Main - TTSC Online's main page. Contains the latest news and announcements.
TTSC - A brief explanation about TTSC.
Achievements - Displays TTSC's greatest achievements.
Special Pages - Pages made for special events.
Events - A list of events of the future, present and past.
Scanned News - Here, you will find newspaper scans of events closely related to TTSC or Taekwondo.
Training - TTSC's training schedule.
Bakat - A brief explanation about Bakat.
Gallery - This is TTSC's huge online picture gallery.
Downloads - Stuff for everyone to download. Videos, Wallpapers, etc.
Links - This section is where you will find useful and interesting links to other sites.
More Taekwondo - Articles and other stuff related to Taekwondo.
FAQs - Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Forum - Here is where you may discuss openly about Taekwondo, TTSC and other relevant topics.
Guestbook - Have you got anything to say? Here's your chance!
Contact Us - This page will allow you to contact us.



Grading Examination 1

Date: 3rd April, 2004 (Saturday)

Venue: Wen Hua School Hall

Time: 8.00 a.m


Grading Examination 2

Date: 22nd May, 2004 (Saturday)


Time: 8.00 a.m


10th TTSC Interschool Championship

Date: 17th & 18th July, 2004

Venue: S.M Notre Dame Convent School Hall


Grading Examination 3

Date: (Saturday)


Time: 8.00 a.m


Grading Examination 4

Date:  (Saturday)


Time: 8.00 a.m


 * The above is subject to change with prior notice