the Albums
Here is where u can find everything
in Ultra's albums
U can checkout all the lyrics of
Ultra's song
Every Ultra's tape contains
11 songs
(I'm not sure whether it is same
or not in US or UK )
All songs are
A :
1. Say You Do
2. Say It Once
3. The Right Time
4. Blind To The Groove
5. Rescue Me
6. Human After All
B :
1. B.A.S.I.C.
2. Shattered Dreams
3. Afterlife
4. Up And Over
5. New Dimension .
- Way to go
- No Place Like Home
If U want to listen to some songs in this albums
Here is a link to an official web where u can find the real audio there
Above are all songs of ULTRA in this
If you are in UK or US or
and you found that the ultra's
album there
is not same with this
PLEASE don't forget to tell me
Thanx you very , very much :)
Bye Bye - KOB KUN KA
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from Warner Music Thailand .