Who Am I?. I am Aceninja,hacker extraordinare`..The legend of the seven seas, the..Ouch! Don`t pinch me so hard..k? Well now that I`ve woken up from my pleasent lil dream,let me tell you who I really am. I`m Dilip.S,a 17 yo cool dude habitating right here in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA!..who not long ago, used 2 reside in India.. Charlottesville is a pleasent lil place in VA, which`s only a couple of hrs drive from Wash DC the capital..There are lotsa stuff to do around here, from Go-Karting to swimming to rollerblading to skiing/snowboarding..Unlike other towns it still retains that so-called 'Old World Charm' (whatever that is.. :) on some of its parts.. Anyway compared 2 my homeland, this city has a lotta Fast Cars & Hot Gals!. If u wish to see some pics of my place, along with some pics of India please feel free to take a look @ the photogallery.
Well this`s all I have 2 say 4 now,If u
wish2 contact me or say a few comments feel free to
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