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Here’s what a few ecstatic customers have to say about CALORAD!

“CALORAD has changed my life. I’m 70 years old and I’ve been dieting since I was 13. Not a day has gone by when food was not a conflicted experience for me. I’ve tried every diet from grapefruit to SlimFast to a $1000 Park Avenue diet that forced me to give up every food I love. On these impossible schemes I’ve yo-yo’d all my life. Until CALORAD. Six weeks ago my relationship with CALORAD began and since then I’ve taken off 2 pants sizes and a dress size! I feel fabulous and I’m living a guilt-free life of ease and enjoyment with food. I haven’t modified my diet in the least and I’m literally melting away. CALORAD has changed my life irreversibly.”

Glady Sargeant, Boston, MA

“I’ve been a chiropractor for the past 28 years and currently run a clinic that sees 200 people a day. CALORAD came into my possessions a little over a month ago and changed my outlook on life completely. At the time I started on CALORAD I was suffering from pneumonia and was 20lbs overweight. In the first few days the pneumonia completely disappeared and my energy was back intact. In the last four weeks I’ve taken off 18lbs and have witnessed truly amazing results with my patients. An obese patient of mine dropped 34lbs in 2 weeks, reversing a condition that seemed impossible. Inches and pounds are coming off like crazy. I’ve got couples fighting over the bottles in my office. I’m so thrilled to be able to expand my wellness practice with a product that safely and naturally helps people lose weight. I know I can recommend CALORAD and expect tremendous health results for my patients.”

Dr. Ira Mitzner, Miami, FL

“When I saw CALORAD’s ingredients I checked the product out thoroughly with the company... and put 20 patients on the product. The success rate was incredible. My customers and colleagues say “Yes” to CALORAD”

Dr. Ed Wagner, D.C., Malibu, CA

“My results with CALORAD have been phenomenal; I take CALORAD during the day for energy and stamina. I don’t need to lose any weight, but there’s no denying the toning that’s taking place... my calves are harder and more defined, my thighs are tighter. It’s really quite remarkable. I’ve given CALORAD to my patients with tremendous success. A physician colleague is seeing his abdomen muscles like never before and is taking off pant sizes. The ingredients are completely safe and effective.

Dr. C.J. Middleton, D.C., Los Angeles, CA

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