Screaming Eagles Through Time
June 2003


29 June 2003

  • Soldier's of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) executed a series of separate raids on homes in Mosul June 28. The homes belonged to suspected associates of Abu Ammash (Wahabi Extremists). The soldiers detained 15 individuals and confiscated four AK-47 rifles, one 9mm pistol, one hand grenade, and one artillery round. They also confiscated various Ba'ath party documents and Republican Guard uniforms.
  • Firefighters and engineers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) continue working to extinguish a fire that erupted June 25 in a sulfur plant in Qayyarah, a small city south of Mosul. Soldier's of the division's 1st Brigade and the 326th Engineer Battalion along with the 938th Fire Fighting Detachment from New York have been working around the clock to extinguish the fire.

26 June 2003

  • The 101st Airborne Division Mine Action Group conducted controlled detonations at the Q-West Airfield located approximately 25 kilometers south of Mosul, clearing two of five unexploded ordnances.

23 June 2003

  • During the last week the 101st has been carrying out humanitarian assistance missions as part of Operation Desert Scorpion, delivering food and working to rebuild parts of Iraq's infrastructure.

17 June 2003

  • The 101st Airborne Division conducted three raids and detained 12 individuals as Operation Desert Scorpion moved into day three. The purpose of Operation Desert Scorpion is to prepare the foundation for Iraqis to form a new self-rule government and provide a safe and secure environment to live and work.

16 June 2003

  • U.S. soldiers backed by helicopters and tanks raided homes, rounded up suspects and confiscated weapons in the restive town of Fallujah on Sunday, part of a nationwide campaign to root out anti-American insurgents who've been stepping up attacks. Operation Desert Scorpion, launched Sunday, June 15, 2003, involves a series of sweeps throughout Iraq using most of the U.S. Army units present in the country, said Army Capt. John Morgan, a spokesman for the Army's V Corps. "It's a combat operation to defeat the remaining pockets of resistance that are delaying the transition to a peaceful and stable Iraq," Morgan said. Participating in Operation Desert Storm are the Army's 3rd and 4th Infantry Divisions, the 101st Airborne Division, the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, the 1st Armored Division and some U.S. Air Force units, Morgan said.
  • The hearing for Sgt. Hasan Akbar, accused in the grenade attack that killed two officers and injured fourteen others opened today at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He could face the death penalty if convicted in a courts martial.

13 June 2003

  • Two individuals on a motorized cart fired at 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) checkpoint and then fled on Thursday. An Army helicopter tracked the vehicle to a building, where it disabled two fleeing vehicles, while soldiers on the ground detained three individuals for questioning. 
  • Three individuals fired upon a 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) patrol in Mosul with AK47 rifles on Friday. Two individuals fled, one surrendered. Coalition forces confiscated a hand grenade.
  • 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division continued to conduct police academy training in Qayyarah and As Surah, and plans to graduate 80 new policemen in late June. They also conducted joint small arms training in Dahuk with the new Iraqi Security Force.

12 June 2003

  • A Coalition raid was conducted 150 km northwest of Baghdad Wednesday, 11 June, as part of the continued effort to eradicate Ba'ath Party loyalists, paramilitary groups and other subversive elements. The assault on the terrrorist training camp began at approximately 1:45 a.m. (Baghdad time) with a coordinated air strike. A direct firefight ensued with ground forces early this morning. Ground forces included members of the 101st Airborne Division. One Coalition soldier received minor wounds.
  • One AH-64 Apache was apparently shot down by hostile fire today in Western Iraq. Coalition ground forces were able to recover the uninjured two-member crew almost immediately and secure the crash site. Two additional Apache helicopters assisted in engaging irregular forces in the vicinity of the downed aircraft. All helicopters involved belong to the 101st Airborne Division.

11 June 2003

  • The 101st Airborne Division hired an additional 50 former Iraqi military personnel to increase the power of the Joint Iraqi Security Company being stood up in northern Iraq.
  • The 101st Airborne detained two individuals for running a black-market fuel ring in Mosul. A truck and a supply of propane and gasoline were also seized.

