Maiden Voyage

Star date 51904.1 - Leaving the Utopia Planicia Fleet Yards on Mars for Deep Space Nine to assemble with the Ninth Fleet, the USS Highlander is attacked by Jem Hedar Fighters almost crippling the starship. Upon arrival at DS 9, the remainder of the crew come board and every effort is made to get the ship operational before the Fleet leaves. True to Starfleet Tradition, the Highlander is 90% battle ready when the Fleet leaves to retake the planet of Betazed from Dominion occupation.

As Part of the fleet, the USS Highlander arrives in system, to discover the Dominion's missile platforms guarding the Planet are operation ahead of schedule. Burdened with the task of removing their power plant, the Highlander warps under cover of their cloak to the northern pole, while the Chief Engineer and XO implement a theory to increase the power of the Highlander's Phaser Banks

The away team, under Commander Crusher, beams down to the Power generator on the planet, controlling the missile platforms, while the Highlander sits waiting under cloak. After a short battle, the destruction of the Generator, creates an EM shockwave emanating from the surface. Using the wave to their advantage, the fleet engages the enemy, in hit and run tactics, while the wave closes down on the unsuspecting. At the last possible moment the Fleet breaks off and warps out at maximum speed, leaving the Jem Hedar and Cardassian warships to be crushed in the wake. With the Planet, now once again under Federation control, The Highlander returns to DS 9 for a debrief and running repairs.

Be sure to catch the next exciting episode of the
USS Highlander NCC 11895 .

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