Updated: 26 March 2004

Town of Elma Cemeteries
including the Hamlet of Springbrook
Erie County, New York(MF) Microfilm (B) Book

Town of Elma

There are 9 cemeteries in Elma.

NOTE: [1] Tombstone inscriptions [2] Cemetery Records [3] Outside source [4] Outside links
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cemetery [1]
7580 Clinton and Girdle Roads,
Elma, New York 14059 (716) 683-5254 14140
Located behind the old church on the southeast corner of Clinton Street.
Elma Cemetery [1]
Est. 1853 ~ Cemetery Road, off Bowen Road, south of Clinton Street.
Located on the North bank of the Big Buffalo Creek , on land from J. B. Briggs.
Elma Cemetery Association ~ Established 11 July, 1887
Elma Village Cemetery ~ see Elma Cemetery
Methodist Cemetery ~ see Elma Cemetery
St.John's Lutheran Cemetery [1]
2131 Woodward Road between Girdle and Bowen Roads, behind the church.
Contact: Norm Ziebarth (716) 652 - 6201
Tillou Cemetery ~ had been in use for several years, when on September 30, 1867, it was organized under the State cemetery laws as the "Union Cemetery of Springbrook".
Union Cemetery [1]
Located on the south side of Rice Road at the corner of Dellwood Road, between Seneca Street and Bowen Road.
Contact: Charles Deppler (716) 822 - 7643 (
Location Map)
Union Non - Sect Cemetery see Union Cemetery
Union Springbrook Cemetery see Union Cemetery


Hamlet of Springbrook

Bordon J.Cole Cemetery [1]
Located on the west side of North Davis Road [around the 1400 block], south of North Star Road, on the curve surrounded by a white wooden fence.
Davis Cemetery [1] [1846-1915 MF]
Across from 580 Williardshire Road and .1 mile from the corner of Milestrip Road Road.
Davis and Templeton Cemetery [1] [1863-1955 MF] Located one quarter of a mile off Seneca Street, on the north side of North Davis Road.
Morris Cemetery ~ see Oak Hill Cemetery
Oak Hill Cemetery [1] [3] 1850 ~ Seneca Street.
Rice Cemetery ~ see St. Vincent dePaul Cemetery
Springbrook Roman Catholic Cemetery ~ was laid out by D.J. Morris in the Spring of 1850, Oak Hill? and Seneca Street see St. Vincent Roman Catholic Cemetery
Roman Catholic Cemetery [1] Est. 1850
Rice Road at Route 16.
Contact: 6441 Seneca St., P.O. Box 100, 14140-0100 [716] 652-3972.
Templeton Cemetery ~ see Davis and Templeton Cemetery


Town of Elma
Local Areas
Elma - 14059
Springbrook - 14140
Formed from Aurora & Lancaster in 1827

There is said to be Indian Burial Grounds in East Elma.


Town Clerk
Elma Town Historian
Elma Town Hall
Bowen Rd.
Elma N.Y. 14059
Robert C. Newton
(716) 652-9274
Home; 251 Creek Rd.
Elma, NY 14059
Elma Town Clerk
Town Hall
1910 Bowen Rd.
Elma, NY 14059
(716) 652-3260
Fax - 652-3560

Historical Museum & Society

Town Newspaper
Historical Society
Charlotte Yacabush
Mailing address : P.O. Box 84
Elma, NY 14059
(716) 652-6310
Historical Museum
1910 Bowen Road
Elma, NY 14059
Third Sunday, 1 - 4 pm


Peter and Maria GARBE or GARBY, Lutheran
Peter is said to have died May 24, 1875
I have no information on Maria.
Audrey Garbe
ancestors who lived in the Elma, Wales, Aurora - 1700 & 1800s.
Forrest Crain
Cemetery Records Of The War Veterans

Town Links

Thank you's
Early Settlers On The Mile Strip
Elma Marriages - 1824 - 1901
Land Owners on the Aurora Part of Elma
Names of Persons and Date of Marriages  
Post Offices in the Town of Elma - 1848 - 1901
Residents Of East Elma - December 4th, 1856
Residents of the Mile Strip in 1900
Residents In Springbrook Dec. 4th, 1856
Town of Elma, Erie County, New York Deaths

My ancestors did what?

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Unless otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the information has not been provided by any official cemetery source.
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research, and should not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.
This information is to be used as a reference, please check with the source for conformation.
Readings have been doubled checked, but mistakes are possible.

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