parents of a little
baby boy which came to their home May 26. The mother will be remembered by our
citizens as Mable Armstrong.
Probably Sturgis Journal
Born ~ To Mr and Mrs Sidney Brandell, Thursday, March 28, 1907. a six pound daughter.
The mother will be remembered as Miss Bernice Legg. Otis Hackett, step-grandpa, is
now stepping pretty lofty, while grandma is delighted.
Sturgis is Growing Fast. New Arrivals Whose Names are
Not in Directory
Sturgis Journal
Born, Wednesday, October 17, 1906 to Mr and Mrs William Flagg, a seven pound girl.
Born, Thursday, October 18, 1906 to Mr and Mrs John Sturgis, this morning, a ten and three-fourths
pound boy.
Born to Mr and Mrs Will Frohriep, on Sunday October 14, 1906, a seven and
one half pound boy.
Mr and Mrs C.V. Schermerhorn are the proud possessors of a eleven and one-half
pound boy which arrived Saturday, 13 October 1906
Mr and Mrs John Ahlgrim are decidely pleased over the arrival of a nine and a half pound boy
at their home last Monday morning, 15 October 1906.
Probably Sturgis Journal
Born. ~ To Charles H Smith and wife (Carrie Danberry) April 28, 1907, a seven
pound girl. All doing nicely.
Probably Burr Oak Acorn
It is funny to see the smile on Roy Wagner's face since Monday morning when a new
boarder in the person of an eight pound boy took up his residence there, 15 December 1906.
Probably Burr Oak Acorn although the style is that
of the Sturgis Journal
Born. ~ To Charles F Holdsworth and wife (Julia Maloney) of Sturgis, at the
home of the mother's father, Thomas Moloney (sic), in this village, 14 October 1906, a son.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born. ~ To Coye L Himebaugh and wife (Althea Wilcox) of Washington,
D.C., Thursday, August 2, 1906, a daughter. Relatives and many friends in Burr Oak,
the former home of the joyous parents, are very pleased to learn this bit of tidings
from the hub of the nation.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Coye Himebaugh, Washington, D.C. September 9th, 1907, a ten pound son.
Our congratulations to the lucky parents.
Paper unidentified
Born.~ A baby girl was born to County Commissioner of Schools Swain and wife,
Wednesday at 6 p.m., 6 August 1906.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Frank Deal, who some weeks ago moved from the Sanborn farm in
West Burr Oak, to the Farrand farm in Bronson township, are in receipt of a brand new
boy. It came 28 December 1900 and the steelyards with which it was weighed
registered 6 3/4 pounds. All doing well.
Newspaper unidentified
New Arrival.
Born to Mr and Mrs Ben Payne, Sunday 22 July 1906, a 9 pound boy.
Newspaper unidentified
West Bronson
Born, to Mr and Mrs L Modert. 2 July 1906, a boy
Believe Sturgis Journal
Born, Friday, June 29 to Mr and Mrs Floyd Wallace a 7 1/2 pound girl.
Mr and Mrs Henry Burmeister are the happy parents of an 8 1/2 pound boy who
was born on Sunday, July 1.
A 9 1/2 pound boy arrived Monday July 2, at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Greshaw.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Samuel J Rommel of Sturgis, are happy in the possession of a
little son ~ the first child ~ born to them Tuesday, June 5, 1906. We all remember
the mother as Grace Pepper, daughter of Mr and Mrs A. J. Pepper of
our village. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
In his report to the State authorities, Village Clerk Milliman has the record of only
one child born in the village during the month of April ~ son to Mrs and Mrs William
Cooper, on Second Street, the 18th.
Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Dan S Faust. The new arrival is a
10 1/2 pound son; July 3, 1906.
Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hezekiah Ringler. It's a daughter, born Thursday,
July 26, 1906. The mother (Susie Wait) and child are doing nicely, and pa is wearing
a 10x12 smile that denotes great joy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to Ed. D. Bixby and wife (Emma Betcher) of LaGrange, Indiana,
formerly of this village, son. Was born 18 August 1906, weight 9 pounds.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born. ~ To Mr and Mrs Fred Hyde of Mishawaka, Indiana, Wednesday, August
8, 1907, a daughter. Grandpa Hyde is very pleased, and told The Acorn as soon as
he received official notice. Our congratulations!
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Acie Hoops are the proud possessors of an 11 pound girl, born
Tuesday, January 29th, 1906.
note: in the margin, written in pencil is the name Grace Ally.
