Subject: Friendship Club Newsletter #3
Date: 5 Aug 1998 20:40:30 -1000
From: Debi Ross
To: Friendship Club
If you all are into any business opportunities on the net, you know
that attracting traffic to your site is of the utmost importance.
Jon F has asked me to post a list of newsgroups that are safe to
post your ads to without fear of getting flamed or losing your
opportunity or ISP.
The list is below but please make sure you follow the guidelines.
Here is a list of 'safe' newsgroups to post ads to without getting
flamed oryour account expired!
Good luck and happy advertising!
Another way to build traffic is to respond to people who advertise
their opps to you by email with your own offering.
Many people have had much success with this method.
I personally stay away from email issues except in rare instances.
Again there are guidelines that must be followed.
You MUST include the following statement to your UCE
(unsolicited commercial email).
This message is NOT SPAM and it is being sent to you in compliance
with the proposed Federal legislation (S.1618 - SECTION 301).
Sender: _____________
Address: ______________________________
Phone: ______________
Email Address: ________________
Further mailings to you may be stopped at no cost to you by
sending a reply to <_______your email address_____> with REMOVE
as the subject.
After a person has asked to be removed, DO NOT CONTACT THEM AGAIN.
There are approximately 60 million people on the internet at last
count so there are MANY more fish in the sea.
Our good friend John Nelson has a website that I think you all should
explore. .
He has an archive of these newsletters and a place for people to join
the club as well as a host of other great information!
Our friend Polly from England has a great site too.
She has helped me immensely and I really appreciate having her for a
friend. She has a place on her site where you can submit your URL
for free! Lots of great information and opportunities on her site.
Drop in and look around.
You'll want to bookmark it because she's always updating it.
Here is an opportunity that I have found that looks like it would
be a good one for beginners! Its called The Bufferzone.
Have a look at the site and see what you think.
One thing that I have found that can draw TONS of traffic to your
website by the very nature of the program is called Links2U.
I signed on a few days ago and have had over confirmed 50 hits to
my sight since then as a direct result of this banner being on my
website. Please go to
There are two programs to choose from (Silver-free and Gold-$65US)
I opted for the Silver because the great thing about this program
is you can easily win a free upgrade to Gold AND even with the
Silver, you still have an easy way to put yourself into commissions!
Of course, whether you Earn the Gold or pay for it outright
(or start with Silver and later choose to upgrade to Gold),
Gold has MANY, MANY more benefits! Check it out.
There are so many ways to attract people to your site with this
program and I believe its a REAL WINNER.
Setting up your own website is a breeze even for newbies.
There are many places that offer free websites.
I tried a few and the one I found the easiest to use because
it has a very easy, step-by-step wizard is
but there are others that are just as good and just as easy.
Another one that people use is
Check this out. You need a store if you are going to sell your wares.
Just play around with it using the wizards at first then tweaking it
using some of the MANY free HTML tutorials available on the web.
One of the very best sites of this nature that I've found is at
This is an interactive tutorial and you really can learn quickly how
to do everything to make a super-duper website!
Now as soon as you finish reading this, if you don't have a website
of your own, GET BUSY! You can have a beautiful site up in about an
hour without knowing ONE LICK of HTML!
Now, once you get your site up and running, you'll have to have
something to put on it, right?
Well, if you aren't currently involved in any business opportunities
(or even if you are), and want to tread lightly into this often
frustrating world, check out the associate programs available at
This page is a listing of hundreds of companies that will PAY YOU
to sell their products. 99% of them are free and most are not MLM
(multi-level marketing). You will probably not become a zillionaire
overnight but I have a few of these on my site and I get small checks
regularly from ALL of them. Its FREE money folks. Don't pass up at
least looking at the page!
When you're thinking of joining any opportunity, especially if you're
new, please ask somebody in the group to have a look at it first to
see what they think.
Those of us who've been around a bit may know of any hangups in that
opp or may have evidence that its a scam.
Also, if you have any favorite opps that you want to promote, let us
know. I'm happy to help with your promotion efforts by placing a free
ad in this newsletter.
Doctor Sugi would like to invite us to his website.
He also wants to invite everyone who lives within a 100 mile radius
of Atlanta, Ga to visit his clinic to get good natural healthcare.
He wants us to know that chiropractic care restores and maintains
total-body health, not just relief of back and neck pain.
Stop in the real or virtual clinic and tell him that you are a fellow
Friendship Club member. His phone number is 770-436-5681.
I received a remove request this week from this list.
I hope nobody is signing people up for The Friendship Club without
their permission or knowledge.
We received one new signup since the last newsletter.
Welcome Cecelia Diaz!
Well that's all for now. Wishing everybody much success and happiness.
Please send your feedback and requests. I'm not an overly creative
person. What do you want to see here?
Your Friend,
Aloha And Best Wishes,
Debi Ross
ICQ 12080354
99-004 Kaupili Place
Aiea, Hi 96701