of books on euchre
by Natty Bumppo, author,
The Columbus Book of
Published since 1982:
Andrews, The Complete Win at Euchre
Baiyor & Easley, The Think System Benjamin, Euchre Strategies
Buchko, Euchre Anyone? Euchre Solitaire
Buzzy, Euchre Explained
“COBER101,” Euchre for Beginners and Euchre for the Average Player |
Ellis, Euchre: The Grandpa Lou Way
Gallagher, Winning at Euchre
Kelchner, Discover Euchre (videotape)
Martin, Euchre: How to Play and Win
Rigal, Euchre for Dummies
Wergin, Wergin on Euchre Zalas, Power Euchre |
prices listed by strikethrough (e.g., $9.99) are original list prices,
followed by latest prices
Published prior to 1906:
The Law and Practice of the Game of Euchre
“by a Professor” (1862)
Jerome, Rules of the Game of Euchre (1877)
Euchre: How to Play It
(anonymous, 1886)
Keller, The Game of Euchre
“Berkeley,” Écarté and Euchre
Euchre – and How to Play It
(anonymous, 1897)
Catherine Perry Hargrave’s History of Playing Cards and
Bibliography (Dover, New York, 1966) lists a number of early
books on euchre:
John W. Keller, The
Game of Euchre (1887, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 82 pages);
Cavendish, The Pocket Guide to Euchre (1890, Thomas de la Rue & Co. Ltd.,
London); “Berkeley,” Écarté and Euchre (1890, George Bell & Sons, London, 79 pp.);
Progressive Euchre (1890, author unidentified, Joseph E. Church, Cincinnati), and
R. F. Foster, Call Ace Euchre (1905, Brentano’s, New York).
Hargrave’s bibliography lists also four books on 500, the deliberately invented
“super” euchre game commissioned by the United States Playing Card Company,
all published between 1899 and 1909.
We now know, through the sweep of, and the rest of the internet, that
there were a few 19th century books on euchre that Hargrave overlooked, including, at least,
The Game of Euchre with Its Laws (1850; author and publisher unknown;
we have only seen this book listed in the Oxford English Dictionary and mentioned in the next
book); The Law and Practice of the Game of Euchre by “a Professor” (1862,
T. B. Peterson & Bros., Philadelphia, 134 pages); Sinclair Jerome, The Rules of the Game of Euchre: As Established by the Leading Euchre Players of the United States (1877, John Polhemus, New York, 16 pp.);
How to Play It (ca. 1886,
author unidentified, Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, London and Canberra, 124 pp.);
A. Howard Cady, Euchre:
A Treatise on
the Game and Its Origin:
With Descriptions of
Its Several Varieties etc. (1895, American Sports Pub. Co..,
44 pp.), and Euchre – and How to Play It (1897, 1903, author unidentified,
United States Playing Card Company, Cincinnati, 34 pp.).
Since the publication of Foster’s book in 1905, there seem to have been no books
published specifically on euchre until the first edition of The Columbus Book of Euchre
was published in 1982.
All those earlier books
are out of print and hard to find.
Foster was
the author also, however, of Foster’s Complete Hoyle, reprinted in 1963 and
accessible (1897, 1963, J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia).
It contains a long section on euchre, including a subsection headed “METHODS OF
The publication of The Columbus Book of Euchre in June of 1982 was followed quickly
by the publication in August of the same year of Gary Martin’s Euchre:
How to Play and Win (1982, Martin, Fort Wayne, 64 pp.).
Both Martin’s book and the first edition of The Columbus Book of Euchre were
“desktop” publications created before personal computers made “desktop
publishing” a household possibility and are, therefore, both a little rough
Since 1990 and the advent of
personal computer “desktop publishing,” a number of other books and a videotape on
euchre have appeared.
And while they are
understandably more attractive than Martin’s book and the first edition of The
Columbus Book of Euchre, Martin’s and The Columbus Book of Euchre remained
the only good books on euchre in print until the appearance of Joe Andrews’ new
Reviews of Andrews’, Martin’s
and other books in print on euchre follow, along with reviews of those out-of-print 19th
century books we have managed to find.
How to Play and Win,
by Gary Martin,
Martin, Fort Wayne, 1982, 64 pp., $4.95
This is an instructive and useful little book.
And it’s one of only two books in print on euchre that get almost everything
right (the other is The Columbus Book of
Euchre). There are no glaring errors.
There are some highly helpful hints on what to lead, and an
interesting suggestion to lead a nine to save an ace (pp.
25-27 – the author
may have a point, but he does not explain it).
There’s an interesting section on bid euchre (both
“partner” and “buck”), with good in- struction.
There are some annoying grammatical errors, such as “lead”
as the past tense of “lead” going on for several pages
beginning |
at page 23 (the author finally gets it right with
“led” at page 32), and some syntactical num- ber
confusion (e.g., at p. 32, “If diamonds
is trump . . . ,” and at p. 38, “In
buck euchre each player plays for himself . . . .
Each player bids on the number of tricks each feels they
can win”).
And because the book was printed before personal computers made
“desktop publish- ing” a household possibility, it’s
not the most attractive book out there:
The only color is on the cover, and the small type makes it a
little hard to read.
But the content of the book makes it well worth the price (if you can still find it at that). |
The Complete Win at Euchre,
by Joseph D. Andrews
Games by Andrews Inc., Melrose, Mass., 2004, 171 pp., $12.95 $79.39
One of Joe Andrews’ criteria for a “book,” it seems, is that it must
have at least 100 pages. In correspondence with me in 2001 over the prospect
of collaborating on a euchre book, he referred to The Columbus Book of Eu- chre
as a “Booklet”;* and in a list of five oth- er euchre books in his own new
book, The Complete Win at Euchre, he takes care to point out that only
Wergin on Euchre has more than 100 pages.
And, I must admit, The Columbus Book of Euchre, listed at 90 pages, does not
contain 90 full pages of euchre.
Subtracting title pages,
* Capitalized, yet:
“... your Booklet ... my Books ....” |
index pages and the like, and solely decorative
illustrations taking up whole pages reduces it to 75.
By similar subtractions you can get The Complete Win at Euchre’s
171 pages down to 151, but that’s still more than Wergin’s 137.
So if I want a competitive euchre “book,” it seems, I have to get those
skinny 75 pages up to 150 or more.
Taking a tip from Joe’s book, I have found some ways:
– Use big type and lots of inner headlines.
If I
cut my average 38 lines a page to Joe’s 30,
I’m up to 95 pages already.
– Use lots of repetition.
State the rules twice
(once in “The Basics,” once “Official”).
In |
describing variants of the game, such as
“British Euchre” and nine different ways
people all over North America play bid
euchre, state the complete rules for each
variant in each description instead of merely
the contrasting rules that make each variant
unique. Now I have 113 pages.
– Pad the book with pages having nothing
specifically to do with euchre, such as a
four-page history of the United States
Playing Card Company, a two-page history
of playing cards, and seven pages of “Pro-
files in Courage Euchre” (at a page apiece,
with plenty of white space if there is not a
whole page of nice things to say) about peo-
ple the readers have never heard of who
have not made much of a difference in the
history of euchre (I will grant that three of
Joe’s ten “Profiles in Courage Euchre” might |
be warranted). Now I have 126 pages.
– Throw in articles by other writers, slap-
dash (Joe wrote less than three-fourths
of the text of his own book. Some
side contributions just barely touch on the
subject matter. The inserts include a two-
page history of jacks, by Daphne Tregear,
and five pages on “Euchre Math” written
by Richard Freedman, which, although
somewhat interesting, is of little practical
use). I’m up to 144 pages now (without
counting the history of the United States
Playing Card Company or anything else
twice) – and I’ve passed Wergin.
– Pad the book further with three full pages of
pictures of the four full suits of cards available
in each euchre hand and accounts of 23
“Classic Hands” the author has observed, |
with a one-page illustration of each (that’s 47
more pages). Now I have 184 pages.
store the title and index pages and the dec-
orations and I’m just a page shy of 200.
Hope you like my “book.”
Although Joe’s book describes “British Eu- chre” and nine variants
of bid euchre in excru- ciating detail, there’s not a word on two-han- ded
euchre or euchre solitaire. Let’s
face it, it’s just another thin book on euchre.
That doesn’t mean it’s a bad book.
It’s not. Most of it is correct
and helpful. My general criti- cism
is that it’s heavy on example and lean on principle.
There are too many possible situations to cover, teaching by example.
The “Bidding Skills – Twenty Questions” in Joe’s book deal
only with whether the dealer should pick |
up or turn down in the given scenarios; there are no specific
lessons for the players in first, second or third chairs, and none for the dealer
on second round. Eight examples are
given in the “Opening Leads” quiz, but no instructive scenarios for
leads to second and subsequent tricks.
And the four “Play of the Hand” sam- ples given are rather meager.
The “Classic Hands” are but 23 out of thousands.
Joe does do well on his examples, although I find debatable his conclusions on
Nos. 8 and 20 of his “Bidding Skills” questions, on Nos. 1,
3 and 8 of his “Opening Leads” quiz, and on Nos. 3 and 4 of his
“Play of the Hand” ex- amples (try them yourself).
I did not review all the “Classic Hands” – they are presented as
much as profiles in courage excitement as right or wrong – but I
noticed that Joe overlooked a good potential opening lead on the first one. |
I said most of the book is correct.
Some things aren’t. For
– Joe speaks of euchre played in the 18th cen-
tury. There is no evidence that euchre
played before the 19th century.
(Écarté and
Jucker, each believed by various scholars to
be the root of euchre, also date only to the
early 19th century.)
– Joe says that as dealer’s partner you should
order “anytime you have two strong
. . . ” (p. 51; my emphasis).
I don’t think so.
Good way to queer your partner’s loner.
