Nintendo Fans: The Tale of Burushi - Page 4
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By Yami Yoshi, Vorpal, Masamune, Lupus, Yoshiman, Kuria, and Golem.

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By Yami Yoshi, Antisocial the Sufferer, GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, and Ace Orichalcon.

Sonic in Trouble Part 1
By Rider Yoshi

A Biography of the Mario Bros.
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By Ditto McCloaker.

The Tale of Burushi
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A Yoshi fan fic by Yoshi Wannabe.

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The Tale of Burushi - Page 4
A Yoshi Fan Fic by Yoshi Wannabe


"I made it." That was the only thing on my mind then, but now the I had time to recover from the jump event, I know that this is only the beginning. There are three events left, with the shell coming up in a short while. After my recent achievement with the jump event, I felt a little more confident in my abilities. I felt like I really had a great shot at this. The shell event is to determine the defensive capabilities of each yoshi, with the better half at withstanding the damage taken will advance to the stomach event, while the other half will get eliminated from the competition. With all my attention on making it, I hadn't realized that we were only eight yoshis left, so the better four will carry on.

As I came within seeing range of where the shell event was, I looked over the setting. There was a difference this time around compared to the last. Last time, the yoshis would place themselves inside their shells and other yoshis would headbutt or ground pound on those shells until the yoshi could take no more. This time around, there was a large stone stand maybe one foot off the ground, which lead me to confusion. Why would we have to stay in our shell on this large stand? I kept trying to figure out why it was there, and when the event started, I still had no clue.

The eight remaining yoshis, including I, took our places on the stand. When the signal was given, we formed our shells around us and waited for the punishment to begin. It was dark in my shell, it always surprised me because there's no real reason to get inside ours shell usually. I was still perplexed with the reason of us being on this stand, I really - ugh.. The yoshis outside started already. Pound after headbutt after pound kept banging on my shell, I was all right for now, but I don't know how long I can last if this keeps up. The worst part for now is something I just realized. I'm in my shell right now, I can't see through my shell, meaning I can't see my competitors, also meaning I cannot know if I'm still in danger of not making it if I come out.

I kept my ground rather well, it's been a while that the other yoshis have been giving my damage and I can still hold for another while. Of course, who knows how the other competitors are doing, are they fairing well, are they - odd. The yoshis that were busy giving me damage stopped. Why are they doing that, what's going on? It's then that I felt it - heat. The bottom of my shell was heating up slowly but at a steady rate. Oh no, that's why there was a stand for us to sit upon with our shells, they lit a fire under us! This turn of event wasn't welcomed, I was all right with yoshis pounding me, but this heat is different. I tried to stay inside my shell for as long as possible, it felt horrible, the heat was intolerable, it was far worse than any hot day I have every been in.

After a while, I gave in. I just couldn't stay in there one more second. Though I knew I would regret it, coming out was way too soon. I burst out of my shell and as quickly as possible jumped off the stand. As I winced from the harsh heat I was in, I turned around and prepared to be disappointed and counted the remaining yoshis.

...None. Where was everyone? I looked around, and I saw my competitors already resting on the ground among other things. I was the last one to stay on there? I looked around some more, yes, every other competitor was around the stand and no longer on it. I couldn't believe it, yet the confirmation of that came from a very happy Kiiroshi almost jumping on top of me. As I panted from the beating and enduring the heat, my confidence soared.

The stomach event would be tomorrow, and I was thankful. That last event was a real energy drainer, and I was hungry and tired. I retreated inside the forest to grab some fruit to eat before taking a long deserved rest. I found some juicy melons around closeby and prepared to tend to that grumbling stomach of mine, Just as I was about to gulp one full with my tongue, something grabbed it in mid-air. I looked up, it was Kiiroshi.

"What are you doing?" Kiiroshi asked loudly, as if I was about to do something wrong.

"I wah goin ah eah" I tried to state, but with my tongue held by Kiiroshi, it wasn't really audible.

"You fool!" he said, as he let go of my tongue for a while, "This is probably the first time I'm going to say, but think with your head for a second. Tomorrow's event is the stomach, where you have to eat more than the other yoshis to pass remember? Eat now and you'll be at a handicap!"

Geez, for someone who thinks more with his stomach than his head usually, Kiiroshi really hit the spot there. How could I think of eating when I was going to need all the free space for tomorrow.

I looked at Kiiroshi "Thanks."

With a hearty smile from Kiiroshi, he left me to rest up for tomorrow's events. Thankfully, I fell asleep quite quickly despite my hunger, giving me a much deserved rest after three days without sleeping at all.


The stomach event was held in the clearing inside the forest. I had to race towards the clearing because I didn't wake up in time, with only one instance of sleep within three days, I'm surprised I didn't pass right through the next event, surprised and highly thankful. When I got there, the three other yoshis remaining were already ready to commence the event, all that was needed was that I get ready and the event would start. There were melons, grapes, bananas, and many more to eat, it looked like a feast. The only difference is that we're eating this for our ticket of the island and not a joyous event.

Soon after, the event started. I was impatient and raring to go, I haven't eaten anything since I went to this very clearing to hear the elder's speech. I ate as quickly as my tongue could go and mouth could fit, and I really enjoyed every moment of it. The fact that I felt my stomach filling up after being empty for a whole day really made my day, my mind wasn't on passing this event, it was to eat the most I could just to fill my belly up.


I fell to the ground, I couldn't take another melon if my life depended on it. The other yoshis were also too full to lay a finger on anything considered food at the moment. Four yoshis, one for each competitor, have been looking at us and counting the fruits eaten up by us. Within a short while, they gave us the results...


I walked towards the beach where the last event would take place, finishing second in the eating contest and making it to the finals. The throw event was held on the beach, targets were placed along it, twenty target in all, ten for each competitor. Basically, all I needed to do was to hit more targets than my adversary. If only that was simple, I have one of the worst throws on Saurus Island. I really needed to surpass myself here. Every single yoshi of the island was here, impatient to see the final event.

As soon as everything was ready, the throw event started. I told myself to concentrate only one my targets and not pay my opponent any attention, if I looked at the yoshi to see if he hit or missed, I might not perform better than I could. My first target was ahead of me, I took an egg and threw it, and it hit. I carried on towards my next targets, hitting some, missing some.
I got to my last target, I had a feeling that this target was going to make the difference in the end. I was tense, I gulped, my knees started to shake. I took aim and shot my last egg on the last target... it hit! I was overjoyed, I got seven out of ten targets with that one, that was the best throwing I ever made in my life. I looked at my opponent shoot his last target and missing it, that sealed the deal. I was so happy I wanted to dance right on the spot. After a short while, the other yoshis gave the results...


I lay there on the ground, looking up at the sky, wondering why. Why did I fail? Why did I get seven and my adversary had to get nine? I was depressed, failing this important competition means I have to wait until next time. Even Kiiroshi failed at trying to cheer me up, I was too down and not ready to feel any better soon. As I sighed under a small palm tree, dark clouds began to form in the sky above. "Great, just what I needed," I moaned as the sky got even darker and rain started to fall. The competition is over, and I'm not going anywhere.

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