Births of Burr Oak and surrounding areas in St Joseph County, Michigan
Contributed to the Michigan USGenWeb Project
Transcribed and proof-read by Josephine Reed Garzelloni
16 Oct 1997

Burr Oak Acorn
Dr Rollmann, Jr., reports that the stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs
Eugene Snook, Tuesday, 11 February 1908, and left a baby girl, Dorothy May.
All doing nicely.
Burr Oak Acorn
30 January 1908
Burr Oak friends will be pleased to learn that a little son was born to Prof. and
Mrs J. I. Bricker of Saginaw, last week.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Frank Dwight announce the birth of a daughter, Edna
Louise Dwight, January 21, 1908.
Burr Oak Acorn
8 October 1908
Mrs. W.L. Trahms was at Centreville several days the past week visiting her
sister, who is the happy owner of a new 11 pound baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs John Coohon, Tuesday Morning, March 3rd, 1908, a
baby girl. Congratulations
Burr Oak Acorn
Born,~To Mrs and Mrs W. C. Shane, Friday, 2 October 1908, an eight pound baby boy.
Congratulations "Curry."
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Roy Wagner, 22 January 1908, a nine and a half pound girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
5 January 1908
Dr Rose Crofford reports a baby born Sunday to Mr and Mrs (Susie Wait) Ringler,
and also reports the mother and child afflicted with smallpox. The home has been
quarantined for some weeks while Mr Ringler has had the disease, from which he
is now about recovered. A Professional nurse has been secured.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Monday morning, 7 October 1907, to Mr and Mrs John Russell, an
8 1/2 pound son. Our congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
18 March 1908
Dr and Mrs Clements are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Saturday night.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born,~ Monday, 22 June 1908, to Mr and Mrs Harry VanEtta, of Orland, a baby
boy. Our congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born,~ To Mr and Mrs M. E. Purham, Sturgis, 10 November 1908, a baby girl.
Congratulations, Marshall.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born.~Sunday, 15 November 1908, to Mr and Mrs Joe Cowles, of West Burr
Oak, a nine-pound baby boy. All doing nicely, we are glad to report.
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby boy was born to John Good and wife (Belle Sanborn) Sunday morning, 13
October 1908. We are pleased to learn of their good fortune.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, July 23rd, 1908 to Mr and Mrs Roscoe Eagon of Elkhart, Indiana, a 10 pound
son. All doing fine. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Nottawa. Born to Mr and Mrs Kronts Sunday night, September 6, 1908, a daughter.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Fred H Cornwall of Niles, 11 June 1908, a daughter.
The mother will be remembered as Miss Lulu Stephens formerly of Burr Oak.
Our congratulations to the happy parents.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Carl Kaas, Friday 30 July 1908 or 1909, a baby boy.
Note: years are written in pen and difficult to read. Rest of the date is paper printed.
Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations A. H.
The "stork" was so busy everywhere,
Leaving a little one here and there:
Some at dawn or break of day,
Some at noon in the sun's hot ray.
As he flew north at break of day,
On June 27th 1908 so they say.
He found Sherman a fair spot
And an eight pound girl chose to drop
At the home of A.H. Finney and
Myrtle as well.
And the babe's fair name I fain would tell.
Katherine Dorcas, the name so true
Long life and happiness we wish you.
Burr Oak Acorn
The Stork Gets Busy
Born~September 18, to Mr and Mrs Don Milliman, a baby boy
Born~September 20, to Mr and Mrs Mike Clay, a baby boy
Born~September 9, to Mr and Mrs Charles Niles of West Burr Oak, a baby boy.
Born~September 21, to Mr and Mrs Ralph Johnson, near Findley, a baby girl.
Born~September 22, to Mr and Mrs Bert Bidwell, southeast of town, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, November 21st, 1908, Jean Elizabeth, to Mr and Mrs C. M. Powers.
Burr Oak Acorn
Burr Oak friends are pleased to learn of the recent arrival of a baby boy
at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Link of Mishawaka, Indiana, 10 December 1908.
Burr Oak Acorn
Doings of the Stork
Born~To Mr and Mrs Fred Teadt of West Burr Oak, a baby boy 19 November 1908
Born~November 19th, 1908 to Mr and Mrs D. J. Matthews, a baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to George Swihart and wife 31 December 1908, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born.~To Mr and Mrs Ira Downing Saturday, January 2, 1908, a baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs William Sager a the proud parents of a baby boy born Tuesday,
December 22nd, 1908.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Henry Schraeder, north of town, Sunday, January 24, 1909, a baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born last week Wednesday forenoon to Mr and Mrs Peter Nottawa, boy
papoose, 30 June 1909.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs Big George Pamp, pappoose boy, 18 November 1909.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~To Mr and Mrs Jacob Mayer, Sunday, December 13, 1908, a baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Saloma McKay Grier, born to Rev. and Mrs Whyrom Grier,
Thursday, November 26, 1908.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Will Cooper, Saturday, January 23, 1909, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs J Walterspaugh are the proud parents of a baby boy, born 9 March 1909
Burr Oak Acorn
September 1909
no day is given
Last week Wednesday a baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Hill at their home in
Sturgis. The mother was formerly Mable Armstrong of this village and her
mother is there caring for her and the child.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~toMr and Mrs Guy Bowman a baby girl 21 August 1909
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Carl Fry, of Mishawaka, Indiana, Sunday, July 25th, 1909, a baby girl
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Raymond Milliman Thursday, 7 October 1909, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs D. I. Todd, at Williston, N.D., on 10 September 1909, a nine pound son.