Trust him, if you have nothing else or have
an answer to other suits.
Why do you sup-
pose the Canadians have that silly rule requi-
ring the partner to go alone if he assists?
– Joe says, categorically, to “never call a loner |
when the score is 8-8” (p. 59; his emphasis).
If the hand in his “Bidding Skills” question
No. 17, where he first suggests that, had lower trump or one fewer trump, it would be
a perfect example of when you should go
alone with eight points, to keep your partner
from taking the lead on first trick and being unable to lead trump back to you.
– Incredibly, he says that if you have 6 or 7
points to your opponents’ 9, “a loner . . . is
a virtual forced call, especially if you hold
junk!’ (emphasis his).”
– There’s a questionable use of the word
– And Joe’s book contains constant reference
to “auction” and “bidding” to make trump.
Aside from the power of jacks, perhaps the |
most distinctive thing about euchre – as op-
posed to other trick-taking games such as
bridge and spades – is that in
euchre you do
not make trump by bidding.
You order,
assist, pick up or name trump in euchre (as
in the extinct games écarté and triumph).
The only bidding that goes on in euchre –
i.e., claiming in advance the number of tricks
you will take – is in the many versions of bid
euchre, which, all taken together, do not
claim nearly as large a following as the stan-
dard game.
I would like to attribute a few things in Joe’s book to Natty Bumppo, since
Joe didn’t bother:
1. The etymology of the word
“joker,” on
page 7, is taken from a hypothesis in David
Parlett’s Oxford Guide to Card Games
extended in The Columbus Book of Eu- |
chre, without attribution to either (but
with “Jucker” misspelled).
2. And Joe’s special thanks
to Harvey Lapp
for his “Ten Commandments of Euchre”
(pp. 43-48) overlooks Lapp’s own ac-
knowledgment, on his Commandments
page, of Natty Bumppo for his special
contributions and editing.
3. Joe heaps acknowledgment on
John Mc-
Leod, proprietor of the Card Games web
site, but does not mention McLeod’s
gracious acknowledgment of Natty
Bumppo and The Columbus Book of
Euchre (“the definitive guide to American
euchre,” McLeod calls it) on the Card
Games euchre page; and Joe ignores his
own previous
credit to me, in which he
says, “ . . . [S]ome very fine books have |
Winning at
by Thomas A. Gallagher,
(publisher & city not disclosed), 60 pp., $3.95 $14.99
Gallagher’s booklet has a Gorenesque point system for
evaluating a euchre hand.
And while that is its salient feature, its best feature
(aside from the misuse of the words “bid” and “bidder”; see
review of Joe Andrews’ book, above) is the second little paragraph in the
In- troduction:
“Euchre is a bidder’s game.
You must bid at every opportunity. . . .
Just to sit back and pass or hope to euchre your oppo- nents is a loser’s
game. . . .”
Another section, the three “Most Common Errors by Euchre
Players,” is right on:
Passing a makeable hand, failing to lead trump on of- fense,
leading trump on defense.
(Trumping a |
partner’s ace is left out, but it is enjoined – in
bold type – on the previous page.)
The point system assigns four points to a right bower, three
to a left, two to each other trump card, and one to each ace in
the off suits, for a total of 20 “high card” points.
Then the author concludes, and attempts to demon- strate,
that you need 10 points to go alone, and that you should order
or pick up with 7 points (but need only 5 to “assist”
– and that’s a flaw, since it encourages a dealer’s
partner, who normally should keep his mouth shut).
But the math is a little fuzzy.
For example, |
the author states that if you have 8 points, your opponents
have 6, your partner has 3, and the pack has 3.
The actual probability is, the op- ponents have
6.7, the partner has 3.3, and
the pack (i.e., the three cards remaining
“bur- ied,” or unseen) has only 2.
On average each hand is 167 per cent as strong as the pack.
The author says, at page 3, that a 10-point hand “cannot
be euchred.”
Accompanying the discussion of the point system is a one-page
chart of “biddable” hands from 7 to 13 points.
The chart lists four possible “10-point” hold- ings,
all of which can be euchred, but omits two – (1)
a left with three other trump and an outside ace, which also can be
euchred (by Right-Ace-x of trumps held by an opponent), |
and (2) a holding of five trumps without bow- ers,
which is the only “10-point” hand that cannot
be euchred. The
error lies in ranking a 9, 10 or queen of trumps as high as
an ace or king.
And the author’s assertion that you must have at least
10 “high card points” to go alone seems rather timid
from one who says you must bid to win.
Natty Bumppo’s Columbus Book of
Euchre, at pp. 42-43, lists four “8- point”
holdings that are excellent candidates for loners, and even a
hand of 2 or 3 points that will do the trick on a long
shot. And Gary
Martin, at p. 20 of his Euchre: How to
Play and Win, shows a “7-point” hand he
recom- mends going alone on. |
None of which is to say the point system is shoddy – by and
large, it works.
But it is flawed.
For further examples:
(1) It fails to distinguish between the value of a “next”
ace and one of the other color.
An ace off color is much more valuable.
(2) It fails to evaluate distribution.
The Goren point system in bridge gives a void the second highest
value, comparable to that of the left bower in Gallagher’s
euchre system.
Also in euchre a singleton ace is worth more than a doubleton
ace; an ace heading a three-card suit is virtually worthless, and
a two-suited hand has a value not addressed by Gallagher. |
(3) It gives no value to kings.
While a king often has no value in euchre, it has tremen- dous
value in a two-suited hand or if its ace is buried or in partner’s
Another problem with playing by the num- bers is that each
euchre hand is situational – it’s not only the
cards that matter, but also the position (where you
sit at the table, which is so much more important in a
short game like euchre than in a long game like bridge or spades),
and the score (many things you will do at 6 or 7, or at 8
or 9, or when your oppo- nents are at 6 or 7 or at 8 or 9, you
will not do at other scores).
You play by Gallagher, I play by instinct, and I’ll beat
you. |
Grandpa Lou Way,
by John Ellis
Wednesday Morning Productions, Kleinburg, Ontario, 1996, 76 pp., $8.95 $10.00 to $100.34
This book might be more appropriately ti- tled Euchre for Dummies,
or, even, Cards for Dummies, so basic and simplistic it is.
And thin: Of 76 pages,
18 are blank, title or dedication pages; 4 are full-page illustrations,
and 9 more are nearly full-page illustrations – all for
Of the 45 pages remaining, four are devoted to Old Maid instructions
on card playing: Which
is the higher card, a 9 or a 10?
a king or an ace? What is a
trick? What is “trump”?
What does it mean to “lead”?
to “follow suit”?
It may have been written by a Dummy, so |
weak is the grammar.
The author seems to have particular difficulty with syntactical
num- ber – for example, on page 49 alone:
“Before either one of them pick up or order
. . . , they . . . ”;
“Unless they are a novice . . . ,” and
“Learn how to assess another player’s bench strength
so that you can compare your own to theirs.
When someone else makes trump, you may have some clues about
their strength” (emphasis added).
Inconsistency in use of terms also is dis- tracting:
On page 12, the word “round” is used as a synonym for a
“hand” of five tricks. |
Then, on page 14, “hand” means
“trick.” Then, in the glossary, you are
instructed, “A round and a trick get used
interchange- ably sometimes” (emphasis added).
And this glossary entry instructs you further, “Don’t
let this get confusing”!
The glossary entry adds, “The whole game is over when one
team has won . . . 10 points.
You can call all of the games leading up to that, ‘games’ as
well” (emphasis added).
To add to the (interdicted) confusion over
“round,” the author terms the trump making process
“go- ing around the table.”
“Double suited,” according to this book, does not mean
having only two suits in your hand, but having two cards
in one suit. |
Then, there is spelling – for renege, “re-
neig”; for bower, “Bauer” (granted,
“Bauer” is the German word from which the euchre
word “bower” derives.
But, Germans don’t play euchre – hence, “bower”).
Not that the instruction on euchre is all that clear:
An essay on an advantage in being “double-suited”
(i.e., having two cards in a suit, remember) indicates
not that you should throw one card from an Ace-high off suit
to signal partner, but that you should always throw off a
singleton – even if you have no trump (which would,
worse than failing to sig- nal partner correctly, give him a false
And we are told that if a player on the team |
Euchre According to Wergin,
by Joseph Petrus Wergin
Huron Press, Madison, Wis., 1990, 137 pp., $9.95 $5.05 to $150.00
Euchre According to Wergin contains good basic instruction,
and, unlike most books of Hoyle, recognizes the way most people
play the game. But
it is short on wit and intellect, and it makes a number of errors
and omissions.
The author’s apparent certainty as to the origins of euchre
(“invented in America,” p. vii) and the term
“euchre” (pp. 1-2) is not shared by scholars.
See, e.g., Catherine Per- ry Hargrave, R. F.
Foster, Charles Goren and the Oxford English Dictionary.
Nor is the author’s passion for “honesty“ |
(pp. 6-7, 74-75, and 123) shared by vast
numbers of euchre players.
Overreaching and deception such as “stealing the deal”
are as much a part of the game in many circles as going alone.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there in the heartland, and the
game goes to the alert as well as the swift.
In some passages the author contradicts himself.
For example:
– At the top of page 25 he defines “the bridge”
as the dealing team’s being at 6 or 7 points and the opposing
team’s being at 8 or 9.
In the very next paragraph he defines it as a maneu- |
ver by the dealer’s opponents to protect
their position.
(Actually, the correct term for the maneuver is
“ordering at the bridge.” And “the
bridge” is simply a score of 9 points. If the player
to the dealer’s left is “at the bridge,” he must
order the dealer when the dealer’s team has 6 or 7 points to
protect his own team’s position.
That’s “ordering at the bridge” –
similar to the “Columbus coup” in Hoosier play.)
