Accessories for Trade

Items with a icon are NOT for sale; I'm only willing to trade this for a different color of the same type of item

MOC Collectibles Petites Playset Pieces Clothes Shoes
Backcards Pony Accessories Baby Accessories Books Puzzles Lunchboxes/Thermoses Videos

Movie Star (in english but from Europe)
Sweetness & Lace (sunfaded plastic, water damage = wrinkled back)
Sun & Fun (in english but from Europe; sunfaded plastic)
Merry-Go-Round Game
Baby Sunnybunch
DJ $60
Twirler $60
Songster $60
Tap Dancer $60

Palabritas - Charlatan (spanish sweet talkin, purple)
Elephant Suit/Party Dress (Canadian)
Honeysuckle (no pony point, a little squished)
Forget-Me-Not (no pony point, ripped on one side)
Rosedust (just backside, no box)

Mommy Charm- Laugh-A-Lot (brown spots) $8
Mommy Charm- Fair Play (brown spots) $8
Mommy Charm- Fair Play #2 (brown spots) $8
Ceramic- Bowtie (small chip, ask for details) $15

Carasol $1 (missing yellow musical base)
Happy Hoof Market green grass platform $1
Happy Hoof Market roof sign $1
Homes- 2 small aqua roof fences $1.50 each
Homes- pink bathtub

Playset Pieces
Pretty Parlor & Brush-Me-Beautiful Boutique- blue side clip $1, white hat w/ pink flowers $.50, white sun hat (rip by ear) $free, yellow sun hat (x4) $.50 each, pink saddle (x5) $.50 each, purple saddle (x2) $.50 each, purple bridal (x2) $1 each, purple reins $1, purple strap $1, hot pink basket $1
Pink Dream Castle- bottom to mirror $.50, mirror $1, bottom to throne $.50, throne $1, jump ring (x4, 1 damaged) $.75-$1, chest (x2) $1 each, table (dirty) $1
Lavender Dream Castle - mint drawbridge $2
Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe- top to table $.25
Lullabye Nursery- blue mirror (no sticker) $.25, large yellow rattle with white top (x2) $1 each, light pink rocker $1, blue dresser $1, strap to swing $free, purple trimmed bottle $.50
Waterfall- sponge brush (no sponge, x2) $.25
Perm Shop- outside plastic bow (x2) $.50 each, pink sink with mint tub $2
Baby Buggy- bonnet $1
Scrub-a-Dub Tub- 1 seahorse foot $.50, circular pole $.50, shower curtain set $2
Show Stable- steeple $.50, saddle $1, bridal with reins $2.50, yellow flag (missing 1 sticker) $.25
Megan's Place - top door $3, back door $2, 3rd place ribbon $3, various stickers to the inside $1 each

Flower Darlings - pony cape (NM) $3
Prima Ballerina - baby leotard $1.50
Sweet Dreams - robe (x2) $.50 each

1 soft white bow shoe (to Something Old, Prima Ballerinas, etc) $.25
5 soft magenta shoes (to Pony Holiday) $.25 each

Pony Accessories
Stardazzle's peach key w/ silver string
ABC comb (light blue, missing 1 tooth, bag not included) --for pink or green/blue--
Puffy Stickers! -
----Moondancer (complete and sticky, not original paper) $2.50
----Glory (complete and sticky, not original paper) $2.50
Flat Stickers -
----Baby Cuddles (not original paper, hardly sticky) $2
----Baby Half Note (not original paper) $2
----Baby Tiddly Winks (not original paper) $2
----Magic Star (not original paper) $3

Baby Accessories
BABY necklaces - dark pink with white text (x2) $1.50
Bibs - pink heart bib (dirty) $1
Xylophones - pastel (no string and missing 1 wheel) $.25
Playpen Pieces: (ask further about conditions)
-----Version 1, pink - with holes (x2) $.25 each
-----Version 2, pink - with pegs $.25
-----Version 1, light pink - with pegs (x4) $.25 each, with holes (x2) $.25
-----Version 2, purple - with pegs (x2) $.25 each, with holes $.25 each
-----Version 2, yellow - with pegs (x2) $.25 each, with holes (x2) $.25 each
-----Version 1, white - with pegs (x2) $.25 each, with holes (x2) $.25 each
-----Version 2, white - with pegs (x3) $.25 each, with holes (x3) $.25 each

MLP and the New Friends $2
Glory the Magic Unicorn (average) $1
Glory the Magic Unicorn (WITH TAPE) $4
Makes a Wish (soft cover, dim pink spot on cover) $4

Puzzles (all are complete unless noted)
24- #12 Newborn Babies with Crib $2
125- #1 MLP Ranch $3 (EURO VERSION: smaller box and thinner pieces; missing 1 piece)
12 (woodboard)- Baby Sea Ponies $5
14 (cardboard)- Blossom $5

Yum Yum Thermos $free (excellent, includes lid and cover, surface wear)
Rainbow Curl Thermos $free (dim outline of puff-paint - "Angela", includes lid and cover)

VHS- The Glass Princess; US version (plays great, cover of box is sun faded, otherwise great shape) $10
VHS- Mishmash Melee; US version, includes "Mishmash Melee" and "Baby, It's Cold Outside" (plays great, box is in very good shape but the cardboard on one small side is missing) $10
VHS- Flight to Cloud Castle; US version, includes "Flight to Cloud Castle" and "Pony Puppy" (plays great, no box) $8

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Last Updated: 12/27/08