Burr Oak Acorn
Hiram Maystead and wife are happy in the arrival of a little daughter,
born Friday, December 29, 1906
Burr Oak Acorn
New Printer in Burr Oak
The Acorn force has been increased within the past week, by the arrival of a
brand new compositor. It's an eight pound girl which arrived in town Tuesday
afternoon, and is making her home with Mr and Mrs W.A. Carpenter. Both
mother and child are doing well under the care of Dr Rollman, Sr. and Mrs
Madalyne Stuart, of Coldwater.
Burr Oak Acorn
At their Sturgis home, Tuesday, a daughter was born to Will Froh and wife. 15 January 1907.
Our hearty congratulations to Mr and Mrs Calvin O Hackman.
The new arrival is a boy. 15 January 1907.
Burr Oak Acorn
Owen Mann and wife (nee Garn) are the happy parents of twin girls, which
arrived at their home last Saturday, 2 May 1907. Our Congratulations
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Carl Kaas and wife, Tueaday, July 24, 1906, an 8 pound son. Congratulations!
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Jay Filkins are the proud parents of a ten pound boy,
31 January 1907. Mrs Filkins will be remembered as Gladys Straehly
of West Bronson.
Burr Oak Acorn
Looks like February 21, 1907
Friends of Rev. and Mrs E.J. Harris will be pleased to hear that they are the
proud parents of a little daughter, born a few days ago. The Acorn is glad to state
that both mother and daugher are doing nicely, and we congratulate Mr and Mrs
Harris. Rev Harris is pastor over a prosperous Methodist church in the vicinity
of Corning, New York.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Mina Kline Lee, residing near Allegan, formerly of this place, has very recently
presented her husband with a baby girl, the second child. The other little
one is a boy. May 2 1906.
Burr Oak Acorn
Tuesday afternoon, 23 April 1907, a baby girl was born to Glen
Milliman and wife (Chloa Smith) at their home southeast of town. All doing nicely.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Roy Jenkins, a daughter, last Thursday, which died
at birth, 20 June 1907.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Will Sager are the proud prossessors of a fine six and
one-half pound girl, born the first of the week, 7 April 1907.
Born. ~ To Mr and Mrs Tad Wait of Batavia, Saturday, March 30, 1907, a son.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Fred Holtz, Monday, 19 October 1907, a nine pound boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Verba Wortman Taylor of Olivet, Michigan, presented
her husband with twin babies ~ boy and girl ~ July 15 1906, and in response to official
notification Grandma Wortman, south of town, left on the first train to care
for her daughter and the little ones.
Bronson Corner Star
Mrs F.D. Jones (Ella Weaver) is visiting her daughter,
Mrs Bert Howe, and family, in Bay City. Mr and Mrs Howe are
the proud parents of a baby boy, born December 23, 1907
Newspaper unidentified, probably Burr Oak Acorn
A little 9 1/2 pound son was born to Mr and Mrs Fox (Pearl Hackman) at
their home near Klinger Lake, July 6 1907. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Willis Appleman of Wolcottville, on January 4th, 1907, a daughter.
Burr Oak Acorn
Silas Lancaster's broad smile is occasioned by the event of a baby girl,
26 February 1907. All doing well.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born ~ To Clare Hagadorn and wife (Jennie Schnatz) October 8, 1906, a son.
Burr Oak Acorn
Happy man is Mike Clay. It's a fine baby girl of usual weight. Arrived last
Saturday, March 9, 1907. Mother and child doing well.
Burr Oak Acorn
A bounching baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Ahlgrim, Friday, 18 January
1907. All doing well. This accounts for the broad smile which you notice Frank
is now continually wearing. We congratulate.
Burr Oak Acorn
note: the date is written in pen and not really clear
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bert Wollenslegle. It's a boy, 6 March 1907. All doing nicely.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Sunday 26 May 1907 to Mrs and Mrs J. G. Hills, a ten and one-half pound son.
Burr Oak Acorn
Came to live with Mr and Mrs Hiram Maystead last Friday, 28 December 1907 ~ a
seven pound daughter. Both mother and daughter are doing fine.
Burr Oak Acorn
J. R. Wirts went to Allegan Saturday for a short visit with his son and new grand-daughter.
22 August 1904?
Burr Oak Acorn
Burr Oak friends will be pleased to learn of the arrival, 11 September 1907, of a
baby girl at the home of Mr and Mrs S. B. Young in Chicago, the mother being
remembered by our people as Dora Worden. Congratulations!