– At page 28, the author says, “If you take the first
trick in a suit and your partner discards, do not lead back the
suit he has shown . . . .” Later on the very same page
he says, “Ob- serve your partner’s discards . . . .
In many cases, that may be your best next lead . . . .” |
– And at page 51, “If partner named the
trump and you [at third hand] have a high and a low trump,
chances are that the fourth player may not have a trump.
If a high card is not played, you may be embarrassed when the fourth
hand overtakes the play of a low trump.”
(Anyway, the reasons to play high exist despite the un-
likelihood the dealer holds trump, not because of it.)
In other passages, the author is simply wrong:
– At page 31: “With a score of 9 to 8 in the
dealer’s favor, it is best for the dealer to at- tempt a hand a shade lighter
than normal.” The opposite is true:
Better to let the oppo- |
nents score a point than to go out euchred.
It is when the score is 9 to 8 against the dealer that
the risk is worthwhile, as the author points out elsewhere.
– At page 47, the author states that a dealer’s
turning down a right bower indicates a 62½ per cent probability
that the left is in the third hand and a 37½ per cent probability
that it is in the deck.
Actually, the probabilities are 38½ per cent (5/13) in the second
hand, 38½ per cent (5/13) in the third, and 23 per cent (3/13)
in the deck. The
probabilities are in the eldest hand’s favor not because of a
62½ per cent probability his partner holds the left, but because
of a 61½ per cent probability that the dealer’s
partner does not (third hand’s plus |
deck’s probabilities.
Given the second hand’s failure to “assist,” the
likely probability of the third hand’s holding the left is,
it is true, some- what higher than 38½ per cent; but it is not
mathematically determinable, and certainly nowhere near 62½ per
– At page 49, the author suggests that trump- ing a partner’s
ace is “often” OK.
While it is occasionally OK (as it is in bridge and
spades, not just in euchre), this is very bad advice to a beginner; and
beginners may be the major market for a book of instruction.
Trumping a partner’s ace is one of the two errors most
common to beginners (the other is reneging with the left bower).
The best advice to beginners is, “Never trump your |
partner’s ace,” the very phrase criticized by the author.
Later, when they know the game, novices can learn the rare occasions
to trump a partner’s ace.
– At page 83, the author suggests that players might wish
to play to only 7 points, using 4’s and 3’s for markers
“as the euchre players did back in the 18th century.”
Maybe the 19th and early 20th centuries (most Hoyle referen- ces
set the game at 5 points, not 7 or 10), but not the 18th.
There is no evidence of the game earlier than the 19th century.
Further, the author’s legendary super player “Freddie
Fox” would not draw applause from real euchre players on
three of the six hands |
illustrated at pp. 54-62:
Hands Nos. 2 and 3 are but examples of simply correct play.
And the “foxy” play in “Hand No. 6”
appears so only because “Mr. Fox” made the wrong
dis- card when picking up.
The author’s chapter on “Euchre Odds and Percentages,”
seemingly arcane, is but basic probability theory taught in
freshman math. Although it’s interesting, anyone needing the chart will get
lost in the shuffle.
Many of the author’s suggested “Official Rules” are
likewise superfluous, for example:
– III-1-a, “Riffle the pack at least three times and
follow with several over and under shuf- |
fles. Be careful not
to expose the bottom card,” is basic Hoyle, not just euchre,
and is more a matter of etiquette and good sense than rules.
– Likewise, III-2, “Pone’s Right to Shuffle”;
IV-1, “Number of Cards to be Cut,” and IV- 3, “Cut
Before Dealing,” are rules of Hoyle, not just euchre.
– Point penalties suggested in IV-3 b and c for refusing
to offer the cut and refusing to cut are ludicrous.
Has the author not heard of the “Columbus cut”?
– VI-6, requiring the dealer to answer truth- |
fully an inquiry as to trump, and forbidding a
player’s asking what specific card was picked up, not only is
ridiculous, but toys with the First Amendment.
A better rule (of personal beha- vior, not of the game) is,
“Pay attention, and beware of the liar!”
In sum, the proposed rules are too arcane, too silly, and too many.
Omissions: Not included in Wergin (but included
in Natty Bumppo’s Columbus Book
of Euchre) are rules and suggestions for eu- chre
solitaire, two-handed euchre with “wid- ows” or
“blinds” for third and fourth hands, and three-handed
buck (bid) euchre.
top |
Euchre Strategies,
by Fred Benjamin
2007 (publisher & city not disclosed), 90 pp., $15.07 $13.41 to $118.10
Fred Benjamin tells us in the very first section of his book Euchre
Strategies that he wins two out of three games, on average, on Yahoo!
Any euchre player who tells you he wins two-thirds of his games is (a) lying,
or (b) cheating, or (c) selecting his com- petition very carefully.
I am acquainted with the author through e-mail and other interaction on line,
and I have no partic- ular reason to suspect him of lying or cheating.
He gives us answer (c):
" . . . I win so often in part because of my partner, . . . with whom I
play ap- proximately 30 per cent of my games.
Our play- ing pattern is simple:
Create a table and play with whomever sits with us." 1
If you have an established partner, and play most of your games against players who are not
regular partners, and if you know what you’re doing, and |
play generally inferior competition, you prob- ably can
win two-thirds of your games. The
inferior competition, in this case, is indicated by the Yahoo! ratings
the author discloses for five of six of his own “nics” – 1740, 1587,
1545, 1753, 2467 and 1710.
Except for the 2467, the ratings are mediocre, by Yahoo! standards,
and indicate avoidance of “advanced” competition. 2
I would not mention such statistical puffing, which might seem otherwise
irrelevant, except for one thing:
This book is based largely on statistics and mathematical analysis, with the
help of a computer simulator the author has devised for the purpose (useable
also as an independent computer game or practice table, and available on
line). So, consider the
source; and remember what Mark Twain (an avid euchre player) said:
“There are three kinds of lies:
Lies, damned lies, |
statistics.” 3
When this book was published, a person who has played the author on line
quite a bit exclaimed to me, “How can he write a book on euchre?
He can’t even play euchre."
That does not bother me. Leo
Duro- cher, Casey Stengel and Sparky Anderson all were better baseball managers
than players. What bothers me
is that the author of this book cannot write.
How do you follow someone
* who uses redundancies like “initial opening lead,”
“first lead on next trick,” and “opening lead 2nd
thru 4th tricks”?
* who uses malaprops like “hole card” for the card
turned up, and “kitty” for the stock or talon?
* who misspells “led” throughout the book? 4 |
* who needs eight lines of type to define “high card”?
The language distracts. If
you can figure out what a “finesse” is from the author’s wordy
and convoluted definition and explanation, you under- stood the concept a lot
better to begin with than he does now.
Look at “kitbitz” [sic] and “kitty” in the defini- tions
section. “Kitbitz” may
be a typographical error instead of a misspelling of “kibitz,” since
it appears out of alphabetical order, where “kibitz” would be; but
it’s wrongly defined in any event.5
“Kitty” is defined as the three unseen cards re- maining in the deck
after the deal – “also called the talon,” the book says.
“Talon” is correct (or you can say “stock,” or “deck,”
or “pack”) – but not “kitty.”
A “kitty,” in games, is something of value (money, usually;
cf. poker).
It’s the oppo- |
site of a
talon6 – just as “hole card” is the oppo- site of a turned
card: “Hole card,” a term unique
to poker, indicates a card hidden from the view of other players.
Section 9.15 consists entirely of a table pur- porting to identify
“% Probability of opponents has ‘x’ trump.”
I couldn’t get past the syntax:
One opponent’s probability? (“has”)
Or both’s? (“opponents”)
(And, what’s the “of ” for, follow- ed by a verb?)
In either event I found suspicious cells in the table.
Just to be sure, I ran it by a ma- thematician.
The table is botched. Not that
any- one needs such a table to begin with:
If you don’t have the answer intuitively, you need to play more.
More confusion is created by diagrams that place the deal with East in a
north-south-east-west layout. There’s no law against giving
East the deal (and East |
will eventually get to deal in every card game, of course).
But conventionally, in diagrams, South has the deal and West has the lead.
We might be able to adjust to the author’s giving the deal to East
instead of South, but then he gives us a diagram with North as the
dealer (the book puts you at South, as you would be in a computer game,
and rotates the deal).
Then there are the “Duh!” factors:
The first of seven listed occasions on which to lead trump on defense is,
“You only have trump.” (Duh!)
The first of six listed ways to identify a void in another player’s hand
is, “If a player does not follow suit.” (Duh!)
There is no history, no humor.
The only form of euchre presented or discussed in the book is the standard
American four-player partnership game |
– no two-person, three-person, or bid euchre.
The section on rules is equally spare – there is no mention of irregularities, such
as dealing out of turn, playing out of turn, or reneging. 7
The book contains good advice, by and large; but the presentation is
textbookish. “Confused
yet?” the author asks in section 8.1 (of 103 numbered sections and
subsections), on page 60 (of 90).
“You should be,” he answers.
Q.E.D. 8
The 17-page section 3, “Opening Bid,” reminds me of Thomas
Gallagher’s point system in Winning at
Euchre. If you need
to remember Benjamin’s percentages (not all of them documented) or
Gallagher’s “points,” you’ll be hand- cuffed trying to
Benjamin gives generally good mathematical expla- nations of how and why
certain ploys and maneuvers work, but his instruction is for the
cognoscenti: It’s |
not much help to a beginner or an intermediate play- er.
There are easier ways to learn:
Play cards, for instance.
Euchre should be fun; and reading about it should be, too.
This book may be the best endorse- ment yet of Euchre:
The Grandpa Lou Way.
And the mathematical analysis is not quite as relia- ble as it might appear.
