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"...the face of the sheriff deputy standing at my door seemed to float backwards as if in a telescope...I was fully engulfed in shock now, wrapped in its grey cloak. I was a black hole of chaotic, churning emotions; for a fraction of a time that was my only awareness. I had entered the deepest, emptiest quiet and desolation I have ever experienced..."

(personal journal notes about reaction to notification of my husband's death.)

LINKS and THOUGHTS about Loss, Grief, and Bereavement

This page is just starting. Actually my search for bereavement data began in July of 1992 when my husband was killed in a motorcycle accident--it was difficult, to phrase it politely. People did not want to discuss death issues in the "open." As if it were something to be ashamed of, or...who knows? It just did not seem right to me that searching should be so much like running an obstacle course at a military bootcamp. Fortunately, I was stubborn and enjoyed reading and researching--to a certain point--which eventually resulted in this attempt to make 'the seeking' a little easier for at least those who use computers. Of course, they can always pass the information on! To be honest, though, what actually prompted me to start these pages was the sudden death of a young relative in a freak car accident in 1997. Our own pain (my own son and I) was revived as we sensed in a way the agoninzing pain the family was experiencing. We hurt so badly because we knew we could not relieve them of any of this powerful and overwhelming sorrow. This feeling, this awareness of the intensity of this suffering is a lesson we learn without seeking. We know we cannot 'take it away' and we find ourselves grieving for their anguish and sorrow.

My plan is to insert links to various sites of interest relating to bereavement issues from deaths and other losses. I want to make this a comprehensive list of as many of the informational resources available as I can locate. This page is dedicated to all the people searching for help and supportive information--people who do not know where to turn or look. Even people just wanting to learn more. From time to time, I will also print out an interesting article or words from people willing to share their feelings.

~~letter from a grieving mother~~
~~Valentine poem~~
~~Rainbow Bridge~~

Bereavement is the state of loss, grief is the emotion felt about the loss, and mourning is how one expresses this feeling about the loss, but whatever term a person wishes to use, it is still a process. One does not "get over it," or "completely heal," or find "closure." The effects of death change all survivors forever--they adapt if they have lots of help, endless hope, and valid information, but they NEVER forget! The pain is something one may want to send to oblivion not the person cared about

Does experiencing any loss make us better people? I am not sure at this point--but I feel that most of us have learned, or are trying to learn, to be more compassionate and accepting of our humanity and weaknesses, whatever we perceive them to be. None of us are the same people we were before but we are still here trying to continue.

HOME / graduates / MY FAMILY / QUOTATIONS / FAVORITES / puzzle / France / IN MEMORY / Kenpics / GRIEF / words / Together Again / Rainbow Bridge

20 August 1997/Updated 04 June 2005

visits since 28 August 1997
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