"So what in Mossflower is telnet??"

Topics in this document:

• Just what is telnet? (and why use it?)
• Telnet under Win95/3.x
• Telnet under UNIX
• Logging in to Redwall
• Commands for 1st time muckers
• Misc commands
• Things to remember

If you require any further information, feel free to send mail to the Redwall WizStaff: Otter, Mouse, or Badger will get to helping you as soon as they can.

Just what is telnet, and why do we use it?

Using telnet through Windows95 or Windows 3.x

ADDENDUM: The ewan files I have provided here are missing an important file. This file should be downloaded into:


The file is called bwcc.dll and can be downloaded by clicking here.

Using telnet through UNIX

Logging on to Redwall MUCK

So this is your first time MUCKing??

Some miscellaneous commands that can come in handy

Some things you should know...

--- By Redwall MUCK Wizard Badger

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Disclaimer: Redwall is a copyright of Brian Jacques. All things associated and linked to it are strictly for the enjoyment of the public, and are not for profit. Otterspace Software is not liable for the actions of the players in regards to Redwall and such accompanying subject.

This page last updated on May 6th, 1996.