The botched opponent(’s)(’)(?) trump probability table was noted
above. For another example,
in section 3.6 the author attempts to demon- strate statistically that
“ordering at the bridge” is not such a good idea.
In his test of a “good” hand without a stopper, he compares the
results of 25 simulations of “donation” against the results of 25
other simulations of passing.
That’s not only not enough simulations for conclusive results; it’s
also simply bad science not to use the same deals to examine both ways of
playing, with such small samples.
He uses the same flawed dichotomy in a test of a “bad” hand that
does not take |
s. 8.4. (The author calls
this tactic “soft dona-
That’s a term I had not encountered be-
fore, and it’s interesting.)
* Lead the king of hearts from jack-10 of clubs,
jack of spades and ace of diamonds when your
left-hand opponent has ordered the 10 of hearts
into his partner’s hand. s. 5.9
Most players would
lead the ace of diamonds or the jack of spades;
and I would have led the ace of diamonds until I
ran simulations (in the Euchre
Laboratory, not on
Benjamin’s simulator) supporting the trump lead
on defense here, indicating that a spade lead might
be second best, and suggesting that the diamond
lead might be the worst (the author did not cite
any simulations).
Some not so good:
* Lead away from a guarded left bower when the |
dealer’s partner has
ordered up. s. 5.5(2,3)
That might produce an occasional euchre, but it
could deprive you of a stopper. In
general the
book and the simulator lean too heavily on lead-
ing trump on defense.
The book advises you in
section 5.5(1) to lead trump through the maker
(i.e., dealer’s partner) if you hold right-ace.
would deprive you of an end play.
And the author
contradicts himself on this point:
In section 5.6.2
he says, “Do not lead a trump . . . when attempt-
ing a euchre.” 10
* Always open a defense against a loner with an ace
even if you have only one. s. 5.8
This defies an
almost universally accepted prohibition:
Do not
lead an ace against a loner if you have only one;
do lead an ace if you have two. The
author claims
to have run simulations to prove his point, and ar-
gues that the ace lead is necessary to keep from
getting squeezed on a doubleton. What he
has |
| General footnote:
Section numbers given above refer to a 90-page printing with the title “Euchre
Strategies” on the cover.
Some readers may have an earlier, 55-page printing, in smaller type, with
the title “Euchre Challenge & Teacher” on the cover.
There was a relocation of the original section 3 to section 8 between the
printings, and thus a number of the section references above will not relate
to the earlier printing (in most if not all cases, the reader can add
1.0 to section numbers that do not work except for those beginning
with “8,” which must be read “3. . . . ”).
1 Another part of the pattern, not
reported by the author but reported to me by one who knows him on line, is
that he and his partner do not play again with anyone who beats them.
So, “play with whomever sits with us” may be a bit of a stretch, too.
(The author meant “whoever sits with us,” of course, not
“whomever.” The case
of a relative pronoun is dictated by its use in a subordinate clause, if
any. The clause, not the
pronoun, is the object of the preposition.
Lest this observation seem petty, note additional observations of unclear
writing following.)
2 The author has confided to a mutual
acquaintance that he plays mostly, if not exclusively, in the intermediate
lounges. But he is skating on
thin ice. In a post
to the Euchre Science discussion group on Yahoo! a few weeks after
publication of his book, he said 75 per cent of Yahoo! players with
65 per cent or better winning records are cheaters.
Five of his own “nic” records published in his book show winning
percentages ranging from 65.9 to 76 per cent (it’s the 2467 nic
with the 65.9%).
3 Twain attributed this remark to
Benjamin Disraeli – but a number of scholars believe Twain was lying
about that. No one has
found any other source for attributing the remark to Disraeli.
4 The past tense of
“lead” (“lead” pronounced “led” is a heavy metal).
“ . . . [T]he ability of a person to view more than one
hand during the play . . . .”
This definition suggests that even a player can kibitz.
A kibitzer (it’s a Yiddish word) is a spectator who offers
unsolicited advice. And he or she may
be allowed to watch only one hand. (We can
probably lay some of the blame here on Yahoo!, which also seems not
to know what the word means; but even Yahoo! recognizes that kibitzers can
see only hands that allow being seen.)
6 Cards left over that can be claimed or are otherwise of use are usually
called a “dummy” or a “widow,” not a “kitty.”
But there is not even a dummy or widow in partnership euchre.
7 And the rules section has the deal passing to the right instead of to
the left. Thank God for
“print on demand”:
This can probably be corrected soon, and at not too great a cost.
Maybe that’s why the author moved section 3 of the book to
section 8 in the second printing – so that these remarks would appear
two-thirds of the way through the book, instead of on page 12.
Here’s what a mathematician had to say (my brother, who has a Ph.D.
in mathematics and works in mathematics): | |
“Don’t trust anyone who uses simulation to get answers.
Simulation is very tricky business.
You’re trying to get answers by generating random numbers.
It takes not only thousands of repetitions but also keen statistical insight to reduce
the margin of error to a manageable amount.
(Everyone thinks he can simulate things these days, even engineers.)
“It seems that he produced the table of probabilities of trump holdings in
opponents’ hands via simulation and accepted the answers without question.
All those numbers could have been computed in closed form using elementary probability
theory. Even when you have to get
numbers by simulation, you still have to do a mathematical estimation to check them
“It appears also that the author hasn’t published any confidence intervals
on his simulation data. Any biologist
would be able to give you confidence intervals on his rat lab data, but amateurs
at simulation don’t seem to see that this is required in simulation as well.
Most people think you just run the simulation a few hundred times and then average
the results. But to get confidence
intervals, so you can have some idea if your data is nonsense or not, you have to
collect the runs in batches, collecting variance data from each batch.
It’s a sophisticated statistical process.
“Simulation is for mathematically intractable problems to analyze the actual
play of the game, as opposed to the deal (which is almost always mathematically
tractable). In the play of the game,
each play is statistically dependent on the previous play or plays.
The number of possibilities grows exponentially with each play, so it becomes unsolvable
in closed form. Simulation is then the
only recourse. But simulation design
then becomes of the utmost importance and is only as good as your robots.
“Exponential error might not be an insurmountable problem on the outcome of
the play of a single hand in a game as simple as euchre; but in trying to simulate
the probability of winning the game at a given score, with many hands yet to play,
he’s being way too ambitious.”
[back] | |
10 To be fair, the author presents that as a “KISS rule”
(“Keep it simple, stupid”), which may be meant for novices only
– but, like so many other things in the book, that is not entirely
clear. [back]
top | |
Euchre for Dummies,
by Barry Rigal
Wiley Publishing Inc., Hoboken, N.J., 2004, 22 pp., $5.95
Games for Dummies. Why does he refer
to the card values of the “8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2”?
Why does he tell us we are playing with a 32- card deck, when the deck included with the
pur- chase includes only 24 plus sixes and fours of hearts and clubs for markers
(that makes only 28 even if you count the markers – which, we would like to
point out, are of the wrong suits; see “the Professor’s”
Why does he instruct us to place the talon and the turned card in the middle of the table,
when even dummies know to place it to their left, as in all card
games in which the deal rotates, to signify |
whose deal it is next?
Why does he say the jack of trump is “often” referred to as the “right
bower” (and the jack of the same color, other suit, “often” called the
“left bower”)? Has he never played
And what are these constant references to “bidding” ?
You don’t bid in euchre! You order,
assist, pick up, turn down, pass, or call!
Then there are the actual mistakes. Let’s
put it this way: If this book is the only
instruction you will ever receive on euchre, you will play like a dummy.
top |
Euchre Anyone? Euchre Solitaire,
by Richard Buchko, Calumet, Mich., 2009, 92 pp., $9.99 $8.99
The scary thing about this book is the “Volume One” printed on cover and title page,
in large type. The inside back cover says Volume Two will soon follow (for $10)
and you can sign up for continuing monthly volumes at $30 for six months (with free shipping). I didn’t, and I don’t know (and I have not seen subsequent volumes advertised elsewhere). I was already wondering
how anyone could write 92 pages about one game of solitaire, and now here is a whole
But the book does not really present a game of solitaire as card players normally
understand the term. The only places you will find a game of eu- chre solitaire that can be played with actual cards are still The Columbus Book of Euchre, where it was presented in the first edition, published in 1982, and remains, and on the Card Games web site, where my publication is used with permission.
What Buchko’s Euchre Anyone? Euchre Soli- taire is, is a workbook.
It consists of black and white photographs of 41 euchre hands, with com- | mentary and score cards (in addition to title and advertising pages and a one-page introduction, with a little historical inaccuracy).
Each right-hand page, in the 82 pages of photo- graphs, presents only one of the four hands
dealt to the table in a particular deal (plus the card turned). You are asked what to do with the hand – whether to order, pick, pass, or call.
The next page (the overleaf) shows all four hands in that deal, suggests what you should
have done, recites how the author thinks the hand would have played out, and gives you
or your virtual opponents a score for what you did, which you write down in a table
(“score sheet”) in the back of the book.
If you move from page to page through the whole book, you will have “played”
enough hands this way for several full games (the author says “up to four”).
The commentary, which appears on both presen- tation page and overleaf, not only contains
advice but comes also with discussions of rules, definitions of euchre terms,
statements of mathematical proba- |
bility, and occasional jest (and even with advertise-
ments for the author’s other work in half a dozen instances, most of it not
related to euchre).
No game score is given in any of the scenarios, and good euchre players always want to
know the score when confronted with a hand out of the blue.
But if you follow the author’s lead in taking one hand after another in a simulated
“game,” you’ll be keeping score and know what it is on each hand (and
that may give you an argument with the author on his strategy, on a hand or two, since
he never mentions the score).
The hands and the instruction are basic – the book is not a collection of riddles
or difficult and mysterious hands. I
did not scour the book for mistakes.
