Born: January 25, 1979
Height: 5'1
Eyes: Blue-Green
Hair: Sunlit-blonde
Zodiac Sign: Aqaurius
Birthplace: Dallas, TX
Siblings: None

Hobbies and Favorites
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Vegetarian and Fish
Hobbies: Collecting Hard Rock Cafe Pins
Favorite Sports: Tennis, Snow Skiing, Soccer, Golf
Favorite Bands: Dave Matthews Band and Live
Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks
Favorite Actress: Jodie Forster
Favorite Movies: "When Harry Met Sally", "Father Of The Bride", "Ghost"

Acting Info
Entered Acting: 1985 (at age 6)
Past Performances: Various Commericals "White Water" (an Atlanta theme park) (1985) and other unknown
Atlanta Workshop Players-performed for schools and the 'Calloway Gardens resort'
Movie "The Rose and the Jackal" Played Little Rose in movie with Christopher Reeve and Madoyln Smith-Osborne

Involved in many charties including the Starlight Foundation, and Ronald McDonald House

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