


Welcome to this page

The stuffs you can find in this page are about

the fresh news about your fav band

You can find the news and updated - how are their tours?

What mags that Ultra in ? - the TV shows ?

and so on - You can check it right here .




What they said about Ultra ?

In this page - you can check what mags & newspaper said about these four young lads . I will updated this page as often as I can Come on and check it urself !!





Here is the interview !!

Hey - wanna read their words ? Here are some interviews of them . I read it all myself and choose just the interviews with the different interesting questions .




HEY - read here


I went to the official website and found these stuffs . Ultra will be in next issues of Smash hits , Top Of The Pops , Sugar , Mizz and TV Hits . And this is the TV program that Ultra will be shown on September !!

I think most of the TV program as u see are broadcasted in English only . There 's just MTV select that Asian fans can watch . However , i will check it and tell u again :)




Will U miss the big chance to meet ULTRA?!

The latest new from Warner Music Thailand is about the dinner with four ultra lads - Yeah in London ,England. It's a best chance for u to meet ur fav bands in person .....and have a dinner with them . Is there anything more u expect??

However ,u must join the game of Warner and if u r the winner - Your dream will come true . Anyway , the game is still not sure about time ,date and what to play .

So keep on checking at this page - i will tell u all informations about this stuff as soon as i know , HE HE . MAy be the lucky is me !! who knows!?!

* i'm not sure whether u can join this best-chance-game if u r not in Thailand . Check it yourself at Warner Music Thailand ,then. *



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authorized from Warner Music Thailand .