Most of the instruction is sound (e.g., “Two terms you hear all
the time in euchre, and should ignore, are ‘never’ and ‘always’”).
But I have a problem with the photographs.
I |
realize that color printing on every page remains prohibitively expensive, even with the “print on demand”
technology provided by the likes of cre-, and authorhouse.- com.
But desktop color laser printing is affordable these days, and highly presentable.
You could print your book at home or in the office; and a book this size can be
“saddle-stitched” at home, like The Co- lumbus Book of Euchre (you don’t
have to send it to a bindery). And it still
can be sold on amazon.- com.
And aside from the black-and-white presentation, the photos simply are not very clear.
In some of the photos it’s even a little hard to read the suits of some of the
cards – and not only because the pictures are blurry and not in color, but also because
the cards are not sorted in the hands depicted in the photos.
It might make sense to show an unsorted hand on the presentation page, where you are
figuring out what to do with a hand just dealt to you; but it makes
The Think System: A Light-Hearted Guide to Serious Double Deck Bid Euchre, by Bob Baiyor and Kevin Easley Baiyor & Easley, 2012, 80 pp., $11.95
You can tell that this book was written by a cou- ple of engineers – from such phrases as “the heuris- tic we’ve developed for counting how many tricks a hand can take” to “the BEAM (Baiyor-Easley Ad- vanced Mindmeld) Convention,” and from the divi- sion of the book into sections numbered and titled “§ 3 Low” and such.
  And who but a couple of engineers would write a whole book about a game that is played by a total of probably only 27 people, all of them in southwest Chimbley County, Indiana?
 Anyway. Whatever. It’s all you ever wanted to know about the strategies of bidding and reading your partner in a game of euchre played with a 48- card deck (with two right bowers, two left bowers, two aces of hearts, and so on), in which trump is made (or not, with both “high no” and “low no” as options) by bidding, not by ordering or calling.
The guys could have used an editor. You’ll find “trial” used as a verb, and a reference on page 1 to a glossary but no mention of where | to find it (not in the table of contents, for sure).
And there’s no section on rules. You have to wade through to the bottom of a long sixth para- graph, on page 7, of a section titled “Indiana Double Deck Bid Euchre Overview,” to learn who wins a trick on which both right bowers are played, or on which two aces of the suit led are played (turns out it’s the first one played).
But who needs an editor? These guys are ex- perts. Just ask them. They present a section of “Statistics” on page 65 (§9.2) claiming to have won two-thirds of the games they have played as partners, with an “average bid” of 7.5, only a 1.4 “average underbid,” a 30 per cent “chance of recovering from an early set” and an average of only 0.33 “non-desperation sets per game.” Not to mention the book’s pretentious title.
 “With 60 years of double deck bid euchre ex- perience between them,” they say in their book description on and on their back cover blurb (where you will learn from one Rob-
| in Thompson, another engineer, that it is “The best damn euchre book I’ve ever read!”), “the authors have a bit of an obsession with the game. The game’s extensive use of strategy, the synergy of partnering and the complexity of the game have made them double deck bid euchre zeal- ots. Shocked and dismayed by the lack of literature on double deck bid euchre, the authors set out to correct this grievous wrong in the world of books on card games.”
  You should buy this book. The photographs of the authors with their enormous cigars are alone worth the price of the book (the one tiny snapshot on Amazon- .com does not do the cigars justice). You can get it on or here.   You know what we think, though, if you’ve read The Columbus Book of Euchre: The only reason to play bid euchre in the first place – whether with two decks, a full deck, or only half a deck – is not having four players to make up a regular game (or having five or more, and wanting to get them all in the same game).  And if you have the time and energy to engage in part- nership “message” bidding, and to hold 12 cards in your hand and play 12 tricks per hand, why not just play bridge? | |
Euchre Explained,
by Nick Buzzy (a “Kindle”), 2010, 52 pp. “(estimated),” $2.99
The most interesting thing in Nick Buzzy's Euchre Explained “Kindle" (I am so happy we do not have to call this a book) is the very first page: Limits of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty
. . . The author and publisher makes [sic] no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy [emphasis added], applica- bility, fitness, or completeness of the con- tents . . . .
Wow! Wish I'd said that in my book! Then maybe I wouldn’t have been sued by that numb- nock in London, Ohio, who called “next” when the opponents had 8 points and got euchred to lose a championship game. Or, what if I were Brian Williams, or the New York Times? I’d be off the hook!
This Kindle is a good enough inroduction to the game although the author’s terminology and history are a little shaky. He has the game going up the Mississippi River instead of downstream, |
and in his glossary he calls the talon (re- mainder of the deck or pack after the deal) the “kitty,” as Fred Benjamin does (and, worse, places it wrong in his graph- ic, to the dealer’s right – it should be on the dealer’s left, to indicate who has the next deal); and he omits one of the.primary definitions of “hand” (a unit of the game, not just the five cards held by one player).
And he makes the common mistake of calling the trump-making process “bid- ding.” You do not bid to make trump in euchre. That is what is unique about eu- chre in games still played. You declare trump by ordering, picking up, or calling. The bid has been already made in rules of the game. All bids are three tricks.
I disagree that “The game is tough to learn.” There are some strange rules, foreign to other card games; but they are few and relatively easy to digest. What is tough is learning to play well. And you use fives for scoring mark-
| ers? Where did this guy grow up? Ohio? Michigan? Pennsylvania?
This publication is a good enough introduction to the game, but
is nothing new in it (besides “Euchre Tells,” which is nothing but pop
psychology). And this publication is overly simplistic – for
example, there is a picture of the top five trump described as a
“good hand.”
some of the instruction is simply wrong – e.g., a subsection headed
“Always take the trick.” This ignores the principles of “second
hand low, third hand high” and getting the lead to your partner as soon
as possible if he made trump.
most egregious error in this publication, however, might be in
“Scoring” (a subection of “How to Play Euchre” – there is no section or
subsection on “Rules”), which says that opponents euchring a
loner score 4 points. Almost no one plays this way
(Pennsylvania? Louisiana?). Some people play that one of the opponents can elect to defend alone
aganst a loner and score 4 for a euchre, but not many. Some (but
even fewer) play that an opponent can elect to “defend alone” on any
hand, for 4 points for a euchre. But, an automatic 4 for euchring a loner? I don't think so. Maybe this guy is from Arkansas.
chapter titled “Statistics” gives you largely useless mathematics such
as “What are the odds [the author’s word – he meant “probability,”
which was the form of his answer] you are dealt the same hand twice in
a row?” and “What are the odds you have the following number of cards
in your hand matching the suit of the upcard?” (he meant “turned card,”
of course; there is no such word as “upcard”). I have not checked
his math because it is inconsequential; I’ll merely suggest that it is
probably better than his grammar.
publication will be helpful to anyone who has never played euchre, and
to most beginners. But it is one “thin Kindle.”top | |
Euchre for Beginners: The Very Basics (Euchre the Game) and
Euchre for the Average
Player: Go Hard or Go Home (Euchre the Game Book 1),
by “COBER101” (“Kindles”), 2016, 12 and 13 pp. (“estimated”), $2.99 and $3.99, respectively
have to wonder, just from the covers: Two perfect poker hands, in full
color – a straight flush in hearts for
the Beginners, an aces-over-kings full house for the Average Player
(with nary a jack nor a Benny).
would be thin books if they were books, but they’re not: They’re “Kindles,” the first with 198 “locations,”
equivalent to about 12 to 17 pages; the second with 214 “locations,” about 13
to 18 pages.
who is this author, “COBER101”? God
only knows (bet doesn’t).
well. Beginners has
“Variations,” “Scoring,” “Basic Tactics,” “Going Alone,” “Team Tactics,” and
“Terminology.” Let’s go there
first: It’s got some terms I’ve never heard of, e.g.: “Cross trump,” defined as “When a player plays a trump on an
off suit”: Most people call this just “trump” (or “cut”). “Shout,” defined as “an opportunity to
decide trumps and/or go alone – there are a maximum
| of
2 shouts in every hand.” (Never heard of this – maybe it’s a term they use in Wis- consin. But if I’m reading the
definition correctly, I’d say there are a maximum of 8 “shouts” in every hand
of a 4-player partner- ship game. Maybe
he means a max for each player.)
And, “sleeping cards,” defined as “the cards that are not involved with
a hand.” (Never heard of them – maybe another Wis- consinism, or a Minnesotism – or
maybe the author got confused hearing about “sleeping cars” while playing
railroad euchre. Most people call these
the “talon,” or the “deck,” or the “pack.”)
The grammar and syntax are just horrible. “Leading” is defined as a person; “trick” as “when
all the players play a card.” Nor does
the author seem aware that the plural of “trump” is “trump” (“trumps,” he says, as a noun, not just as a verb).
rest of the book is pretty standard stuff, if ungrammatical. “Variations” of the game
| include two-handed
euchre, three-handed euchre, four-handed euchre and six-handed euchre (well,
yeah, that’s possible; but there are better things to do with six players –
e.g., make the odd couple sit out and take on the winners).
section called “The Cards” is pretty standard if you consid- er the “Benny”
standard (most people don’t, these days, certainly not in the United States –
aha! Now we know! The author is a Brit! He writes “colours” for “colors”).
sum, the content of the Beginners book is about what you will find in a
standard “Hoyle.” Get you a Hoyle
instead – it’s only a little pricier, and you will get bridge, poker, and rummy with it (plus canasta, and dirty 8, and spades, and . . . ). There is some instruction in this book, but
nothing you won’t hear from your companions as you learn the game or find in
other books on euchre.
now, Euchre for the Average Player.
