Births of Burr Oak and surrounding areas in St Joseph County, Michigan
Contributed to the Michigan USGenWeb Project
Transcribed and proof-read by Josephine Reed Garzelloni
16 Oct 1997

Sturgis Democrat
Marshall Gordon Parham came to gladden the home of Mr and Mrs M. E. Parham of this
city on Thursday, 28th April 1910. The young man was born at the home of his grandmother
in Burr Oak, but will claim his residence in this city very shortly.
Burr Oak Acorn
On May 26, 1910, a little son was born to Mrs and Mrs Guy Tisdell of Michigan City,
Indiana. The father was formerly of Burr Oak, it will be remembered by many of our citizens.
Burr Oak Acorn
On July 15, 1910, a baby boy was born to Pearly Kishpaugh and wife, west of town.
The arrival of this second son and child is certainly ample reason for Pearly's reel A1 these days.
Colon Express
25 July 1910
The stork made a visit to the home of Mr and Mrs T. J. Hill, early Monday morning,
leaving them a fine baby boy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Clarence Holcomb writes from Oklahoma that he's pa again ~ a girl, born 5 October 1910. Good!
Burr Oak Acorn
Robet Tyler Colman
born April 23, 1910
Ilollo, P.I.
This announcement just at hand from J Blaine and Pearl Tyler Colman, in the
Philippine Islands. Congratualations. Bring him to Michigan, Pearl; if we can't make him
president we will need him for governor.
Burr Oak Acorn
We are in receipt of a stork post card from Chicago conveying a bit of news that will be
very pleasing to the many friends of fromer citizen Fay Parsons. It reads: "A girl was
born to Mr and Mrs F. F. Parsons, 442 West 65th Street, at 11:50 o'clock p.m. June 1, 1910.
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Frank R Woodman, last Sunday, May 8, 1910. We are
all pleased to learn of their good fortune. So elated was Grandpa Marvin that he is
still wearing the smile of great joy.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Peter and Ida Nottawa, Indian papoose, August 18, 1910, Ah-She-Da-Yah-Son
Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations, You Bet
At the home near Portland, Oregon, June 28, 1910, Mrs Agnes Hastings Tennent,
formerly of Burr Oak, presented her husband with one of the grandest baby boys in that state.
Burr Oak Acorn
On Sunday last, July 3, 1910, a baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Ahlgrim of this village. Lester, the brother of the new arrival, is a very happy lad.
Burr Oak Acorn
New Arrivals ~ Congratulations
Dr and Mrs S.D. Peters are happy in the arrival of a baby girl at their home on
Fifth street. The event occurred July 17, 1910. The new comer's sister Miss Gladys,
is certainly well pleased.
On Wednesday of last week the first child came to gladden the home of Mr and
Mrs Jay R Gross of Lima, who within a few weeks will move here. The new
arrival is a seven pound girl.
Note: written in ink is the date 13 July 1910.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Mike Krontz, one day last week, a babe.
Note: date in pen is 18 August 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs Hood Glant, August 3 1910. All doing nicely.
Sturgis Democrat
Clarence Milliman and wife of South Jefferson street are the parents of a
girl, born 14 July 1910.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs George W Harris and Mr and Mrs C.P. Urie are rejoicing over
the contents of a telegram received today announcing the arrival of an 8 pound boy at the
home of H. C. Harris in Chicago this morning. Mrs Harris was formerly
Miss Wilma Urie of this city and the young American is the only grandchild on either
side, which fact makes him double welcome.
Note: date in pen is November 1910 and the day looks to be 1
Burr Oak Acorn
an eight pound baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Strong, a week ago today.
Note: the date in pen is 13 October 1910
I think the paper is the Sturgis Democrat
Born, to Albert Froh and wife, on South Jefferson street, an eleven pound boy,
Sunday, July 17, 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
That Busy Stork
Mr and Mrs John Coonfare, who with their eight children left here
for Los Angeles, California some weeks ago, were blessed with another
child, a daughter, a few days ago.