Burr Oak Acorn
28 February 1909
At the homes of D.B. Royer and Peter Greenwald there arrived two fine babies.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Sunday, 24 October 1909, to Mr and Mrs Ralph Bordner, a baby daughter.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Charles Smith, Jr., are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on
Saturday, 19 June 1909
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, September 2nd, 1909, to Mr and Mrs Herman Beaumeister,
a daughter. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~Saturday, 17 July 1909, to Mr and Mrs Isaac Good, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
The stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs A.R. Cooper at Toledo, the morning
of January 26, 1909, bringing an eight pound boy. The baby and mother are both
doing nicely. Mrs Cooper, who will be remembered as Miss Bessie Kibbe
of this place, is attended by her mother. The grandparents are as delighted
as the proud pa and ma.
Sturgis Journal
Mr and Mrs John D Morris (Ina Godfrey) are the proud parents of a
baby girl, born October 1st, 1909.
An 8-pound daughter was born to Mr and Mrs David Whitehead last Friday
morning, October 1st, 1909
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Dr and Mrs J. J. Kelley, Sunday, July 25th, 1909, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Frank Freeman and wife Saturday morning, July 3, 1909, a ten
pound daughter accounts for the broad smile on Frank's face. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
30 July 1909
Mrs A. M. Graham was in Sturgis Monday calling on her great granddaughter,
who arrived at the home of Dr. and Mrs Mercer last Friday.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~to Mr and Mrs Arthur Maystead, Monday, January 25, 1909, an eight
pound boy. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Tuesday, October 26, 1909, to Mr and Mrs Roy Himebaugh, a baby daughter.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Tuesday, July 13, 1909, to Mr and Mrs Cove Himebaugh a son. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Sunday, June 13th, 1909, a seven pound boy, at the home of Mr and Mrs Guy Hackett.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs. C.H. Goodwin, of Battle Creek, an 8 pound boy, Monday, July 26, 1909.
Burr Oak Acorn
28 July 1909
A five pound daughter arrived Wednesday afternoon to gladden the home
of Dr and Mrs Glenn Godfrey.
Burr Oak Acorn
Master Charles Stearns is a new arrival in Burr Oak, Mr and Mrs O. J. Upham having
taken him. His father, a civil engineer of great ability, died and his mother was unable to
care for him as she wished. By a lucky reading of a certain news item in The Acorn, Master
Charles found a father and mother in Mr and Mrs Upham, and to say that he likes his new
home is putting it mildly, as he says he never wants to leave them. He is an unusually bright and
winsome child and promises to develop into a strong and brillian man.
Note: in pen on the margin is writtin in ink: 4 years old.
Burr Oak Acorn
19 August 1909
Born, to Mr and Mrs F. J. Hyde, Coldwater, a baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Smoke Snook's Silver Ash Cigar. Born~to Mr and Mrs W.H. Snook a baby
daughter, 4 April 1909.
Burr Oak Acorn
22 May 1909
By the arrival of a baby daughter at the home of Mr and Mrs Glenn Townsend of Kalamazoo,
Eugene Townsend of this village becomes "grandpa," a title, by the way,
of which he is extremely proud.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born~Friday, December 10, 1909, to Mr and Mrs Guy McIntyre, a baby boy.
Born~Friday, December 10, 1909, to Mr and Mrs Will Nash, a baby girl.
Mr and Mrs V. V. Tefft, announce the arrival of a baby boy, December 2nd, 1909
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs C.D. Wheeler (nee Madge Akey) of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, a daughter, (Virginia Bereniece Wheeler,) on 15 December 1909. Both
are getting along nicely. Her mother, Mrs D.L. Akey went Wednesday to see them.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, Wednesday, 17 November 1909, to Mr and Mrs Guy Bordner, a baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs John Coonfare, November 11, 1909, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Roy W Wagner, on North clay street, a 9 1/2 pound girl,
Sunday night, 19 December 1909
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Clarence Miller, 10 December 1909, a baby girl.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to J.C. Mowry and wife, 14 December 1909, a son.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Arthur Maystead announce the birth of a son, 16 December 1909.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs J.D. Cowles, 8 February 1910, a daughter.
Burr Oak Acorn
The receipt of a stork post card from Battle Creek announces that there is great
rejoicing in the home of Mr and Mrs O. B. Hawkins, a little daughter,
Genevieve Ione, coming to their home 6 February 1910. The congratulations of Burr
Oak friends are theirs.
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby was born to Mr and Mrs Abe Friend, west of town, on St Valentine's
Day, 14 February 1910.
Burr Oak Acorn
7 February 1910
Mrs. C. P. Urie returned lat evening from Chicago where she has been
visiting her daughters, Mrs Clay Harris and Mrs Veaco. Mrs Urie
smilingly reports the arrival of a fine eight pound boy to Mr and Mrs Veaco at
Belvidere hospital, the young druggist will be known as William Nier Veaco
Burr Oak Acorn
Vivian Lucile is the name of the little daughter, who came Monday, 13th June 1910 to
make her home with Don Harmon and wife.
Burr Oak Acorn
There are glad tidings from the city of Charlotte. The stork left a baby girl, 27 April 1910,
with Mr and Mrs Austin Clemons, formerly of our village.
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Beadon Bucknell a week ago yesterday
morning ~ Wednesday, May 11, 1910 ~ and the mother and little one are getting along
nicely. Congratulations!

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