How can it be “Eu- chre the Game Book 1” (subtitle) when it follows
“Euchre the Book” (subtitle of Euchre for Beginners)? Maybe we need the mathematical analysis of Eric
Zalas to answer this.
new here, unless this item of brilliance: “You can't get euchred” if you
have “five trumps.”
terminolgy: “Double” for “doubleton.” Dumber
strat- egy: Discard your singleton ace
(it's no good if it's trumped). Misspelled: “Dependant” (you can’t chalk this
up as another Britishism because the usage here is adjectival – even the Brits
spell it “dependent” as an adjective). Misunderstood (not to mention passé):
"Whilst" (for "while").
hope you enjoyed the book,” the author concludes. But it’s not a book.
Never mind. We breathlessly
await Euchre for the Advanced (Book 2? Book 3? Book . . . ).top | |
Power Euchre, by Eric Zalas, “MBA” [funny way to spell “mathematician”] (a “Kindle”), April 27, 2016, 181 “pp.” (estimated), $9.99 We’ve
seen this before: First there was Thomas Gallagher's Gorenesque point sys- tem for evaluating a euchre hand (Winning at Euchre, 1991); then Perry Romanowski’s, on a blog somewhere; then
the “Mahaffey Scoring system,” and now Eric MBA’s Z- Score system – the best
yet, he says.
for all that, Mr. Zalas insists, over and over, that, while his book “is the first
com- prehensive attempt to unlock the secrets of the quantitative fundamentals
that define suc- cess and failure in the offensive aspects of euchre,” his book
“is not focused on teaching the reader how to play euchre” (or as he tells us later, about a third of the way in, “Unlike other euchre books, the
author will conscien- tiously make the effort to avoid telling you how to play or
what strategies to use”).
fact this book is a lot more about Eric Zalas and his intellectual and analytic
gifts (“I have been blessed in life with a strong IQ. . . . My top two talents
happen to be an- | alysis and creativity”), and his skill at play- ing poker, than it
is about euchre. In the ear- ly pages,
about 160 “locations” (a “Kindle” term; about 14 pages) are devoted
to the au- thor’s adventures and studies playing poker, and about 15 “locations” (about 2 pages) to changing
strategies in baseball. And mathe- matics.
for math, he says the understanding that 1 + 1 = 2 is not a matter of
definition, or of observation or convention, but a proposition that requires
proof, and that the proof is well over 300 pages long and wasn't conclusive
un- til the 20th century (he cites Bertrand Russell, who was known better as a
philosopher than a mathematician).
guy may be a very good euchre player, and he appears to know the math; but, as said, he has disavowed the role of instructor. And if he is going to continue his role as an author, he would do well
to engage a copy editor. He seems to
think that some nouns require apostro- |
phe-s (’s) for plurals, not just an “s” – e.g., the plural
“learning’s” appears throughout the “book” (Kindle), and we see also “god’s” for “gods”; he forgets the past participle for adjectival use (“many experience
euchre players,” when he means “experienced”); he uses verbs for prepositions
(“the player is seat #1 is dealt the following hand . . . ”); he omits
prepositions (“the dealer turns down the 9 hearts”); he uses “lay” for “lie”;
he confuses numbers (“results . . . is,” “data . . . represents,” in
consecutive paragraphs, along with a “learning’s,” “data . . .
There are some “Kindle”
problems, too: The “search” box does
not work, and the footnotes are not linked (you have to go to “Sources and Notes” near the back of the book to read foot- notes – that’s OK with a real
book, where flip- ping is easy, but it’s an annoyance in a “Kin- dle”).
Mr. Zalas' “Z-Score System” is not all that clear. He wants you to assign a value of
| 2 to “all other trump” in your
hand. Does this mean all other trump collectively
(be- sides bowers, which get 3 apiece), or 2 points for each additional
trump card? Speaking of analysis. . . .
for some passing references, we finally get down to euchre (“Chapter 1”) at
“location” 557, some 27 per cent of the way into the book. Then he proceeds to computer analyses of
principles for making trump, or- dering up, going alone, discarding, leading to partner, leading to and through opponents, and what to play. At this point the book becomes less
reminiscent of Thomas Gallagher's than of Fred Benjamin’s Euchre Strategies
(2007). We are told of more than
350,000 hands play- ed by the author by computer simulation, “con- sisting of more
than 12 million distinct bits of information,” with tables and commentary. There’s proof by repetition of simulation
that it’s not always a good idea to make trump, and that a 9 of trump is a more
powerful card than an outside ace.
Surprise! |
are treated to “decision tree analyses techniques” and the “robust
methodologies” the author used in his “professional stra- tegic marketing and
quantitative project work at major corpora- tions like British Petroleum Company,
AT&T, GE Healthcare, Honeywell, and Roche Diagnostics.” “Methodology,” “metho- dologies”: Those are “wonk” words. Real writers, real people, speak of “method”
and “methods.”
is a little euchre in the introduction to the book. The au- thor presents a hand of the four
lowest spades (king, queen, 10 and 9) and the ace of diamonds, in the age's
hand when the deal- er has turned down the 9 of hearts. A computer proves that it is a positive experience to call spades
trump, and that it is much riskier to do so if the diamond is the king and not
the ace (but still positive). An
experienced euchre player does not need this advice from a computer, nor does
even an intelligent player with little experience. We know that if both bowers and ace of trump are in an opponent’s hand, we are dead.
But that is highly unlike- ly (we don’t need the exact math); and
if the bowers and ace all are in someone else’s hand, there is one
chance in three it is your partner’s hand.
are a couple of examples of data we are treated to in Pow- er Euchre:
author goes on to describe “archetypes” of the “Agrressive Player,” the
“Ultra-Aggressive Player,” the “Solid Player” (and the “Power Player,” of
course). Which are you? If you can’t fig- ure it out by the charts,
maybe you can figure out whether you are a “Good Player” by how often you win.
caveat: This book is subtitled Volume
I. . . . Oops! Volume II came out (July 25, 2016) just before I published this! And, oops! Volume III is now out (December 31). And Volume IV is on the way. . . .
Subtitles: Volume I: Defining Euchre Player Archetypes Based on Modeling and Expected Outcomes Theory Volume II: Rethinking the Ten Commandments of Euchre Based on Statistical Modeling and Expected Outcomes Theory Volume III: Psychology and Decision Making in Euchre Volume IV: The Seventy Per Cent Barrier: Estimating the Theoretical Maximum Win Rate at Euchre Using Monte Carlo Simulation
| |
The Law and Practice of the Game of Euchre,
“by a Professor”

T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, 1862, 134 pp. (out of print).
If I had known how many good books had been written on euchre in the late 19th century,
and if they had still been in print, I might never have written The Columbus Book of
Euchre – there would have been no great need of it.
I have recently, with the help of a collector of an- tique books, been privileged to see
three of these old euchre books; and they all contain excellent in- struction, even
for today’s game. The only signifi-
cant differences between the game today and the game as it was are that they played
to only five points in the old days, with a pack of 32 cards (as “Hoyle”
manuals specify even to this day).
But the principles of good play are not significantly different.
There were some options in the old days that we no longer recognize – such as
“lapping” (carrying excess points from one game to the next), “jam-
bone” (a super loner laid face up on the table, al- lowing an opponent to call
the play, and scoring eight points, not four, on a march), and “jamboree” |
(a perfect two-bower ace-king-queen of trump hand, worth 16 points)
– but even then those options were rarely played.
More striking are the parallels and the similarities. Calling “next”
in first chair was recommended even then (that was called “Dutching” in the
19th century, but the term “next” also was in vogue),
as were “or- dering at the bridge,” “donation” (but not so called),
“crossing” (calling a suit of the color opposite of that turned down, in second chair), “sucking in”
(but not so called – that is, “bagging” a good hand at the deal to
induce your left hand opponent to call “next”), promoting a face card with
a lower lead from the same suit, playing second hand low and third hand high, leading
trump on offense but not on defense, and defending alone (for a four-point euchre).
Some of the early writers even recommended – as I do – calling “next”
in first chair with none of it in your hand on occasion.
This is a ploy only recently named the “full Eddy” (after Edmond Hoyle).
Equally striking, in the ancient literature, is the omis- |
sion of some of the
colloquial rules we see today – like that dumb Michigan rule requiring a player to
have a trump before he makes it, that not-so-dumb Canadian rule requiring the dealer’s
partner to go alone if he orders up, and that silly and unsophisti- cated option
called “stick the dealer.”
There is no ancient history of such.
The earliest euchre book I have had the privilege of reading is The Law and Practice
of the Game of Euchre, which says, on the title page, that it is “by a
Professor.” The title on the cover is
Euchre and Its Laws. There is a
later edition (1877), with ten additional pages, titled The Laws [sic;
plural, now] and Practice of the Game of Euchre to Which is Added the Rules for
Playing Draw Poker.
The “Professor,” we are almost sure, was one Charles Henry Wharton Meehan,
head of the law library of the Library of Congresss and son of the Librarian of Congress,
John Silva Meehan, who |
was an appointee and devotee of Andrew Jackson.
Charles Meehan died in 1872, five years before publication of the second edition of the
“Professor’s” book. We are
guessing that his publisher or family or executor merely carried on.
As well they should have. The Professor’s
writing was superb. Here are some samples:
“In playing the game on the Mississippi River, if the player who plays alone is euchred,
the steamer is stopped at the first landing and the unlucky player is put ashore.
In the State of Arkansas he is carried out to be hung to the first adjacent tree, without
benefit of clergy.”
“So if your hand . . . should happen to be as red as the saints’ days in a
Romish calendar, or as black as the concentrated essence of midnight, when the
opposite colors are trumps, pursue the even tenor of your play, with placid demeanor –
with columbine |
innocence and
serpentine wisdom – and publish it not with impatient demonstrations, or vituperative
expressions against ill luck.” That is,
don’t com- plain about your cards.
