New World Rising is a zine about Peace, Rainbows, Community, Friends, Inspiration, Love , Health, Generousity, Happiness, Joy, Laughter, Spirit, and Activism. We have a community in Providence, RI. If you have ever followed The Grateful Dead, or been to a show or two, you have probably come across Grateful Fred, or one of the many of us who have passed out the NWR paper throughout the years. Well we're still alive and printing, thanks to all the love, hard work, and kind, generous donations and support that keep it going. NWR is a reader written zine/newspaper having many different ideas. Write to us for a copy at the above address, and/or submit some art/poetry/stories for the next issue!!! Oh yeah, don't be afraid to slip in a little green energy if you can, Thanks ;) Jamin

The best and fastest way to get a copy of the latest issue of the paper, if you have not recieved one yet, is to send three stamps, or a donation to the address below. Once you do that, you will be on the mailing list for the next issue. We will try to get a copy out to you within a couple of days after recieving the mail. New World Rising is a FREE paper, but donations are greatly appreciated, and needed to keep it afloat and self sufficient. If you can't afford to send a donation, we understand, so don't let that stop you... We need everyone we can find to help get out the latest info about ongoing projects, rainbows, music festivals, happenings, gatherings, news, letters, marches, info on intentional communities, civil rights, legalization, the environment etc...

For a copy of

NWR #31

write to us at...

New World Rising
P.O. Box 27773
Providence, RI 02907

Hey now! Post some News, information, happenings or events here!!! Or maybe hook up with a ride, or just see what's going on!


you can click on the book to get a free guestbook from L-page.


of the

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