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~To Mr and Mrs Walter J Hoshal, Fifth street, 15 March 1907, an 11 1/2 pound
boy. The Acorn joins the many friends in congratulations. Mother and child doing well.
Burr Oak Acorn
Cornelius Sikkins and wife are happy in the possession of a new baby, which was born
to them 13 March 1907. Mr Sikkins is the Hollander in the employ of A.
C. Himebaugh.
<Burr Oak Acorn
By a letter from Norm G Cooper of Brooklyn, New York, we learn of the arrival
of Kathryn Steward Forman, 17 November 1907 at the home of A.
A. Forman, Jr. and wife ~ the seventh grandchild of Alex A. Forman, Sr.,
Norm's grandchild number six and the Cooper's and Forman's will all
meet on Christmas day at the home of Mrs Ethel Cooper Forman.
Burr Oak Acorn
There is great joy in the home of Mr and Mrs Guy Bordner, where a little
daughter arrived last Saturday, 24 August 1907. Mother and child are doing nicely.
Our congratulations!
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Monday, 28 October 1907, to Mr and Mrs Elias Deal, southeast
of town, a 10 pound boy. Dr Clements reports all as doing well. Congratulations!
Burr Oak Acorn
Burr Oak friends are pleased to learn of the good fortune of N.L Holmes and
wife (Jennie Frasier), of Stanton. It's a daughter, Helen Josephene Holmes, and
was born 27 November 1907.
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby girl at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Harris, arriving Saturday, 1
December 1907, is reported by Dr Clements.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Will Nash are to be congratulated on the arrival of a ten pound
baby boy, born Sunday morning, 24? October 1907
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, a week ago today, to Mr and Mrs Otis Hackett west of this village, a
baby girl, 12 September 1907.
Burr Oak Acorn
The stork flew over Burr Oak yesterday morning, 12 August 1908, and left a
baby girl at the home of Mr and Mrs Lowell Lee. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Friday, 1 May 1908, to Mr and Mrs Edward Everts, just west of
town, an eight pound baby daughter. Congratulations!
Burr Oak Acorn
The stork visited at the home of Cal Hackman Friday, 14 August 1908,
leaving an 8 1/2 pound boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Saturday, 18 January 1908, to Mr and Mrs John Rumbaugh, Jr., north of this
village, a nine pound baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~to Mrs and Mrs Clarence Holcomb of Ochelata, Indiana, 10 October 1908,
a fine baby girl. our congratulations, "Chokey"
Burr Oak Acorn
born~To Mrs and Mrs Lawson Lancaster, Tuesday, 8 September 1908, an eight
pound baby boy. Lawson is the biggest man in Burr Oak now.
Burr Oak Acorn
23 July 1908
Born, to Mr and Mrs Loren Skinner, of Battle Creek, a baby girl.
Mrs Skinner will be remembered as Inez Driesbaugh.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Sunday, 15 March 1908, to Mr and Mrs Guy Bowman, a baby boy. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
11 February 1908
Our congratulations to Prof. and Mrs F.M. Langworthy. It's a girl. Arrived
Tuesday, and all are doing well.
Burr Oak Acorn
Ray Hafer and wife (Myrtle Stephens) of Sturgis, are very happy in the arrival
of a little daughter, Marion Irene, born 26 February 1908. Mother and child doing nicely.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~To Mr and Mrs F. M. Howard Saturday, 10 October 1908, a baby boy.
Weight 9 1/2 pounds.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs J. P. Giles, 7123 Peoria Street, Chicago, Illinois, Tuesday, 24
March 1908, a girl. Mrs Giles will be remembered as
Gatha Porter, formerly of Burr Oak.
Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs R.C. Himebaugh on the arrival of an
eight pound son, born Monday morning, 29 June 1908. Ray is about the
proudest and happiest man in Michigan as this was his birthday present.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Eben Bennett, at the home of Mrs Bennett's parents,
near Nottawa on New Years, 1908, a seven and one-half pound girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
A little son was born to Mr and Mrs Charles C Snyder, 16 February 1908. Charles
Harold is the name of the new arrival. Mother and child doing well. Our congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs F. E. Shaffmaster, of Toledo, Ohio, Sunday, 9 August 1908,
an eight pound boy, which explains why Grandpa D. W. Lee is so happy. Congratulations.

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