“It may hap, once in while, that you will find your- self associated with a partner
who is a novice in the philosophy and mysteries of our noble game; and when you begin
to perceive that he is one of those unfortunate individuals of neglected erudition, whose
intense ignorance of the play is disheartening – dis- playing the most marvelous
ingenuity in preventing you from winning, and a cruelly tantalizing facility in
helping your opponents to defeat you – smile, if you can.
We always do. Illuc Ionicus.”
That is, don’t complain about your partner, either!
The “Professor” was fond of quoting from Latin and French, and Shakespeare
and Pope; and that might throw off a number of today’s readers.
And I take it back: The Columbus Book
of |
Euchre did need to be written – but not for avoid-
ance of Latin, or French, or Shakespeare or Pope.
It needed to be written because it was the first book ever written on euchre,
including numerous manuals of “Hoyle,”
that recognized that real people play euchre to ten points with a deck of 24 cards.
That is not to disparage the “Professor” one whit:
He wrote of the game as it was played in his time, and he did it well.
The “Professor’s” research satisfied him that the French had virtually
nothing to do with the origin of euchre, and that it was a German game (although he
was puzzled about the origin of the word “euchre” – which was not
adequately explained until 1990 and the publication of David Parlett’s Oxford
Guide to Card Games, in which euchre was traced to the early 19th century game of
Jucker in the Germanic region Alsace).
Some of the later euchre writers of the 19th century, including John Keller and the
anon- ymous author of Euchre: How to Play It, were |
seduced by notions of French origins; but recent research has shown them to have been
mistaken, and the “Professor” to have been right.
Incidentally, the “Professor” explained why diamonds and spades, not hearts and
clubs, are the suits traditionally selected for “markers” (deu- ces and
trays, in the old days, for a five-point game – and the “Professor” called them
“counters”, not “markers”):
“Because the pips of those two suits, being more sharp, are easily discerned.”
It is interesting to note also that none of the 19th century writers of euchre texts ever
referred to Hoyle, except in speaking of whist.
Hoyle never played euchre.
An earlier book – Hoyle’s Games, published in Philadelphia in 1845
by Henry F. Anners (the au- |
thor was unidentified, unless it was the same as the publisher) –
contained four pages on euchre, which was identified as “a German game.”
Five pages of printed instructions on euchre are found also in a book published by
Isaac M. Moss in 1844, a year earlier, also in Philadelphia, A Whist
Player’s Hand Book, by Thomas Mathews.
The game described in those books was very much like the game we know today but for
the usual archaisms, such as playing to five points, with 32 cards.
Dealing in twos and threes was the way even way back then, and “ordering at the bridge”
was one of the ploys described. Going alone was
called “cards away,” as it was alternately in the “Professor’s”
and other books of the 19th century; but the principle was the same as now.
top |
Rules of the Game of Euchre: As Established by the Leading Euchre Players of the United States,
by Sinclair Jerome, pub. John Polhemus, New York, 1877, 16 pp., 15 cents,
republished 2012 by
Forgotten Books, London, $8.55
This is a poorly written, barely intelligible book of "Just the rules, Ma'am," written and published when the rules called for a 32-card deck and a 5- point game, but it is perhaps only the third book ever published exclusively about euchre and is of historical interest for that fact alone.
Just one example of the sorry prose: Section 4, |
“Cutting for Partners, Etc.", begins with what to do if two players cut the same pip lower than the high- est (they cut again, and the higher cutter then part- ners with the player who cut highest to begin with – apparently you are supposed to know already that the two with the highest cards team up).
Euchre: How to Play It
Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh; London and Canberra, ca. 1886, 124 pp.,
“Price One Shilling” (but now out of print; it cost me 38 pounds in 2006)
Not only is the author of this book not identified, but also the copyright page is undated.
One of the introductory pages bears a dedication, “To E. J. E.,
in Remembrance of ‘a Lone Hand,’ in London, 1886”; and that could be an
indication of the date of publication.
This book copies liberally from the “Professor’s”
book, and maybe that’s why the author’s name is not revealed.
The 29-page chapter “Hints to Tyros” is lifted virtually verbatim, without a
hint of a credit to the “Professor.” Either
it is blatant plagiarism, or it is a case of the “Professor’s” executors, heirs
or publishers themselves extending their prior publica- tion to the British Empire.
But the author takes issue with some of the “Pro- fessor’s” pronouncements:
For example, the “Pro- fessor” had suggested that the opponents should get
four points for euchring a lone hand; and the author of this book points out the folly
of such a proposition. |
And there is new material in this book: For
one thing, it introduces us to “railroad euchre,” which may be the first
euchre game played to ten points (but it was played with a 33-card pack, including a
joker as “best bower”), and to “French euchre” (a mis- nomer) and
“Napoleon,” both played with a 24- card pack.
And this book gives us our first glimpse of stealing the deal, in its presentation
of the rules: “If a deal is made
out of turn, it is good, provided it be not dis- covered before the dealer has discarded,
and the eldest hand has led.”
This book has a tedious eight-page description of “progressive” (tournament)
euchre; but that is offset with a delightful little euchre story, about a
priggish parson who is seduced by a comely widow with a card game.
Other features are a 91-entry “Diction- ary of Technical Terms” (exceeding the
“Profes- sor’s” by a dozen) and a comprehensive index. top |
The Game of Euchre,
by John W. Keller
Frederick A. Stokes, New York, 1887, 82 pp., out of print
J. Todd Martin – a reader and avid player in London, Ohio – found on E-Bay
a copy of John W. Keller's The Game of Euchre, published by Frederick
A. Stokes of New York in 1887. Todd
bought it, and he was kind enough to share it with me.
Thus began our quest for ancient euchre books.
How much Todd paid for this rare book is confi- dential, but I think I am at liberty
to say that it cost him more than The Columbus Book of Euchre, Joseph D.
Andrews’ The Complete Win at Eu- chre and John Ellis’ Euchre:
The Grandpa Lou Way combined.
Joe Andrews would not call Keller’s work a “book,” I’m afraid:
It’s only 82 pages long, with 78 pages of text.
Compare that to The Columbus Book of Euchre with 90 pages (75 of text, also not
a “book”) and Joe’s book with 171 pages (151 of text).
And Keller’s work contains only 28 lines to the page, compared to 30 in Joe’s
and 38 in The Columbus Book of Euchre.
By conversion to Kellerian for common denomination, we get Kel- |
ler, 78; Bumppo, 102 (now I have a book!), and Andrews, 162.
The “Professor’s” 1862 book is less dense yet typographically, with 24 lines
to the page and nar- rower columns; and the anonymous Euchre: How to Play It,
even less dense, with 22 lines and yet narrower columns.
So reckoning by page numbers is not a true comparison of relative “thickness.”
Counting text pages only and adjusting for typo- graphical density, we find the
“Professor’s” book containing only 93 pages on the “Kellerian”
scale, and the anonymous contemporary of Keller’s book, only 88.
How is it, then, that Keller and Bumppo found the space to lay out rules for two-handed
euchre, and Joe and others did not? (I received
an e-mail once asking what the rules are for two-handed eu- chre.
I suggested that the writer might like to pur- chase my book.
Then I felt bad. Perhaps he had spent
all his disposable earnings on Joe’s book, and was disheartened.) |
anonymous contemporary (the author of Euchre: How to Play It)
did reduce the deck to 24 cards, the deck most people play with today.
But you played to 15 and made trump by bidding, not by ordering, picking up or
“Napoleon,” better known as “Nap,” has some similarities to
euchre; but it’s a separate game.
And it’s British, not French.
David Parlett, in The Ox- ford Guide to Card Games, notes that Nap was
“widely recorded in European gamebooks as a sim- plification of Euchre –
though ‘an elaboration of Rams’ would be more like it. . . . ”
(rams is yet another game, possibly of German origin).
Nap, Parlett says, “evidently commemorates Na- poleon III, who retired to Britain
after losing the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, and has since been described as
‘the nearest thing Europe ever pro- duced to a river boat gambler,’ ”
quoting another author, Edmond Taylor. |
“Napoleon has long enjoyed particular social status as Britain’s national five-card game,” Parlett adds.
The Napoleon described by Keller seems to be more a euchristic variation of Nap
than a Napoleonic variation of euchre.
I’m stickin’ with Foster: The
French, like Joe Andrews, know nothing about eu- chre, in any form.
Have you ever run into a Frenchman playing euchre on Yahoo?
I haven’t. I’ve encountered a
lot of Can- adians, Brits, Aussies and New Zealanders, and even Italians, Swedes and
Poles, but never a Frenchman. Never even a Quebecois.
There are some intriguing differences between the basic euchre the 19th century authors
describe and the euchre we know today (besides the 32-card deck and the five-point game):
For one thing, you could go alone on your partner’s |
prior call.
For example, if the first or second play- er ordered or assisted or named trump, his partner
could take the ball and run with it. That sure
elimi- nated those “Damn, p, I had a loner!” cavils.
(Vice versa was not allowed: The dealer’s
partner could not go alone on the dealer’s call, nor the first player on third’s.)
For another, they reported plays called “jambone” and “jamboree.”
A “jambone” was a strong lone hand that the holder laid down on the table
face up. His left-hand opponent could dictate the lead or the loner’s
play on the lead. Thus one did not want to
“jambone” with a marginal loner.
But if you took all five tricks with a “jambone,” you got eight points,
not just four.
What could you do with eight points in a five-point game?
Well, that’s where “lapping” came in.
You could “lap” excess points from one game to the next.
(Not everyone played these options; and, obviously, they fell by the wayside.) |
A “jamboree” was a “perfect” hand:
Both bowers and ace, king and queen of trump.
It was worth 16 points.
Keller described also a game called “set-back eu- chre” – which he
called the “least popular variation” – that is very similar to the
bid euchre of today in which everyone begins with 15 points and plays to zero (in
those days they began with 5).