10 June 2003

  • 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division soldiers investigated possible mortar fire in Mosul, and subsequently discovered and seized 120mm mortar with 39 rounds, and a number of enemy fortifications. Soldiers also received small arms direct fire while traveling in a two-vehicle convoy passing through a Mosul traffic circle, slightly injuring one soldier. A patrol searched the site, and detained two Iraqi gunmen armed with five AK-47s, and two rocket-propelled grenades.
  • 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division soldiers conducted a cordon and search of a suspect market in Mosul, where they detained five personnel and confiscated two 9mm submachine guns, approximately 6,000 rounds of ammunition, numerous magazines, and approximately 1,434,400 Dinar.

8 June 2003
  • An Ohio soldier killed this week in Iraq served in B Company, 2nd Battalion of the 101st Airborne Division. Army Pfc. Branden F. Oberleitner, 20, of the Columbus suburb of Worthington, was killed Thursday, June 5, 2003, in Fallujah, Iraq, the Department of Defense said Friday. Five other soldiers from his unit were wounded in the attack, in which they were fired upon by a rifle-propelled grenade, the agency said. He was passionate about military service, said a friend who worked with Oberleitner at a gasoline station before he enlisted,  "That's all he wanted to do." His mother and stepfather told reporters they were too distraught to talk. A friend read a statement from the family. "It was my honor to have watched him grow into the man he became: a loving brother, amd son and proud member of the 101st Airborne Assault. My wife and I have elected to grieve in private."

5 June 2003

  • One U.S. soldier was killed and five were wounded when an assailant fired a rocket-propelled grenade at them in the restive Iraqi town of Falluja on Thursday, the U.S. military said.The soldiers who came under fire were part of a company from the Army's 101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Ky., which is temporarily attached to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment. The regiment has been based in central Iraq for weeks. The soldiers had been driven to a local military medical facility. Falluja, 45 miles west of Baghdad, is a cauldron of hostility to U.S. forces, who killed 15 townspeople in two clashes there in April, following the fall of Saddam Hussein. The Arabic television channel al Jazeera quoted witnesses as saying the U.S. soldiers were attacked as they searched for gunmen who had fired on a police station used by U.S. forces. A Reuters cameraman filmed troops out in force in the streets of the Sunni Muslim city. Soldiers were searching houses as residents were told to stay inside. "Keep off the streets or you will be killed or wounded. The coalition forces do not want to hurt you. For your own safety, leave the area immediately," said an Arabic message that blared repeatedly from a vehicle mounted with loudspeakers. Bloodstains were visible on a wall and on the ground where the attack had taken place. Residents brandished a metal nametag, which they said belonged to the dead American soldier. U.S. troops backed by scores of tanks reinforced their presence in Falluja on Wednesday.
  • Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) detained four individuals in Mosul yesterday during a routine traffic control point stop. They confiscated 16 AK-47 rifles.

4 June 2003

  • Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) raided a house east of Mosul yesterday. They detained one person. They also seized a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, an AK-47 rifle, two light machine guns and 30 cases of heavy machine gun ammunition.
2 June 2003
  • Soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) raided a suspected black market for weapons in the Qayyarah market yesterday. They detained 18 people for questioning, and seized 92 blasting caps and 3 rolls of detonation cord.
1 June 2003
  • Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) raided a suspected black market site near Mosul based on information given to them by a former Iraqi soldier. They detained two people and seized eight AK-47 rifles, a pistol, an Iraqi Army uniform and a briefcase containing 37 identification cards, two old cell phones and a manual on how to read maps.
  • Soldiers from the 2d Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) detained several individuals and seized illegal weapons in two different incidents in Mosul late Friday evening. In one case, they stopped three men who were carrying grenades and AK-47 rifles near the main police station. At about the same time, another patrol stopped two men who were seen carrying AK-47 rifles near the Division Civil-Military Operations Center. In each case, they detained the men for questioning and confiscated their weapons