Note: the date written in pen is 3 November 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Charles R Bucknell of Ontario, California. It's
a girl, born to them October 28, 1910. The full name of the new arrival is Alice
Margarete Bucknell.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Frank Botzner, a ten-pound boy, November 3, 1910.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Bert Kline and wife, October 28th, 1910, a daughter.
Burr Oak Acorn
A little son was born to Mr and Mrs Will Sager, of our village, Sunday
Evening. All doing nicely.
Note: date in ink is 3 November 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Lew Modert, Tuesday, November 22, 1910, a boy.
Newspaper unknown, perhaps Colon Express
The friends of Mrs Mary Kline, of Parkville, better known as Mary Baad, are
surprised to hear that on Hallowe'en eve, 31 October 1910, there came to her
home twin babies, a boy and girl, weight 6/12 pounds each. Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Don Stowell, this (Thursday) forenoon, an eight pound son.
Note: date written in ink is 1 December 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Fred Kemmerling, November 26, 1910, a daughter ~ Ethel Evangeline.
Newspaper unknown, perhaps Colon Express
Great Grandpa and Grandma Wellesley are helping to care for the little
daughter that arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Merl Collins, of Sherwood,
this morning, 15 December 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
Frank Botzner and wife of Leonidas were made glad, November 3, 1910, by the
arival of a baby boy at their home. Frank's friends here, his former home, extend congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
The stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs Lee D Hincher at Shoals, Indiana,
December 5, 1910, and left a bouncing baby boy. all doing well. The hearty congratulations
of Burr Oak friends are theirs.
Burr Oak Acorn
An eight-pound daughter was born to Dr and Mrs A. J. Kiser, at Colorado
Springs, Colorado, Sunday night, September 4th, 1910
Newspaper unindentified
Twin Babies
A week ago to-night, Thursday, December 29, 1910, twins, a boy and girl, were
born to Mr and Mrs Walter J Hoshal.
The mother and children are getting along quite well. It is needless to say that joy
reigns supreme in that household and that congratulations
of their many friends are their most heartily.
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Wallace Fry of Findley, Monday, January 16, 1911. This
happy event makes John Rumbaugh and wife grandparents a second time within a
few weeks, a baby having recently been born to their oldest daughter, Mrs
Clarence Carpenter, of Gilead.
Burr Oak Acorn
A son was born to Mr and Mrs William Clyde (formerly Miss Emma Engle), at
Mendon, Friday, December 23, 1910.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Ray Hafer and wife (Myrtie Stephens) of Sturgis,
Wednesday, January 18, 1911, a 7 1/2 pound daughter. Mother and child doing nicely.
Burr Oak Acorn
The stork made a happy visitation to our village yesterday, leaving a baby
girl with Mr and Mrs Ray C Himebaugh, and a baby girl with Mr and
Mrs Emil Frohriep.
date written in pen is 28 December 1910
Burr Oak Acorn
Twin boys, weighing in the same notch seven pounds each, were born to Mr
and Mrs J. R. Stull last Friday.
date written in pen is February 17, 1911
Burr Oak Acorn.....not sure about this
A baby girl was born to Robert Walter and wife of Colon township, February 27, 1911 ~ the
first child after 20 years of married life, we are told.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr Gus Pierson has an addition to his working force, in the shape of an
eight pound boy. Mother and son are doing nicely.
dated 5 March 1911 in pen
Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Alonzo Cummins is the proud possessor of a little baby girl. All doing nicely.
dated in pen 2 march 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
A baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs T. J. Reed, north of town, February 21,
1911. T. J. says the score is now 5 to 0, signifying five sons and no daughters. Happy family, all the same.
Note: this child was my mother's brother, Theron John Reed, long time resident of
Burr Oak who also died on this date, his birthday in 1970 while ice fishing with his son
and son in law.