One more thing: The “progressive”
euchre de- scribed by Keller and his anonymous contemporary was not the same
thing as the “8 by 8” formula pro- moted by Grand Prix Cowboy Joe, in which 64
players play eight rounds of eight hands each, all players moving on to other tables
after eight hands regardless of whether anyone has reached a score of ten.
In the old version (still played today) there was a “head table” that dictated
length of play by how long it took that table to finish a game.
At the other tables, the winners were whoever were ahead when the head table
finished (ties were broken by |
Écarté and Euchre,
by “Berkeley”
George Bell & Sons, London, 1890, 79 pp., one shilling, out of print
This pocket book contains, first, 32 (Kellerian) pages on the two-handed French card game
écarté and then, in a second section, 43 (Kellerian) pages on euchre.
The pseudonymous author makes an argument, in the one-page preface of the section on euchre,
that it “may be fairly described as an Americanized species of Écarté;
in fact, the name is said to be a corruption of that French word.
According to some accounts it was first played by the French settlers in Louisiana . . . .”
Later scholarship has disproved such notions.
We now know that euchre in its origin was a German game carried to America by
the Pennsylvania Dutch, from Alsace, not from the heart of France.
“Berkeley’s” book is probably largely responsible for the mistaken
notion that the French carried the game of euchre to Pennsylvania up the Mississippi
and Ohio rivers from New Orleans rather than its flowing down the rivers
from Pennsylvania, which was much more likely the case. |
Be that as it may, the author continues, “Although similar in many respects to
Écarté, the system of the game [of euchre] is far more elaborate” and
“in its phraseology and its method of play is peculiarly A- merican.
Boldness, self-reliance and cuteness are some of the requisites of a good euchre player.”
He’s right about that – except for the phraseology, much of which has German
roots: “bower” from
“Bauer,” “march” from
“Marsch,” and “euchre”
and “joker” from “Jucker.”
Some of the similarities between écarté and euchre were, indeed, striking:
The 32-card deck (omitting deuces through sixes), dealing five-card hands in twos and
threes, and making trump by turning a card rather than by bidding.
But a number of European card games of the period used that 32- card deck:
Piquet is one that survives (hardly any- one plays écarté any more).
And écarté was strictly a two-handed game – and one in which jacks were
not boss. |
Aside from the historical error, the book contains some solid instruction.
But a drawback is that more than half the euchre section of the book is devoted to a
description of, and instruction on, two-handed eu- chre, which no one plays today if
there are three or more players available; and another six pages are de- voted to a
form of three-handed euchre that hardly anyone plays any more even when four players are
not available.
Much of the two- and three-handed instruction is valid, in principle, for the four-handed
version; but the ultimate failure of the book, insofar as it might other- wise be valuable
to a student or player of today’s game, is that it concentrates highly on mathematical
probabilities. The book even contains half a
dozen probability tables regarding the values of certain hold- ings.
There’s nothing wrong with that in concept – a number of players crave
arithmetical odds. The prob- |
lem is, the probabilities stated are, in the main, obso- lete.
Probabilities applying to a five-point game are different from those applying to a ten-point
game (today’s norm); probabilities applying to a game played with a 32-card deck
are different from those applying with a 24-card deck (today’s norm), and
probabilities applying to a two-handed game played to five with a 32-card deck are greatly different
from those applying to a four-handed game played to ten with a 24-card deck.
The text is interspersed with numerous graphic ex- amples of possible five-card holdings,
and instruction as to what to do with them if they should happen to be dealt to you,
with a certain trump turned, and at certain scores.
But almost all that instruction is couched in those archaic probabilities.
Unfortunately what may have been a valuable book in its own day is now of largely historical
interest only.
top |
Euchre – and How to Play It
United States Playing Card Company, Cincinnati, 1897, 1903, 34 pp.
Despite the similar title to the British publication of about 1886, and somewhat similar
contents, this is not quite the same book – although it appears to have copied
the pattern of that earlier book.
It’s tiny – “pocket-sized,” they say; and it really will slide into
a vest pocket, or even a shirt pocket if you don’t mind the top sticking out about
an inch – 5¼ inches tall by 2¾ inches wide.
It contains no history of the game.
But it’s crammed full of description and rules of euchre – which means the
print is tiny, and a little hard to read.
And scanning it, one might be amazed how little the game has changed over the last
century. The backings displayed from a Bicycle deck are the same we know today,
and so is the trademark ace of spades.
“The game is five points,” it is written; but also, “Or, if agreed upon
by the players, ten points.” The
game is said to be played with 32 cards (33 if a jo- ker is added):
But it is mentioned also, “Another |
point to which little attention has been called is that the American
players almost universally discard the sevens, and many of them the eights, from
the pack . . . .” So, the
24-card deck was on its way.
Rules are given for two-handed, three-handed and four-handed euchre.
The three-handed game is not the “buck” or bid euchre that many of us are
familiar with, but a regular game of euchre in which the maker always goes alone and
the other two players team up against him (and the maker gets three points for a march,
not two or four).
There is a “five-handed euchre” described, howev- er, that is a bit like bid or
“buck” euchre, with points off for tricks taken until the winner goes out at
zero; but there is no bidding in it to name trump.
Trump is made by the turn of a card from the stock; and there is no ordering, assisting,
picking up, calling, or argu- ment. What
is turned is trump, and that’s it. This
game is about the same as the “set-back euchre” de- scribed in the British book
of similar title. |
There is also a “six-handed euchre” described, played by two teams of three
partners each, to 25 points, in which trump is made by bidding – that is, each
player bids how many tricks his team will make if allowed to call trump, and the high
bider gets the privilege of naming trump.
Then there’s an “auction euchre,” for four players, with partnerships,
in which trump is made by bidding.
There’s “blind euchre,” for three, four or five people, which involves
trading two cards of one’s hand for a two-card blind dealt to the table.
There’s also “railroad euchre,” found also in the earlier British book.
Railroad euchre was almost always played to ten points, it was usually played with a joker
as “best bower,” and it usually featured “lapping” – allowing a
winning team to carry excess points over to the next game.
It also allowed a player going alone to call for his partner’s best card and discard
one of his own in exchange, and allowed an opponent to do the same with his
partner and defend alone for a 4-point euchre. |
Options of “lapping,” “jambone” and “jamboree” are offered
for application in almost all the games. These options have been described in
reviews of oth- er old books – see, for example, my review of John W.
Keller’s The Game of Euchre.
(The book under review and the British book of nearly the same title be- fore it speak
also of a “slam,” which is nothing more than what we would call a
“skunk” today.)
The rules set out for the four-handed game in this book are substantially those we know
today (inclu- ding the rules for going alone, and an allowance of stealing the deal).
The rules and description of four-handed euchre comprise 5½ pages, which is a plenty.
Two-handed and three-handed euchre take a page apiece.
There's a four-page chapter on “progressive euchre,” which is a tournament
formula for 12 or more players, and not the same thing as the “8 by 8 progressive”
format found in some present tournaments (in which 64 players play eight rounds
of eight hands each, all players moving on |
to other tables after eight hands regardless of whether anyone has reached a score of ten
points, and in which the winners are determined by points scored, not by games won).
All the foregoing takes 20½ pages of this 34-page book, which finishes with 13½
pages of “Hints,” or strategy.
The strategy chapter in the British book of similar title was “Hints to Tyros,”
and they were nearly verbatim the same as the “Hints to Tyros” in the
“Professor’s” 1862 book The Law and Practice of
the Game of Euchre. The “Hints”
in this book are not the same thing; but they’re pretty standard stuff, including
“next” and “ordering at the bridge.”
There is no new thing under the euchre sun.
There are no sample hands displayed or discussed in this book.
The “Hints,” although standard, are rigorously presented and excellent,
and as good today as they were a hundred years ago.
This is as good a compact euchre book as I have seen, and all one would ever need.
Too bad it’s out of print.
top | |
produced by Vicki Kelchner
Discover Images Inc., Fort Wayne, 1996, 30-minute videotape, $19.95 $6.99
Discover Euchre is a very well produced videotape of very
basic instruction on how to play euchre.
It is very colorful, and very clean (even the players’
fingernails are very clean. And the players
themselves – two young men and two young women – are
pretty, and clean.
There are no crumpled paper cups or beer stains on the carpet –
not even any drinks or ashtrays on the table).
Other than that, not much to say:
A little humor, no esoterica.
There are a couple of mistakes:
Jeff should have gone alone at 18:00 (but Pam should
have picked up so he couldn’t have).
And Mike explains, at 23:00, that the lead is to
the lone hand instead of from the lone hand (which
otherwise would have had the lead) |
because allowing the loner to lead would give her
“an unfair advantage.”
That is Hoyle (in some versions), but it’s not the
reason (and it’s not the way they play in Southern
Indiana). Being led to is, arguably, as big an
advantage as leading.
If you want to cripple the loner, put him in the middle so that he
is led through. The way they play in Columbus, the
lead falls with the position:
It’s simply easier to make a loner from some positions than
from others.
And Mike tells us that the penalty for re- neging is a 2-point
subtraction from your score.
That’s not even Hoyle; almost every- where they add
the penalty to the other team’s score.
Ah, those northern Hoosiers!
Maybe they’re just too close to Michigan! |
The Columbus Book of Euchre,
by Natty Bumppo
Borf Books, Brownsville, Ky., 1982, 1999, Second Edition 90 pp., $12.98
Still the best – and the only one that
tells you how to play euchre solitaire.
The Columbus Book of Euchre
New Appendix
book list
Andrews Baiyor & Easley Benjamin Buchko
Buzzy "COBER101"
Gallagher Kelchner Keller Martin Rigal
Wergin Zalas
hamburgers sold!”