********************* Community Service Bulletin We also sponsor the FRIENDSHIP CLUB Please click sign up link below it's FREE!!! *********************
Founder, Just A Friend

GOD bless you all
You can also contact us with your questions by using the easy to fill out form below.
"FriendShip Club" Please sign up below to receive our news Letter
Click on the bear to read "The OKLAHOMA or BUST Nicholas" a must read story
T H E N O N V I O L E N C E W E B P.O. Box 30947 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA 19104 Phone: (215) 724-4633. E-Mail: nvweb@nonviolence.org
HOW TO COPY AND PASTE 1.Click your cursor at the start of the code or text you want to copy. 2.Hold down your left mouse button and drag your cursor over all the code you want to copy. 3.Release your left mouse button. 4.Hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and press the "c" key on your keyboard. 5. Open the document you want to paste the code into. 6. Click your cursor at the point where you want to paste the code. 7. Hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and press the "v" key on your keyboard. The data should now be pasted into your document.

the bear is a gift from mat4ney ICQ#15845592
Tax Hoax: Don't be taken in
Hoaxes: Don't be taken in Profound: A lesson in life every one should think about
Senaf`s MALL: Great Friends Page
Video page: Senaf Pickhardt does great work
AGAPE: Join Brother Lynn Snider and his prayer warriors
Friendship Club Greeting "CARDS" Check out all the great prizes you can "WIN" We have our own Greeting Card Store now, please feel free to make use of it, We will keep the latest and best card selection for you
Conni Computers Shopping: Friendships and more at the conni store
Wars and Rumors of Wars: Does it have to be this way? Don't Forget your "FREEBIES"GOD BLESS YOU and the best of holidays to you and yours.
Check out the "BANNERS" BOOK STORE: Friendship Clubs Book Store: Help support the club Books are "Knowledge", and "Knowledge" is POWER! That is the most precious thing you could ever give your Child, Friend, or Family. It will not wear out, and it can never be stolen or lost.
Still not convinced?
Testimonials and Links to the rest of the stories:
Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook
{WOW I really Love this} Make your ICQ talk "SIGNUP FRIENDS"
Add to your icq access Numbers list of server port addresses
Great Story about the END TIMES "PLEASE READ:" If you are new to the internet or have Children who access it, teach them to "BEWARE" of what could happen if they do not use their heads. PLEASE monitor your child's computer usage!
We as friends and parents need to keep aware of what is going on with our children.
FRIENDSHIP CLUB "CHAT" Please post to bbs to set up a time
FRIENDSHIP CLUB "BBS" Check often as "YOUR" talents may be needed by a friend We have our own P.C. Builder save all your spare parts and old P.Cs. Brokenheart has taken it on himself to keep our "COMPUTERS RUNNING" Post any parts or what have you to the bbs: Yours may be next to need help or repair.
Friends "FREE" classified ads Post your Classifieds here
Tips4Business Before you try any business, please study and subcribe to this newsletter
WORDS TO PONDER I hope this will help you
News letter#3 Friendships
NEWS LETTER#2 Fellowships
Steve's How to post do's and dont's
We are very lucky to have Silverannie as the editor for Bible reading letters Please show her how much we think of her: The LORD brought her to us in need of an automobile and now she is part of our family
[AD] Check out the Top Rated Site for Webmaster Tools! The Jennifer Bauch "STORY" A must read for the friendship club
Brother Johann's Page Great Friend and Brother in CHRIST
My part of Brother Johann's Business Super "STORE" This one will put you ahead of the rest Internet access, Satellite TV, Top of the line technology. This one will take you into the year 2000 ahead of the rest "FREE" prelaunch "NOW" Please check this often SCAMS WATCH WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE
John H. Nelson
117 S. Farmington St. Apt1
Jackson Mo 63755
Toll free 1-800-750-3714 be sure and say your friend John Nelson sent you

Go here to read our Friendship Club NewsLetter
Use our easy form.