Jo Garzelloni
Burr Oak Acorn
A card from Albion College tells of the coming of the stork to the home of
Prof George L Griswold and wife, March 7th, 1911. The new arrival, weighing
9 1/2 pounds, is a boy, and his full name is Rex Lavant Griswold. The happy
parents will please accept the congratulations of their many Burr Oak friends.
Burr Oak Acorn
The four sons of Mr and Mrs Orrin Tice now have a little sister, the
new arrival coming last Sunday. There is supreme joy in that household.
dated 11 June 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
Here is a nice bit of news, from Lloyd Parsons, a Burr Oak product,
and conveyed to us by a card to The Acorn: "Alice Carolyn Parsons, born May
5, 1911, to Mr and Mrs L. W. Parsons, Hammond, Indiana. Mother and child
doing will (sic)." Congratulations.
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Guy W Hagenbaugh are the happy parents of a little daughter
which arrived at their home last Sunday, September 3, 1911. Mother and
child doing nicely. Congratulate.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Carl Mathews of Mildred, Montana, on Thursday,
July 13, 1911, a daughter. Congratulations of us all!
Burr Oak Acorn
By the way, the Freeman family has quite recently increased in numbers,
another daughter ~ the second child ~ arriving at their home
dated in ink 4 September 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Curry Shane. It's a girl, born Tuesday, and
none are more pleased than the new arrival's little brother.
dated in ink and only says: 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
Julia Maxine, weight eight pounds, came to make her home with Mr and Mrs
W. U. Chaffee, at Union City, Tuesday forenoon.
Dated in ink to 26 September 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Frank Ahlgrim are the happy recipients of a baby girl which
came to their home 11 October 1911. All doing nicely.
Burr Oak Acorn
A little daughter was lately born to Mr and Mrs Abe Scriber.
date written in ink looks like 23 March 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
Theodore, J., Is Presented with Daughter in San Francisco
San Francisco, California, August 18, 1911 ~ A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Mother and child are reported in satisfactory condition.
Since their marriage, the Roosevelts have made their home in
this city, where Mr Roosevelt is engaged in business.
Mrs Roosevelt, Jr was Miss Eleanor Butler Alexander of New York. Her
marriage to the son of the colonel took place at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church in New
York city June 20, 1916 and was one of the notable events of that season.
Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to Clarence Miller and wife, formerly of our village, now west of
town. It's a girl, arriving Sunday morning.
dated in ink, 2 July 1911
Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Willis Miller of Saskatchawan, Canada, report a very fine little Canadian
girl at their house. So you see that all kinds of crops have not failed there, after all.
dated in July 1911 in ink......can't read the day.
Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Teal. It's a girl, born 30 October 1911.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs Edward Smith, a daughter Helen Maxine, August 7, 1911
Written entirely in ink by, I suspect, Harry Smith, who'd have been a relative, though I'm not sure
just how to this family. It was Harry, Geneva's husband, who put this book together
that I'm transcribing all these wonderful births from. Jo Garzelloni
Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs Roy Gibs, a daughter November 10 or 14, 1910
Written entirely in ink and I can't read the day.
Burr Oak Acorn
"FOXY Grandpa"
Henry Needham, Chief Clerk to the Supt. of the Union Pacific Railroad, has
many friends in this latitude and every one of them will be glad to learn that he is pa, an
eight pound girl arriving at the home of Mr and Mrs Needham in Denver,
Colorado, October 17, 1911. Of course this happy occurrence makes Charles
C. Needham, of Canton, Ohio, grandpa, and his host of friends here can
imagine him already wearing a plug hat of extra size. Congratulations to all the interested ones.
Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs William Karn, Thursday, October 5, 1911, a boy
Burr Oak Acorn
A card from Elkhart announces the birth of a 10 pound son to Andrew Lamb and
wife (Jessie Williams) December 24, 1911 ~ the first child, after 20 years of married
life. Grandma Williams is there. Our congratulations.

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