You are invited to "help out" with this
page. I'm not certain of exact dates, etc., so you can help me to add details
and correct mistakes . Okay?
Anyone who remembers Jal in the '50s and '60s remembers the Lewis Drug...Ikey's.
The store was moved to its corner location sometime in the very early '50s.
I was very small, but I remember being there for the grand
opening. Free ice cream was given out; it was a new brand called "Borden's"
and all the logos were imprinted with a cartoon cow named "Elsie."
Anyway, the new store
was state-of-the-art; big, attractive, and air-conditioned . The pharmacy
was at the back, on the east end.
The soda fountain was also at the back, along the south wall. It had several
(?) cushioned stools for
us kids to spin on, and there were several (?) comfortably padded booths
(also along the south wall) which reached to the cashier's counter next
to the south door.
other entrance was on the west end, and I suppose it was actually the main
entrance, as it faced
Main Street.
Later on, I'll be able to place a few old
snapshots here for your enjoyment. In the
meantime, email me your own special
memories of "Ikey's" and I'll place them on the
Thanks to Rudell Artherholt,
(Mike and Susan's mom) and with permission from Ikey Lewis, himself,
here are the recipes for:
You'll have to fix it
yourself, but just think...after all these years you can have a scrumptious
BBQ beef sandwich, and you can introduce your grandkids to a real, authentic,
straight-from-the-fifties Chili Deal.
Is this fantastic, or what?
Again, please help with
the construction of this page by sharing
your memories, and let us know how the
chili and barbeque turn out, okay?
(p.s. Ikey Lewis and his wife, Frankie, now reside in Ruidoso, NM)
From all of us, Ikey..."Thanks
for the Memories."
This page aired on July 15th, 1998
Baby Boomers, see if you remember any
of these things on our first page of
A Little Slow to Load because of the Pictures, but NOT TOO BAD. One
minute, tops.