Topics in this document:
• Just
what is telnet? (and why use it?)
• Telnet
under Win95/3.x
• Telnet
under UNIX
• Logging
in to Redwall
• Commands
for 1st time muckers
• Misc
• Things
to remember
If you require any further information, feel free to send mail to the Redwall WizStaff: Otter, Mouse, or Badger will get to helping you as soon as they can.
Just what is telnet, and why do we use it?
Telnet is a method of connecting to internet sites by 'remote'. This means that you are using software to connect to a computer directly, as if you were sitting at the keyboard. There are many applications which utilize a remote login that telnet can provide, such as programming, accessing files on a public computer system, IRC, MUCKing, or even connecting to the World Wide Web. The only drawback to the telnet system is that, for a user that is used to the GUI interface of such things as Windows or MAC, such things as command line operated programs can easily befuddle the unwary.
Using telnet through Windows95 or Windows 3.x
Windows 95 has a built in Telnet function, provided you are connected using the Windows95 built-in connection tools. If you are connected through a PPP/SLIP link in Win95, then all you need to do is go to the START menu, select RUN, and then type in 'telnet 4203' and hit enter. A window should open with the Win95 telnet program connecting to Redwall.
We'll go into how to log in later.
If you are using Windows 3.11 or 3.1, then you need an external program (you may want to use an external program for Win95, too, since the built-in terminal is severely limited). I suggest getting EWAN. I've provided it here for you to download. All you need to do is run this file. I've made it self extracting so you don't have to worry about messing with pkunzip and such. After running the file, you should be given a screen asking where to put it. The default is
But you can change that if you want, to place it in your own place. Click OK and it will extract the file, then CLOSE the self-extractor. The program EWAN should now be in the desired directory. You want to RUN the file named ewan.exe. This will start up the EWAN telnet client. I've taken the liberty of per-configuring the software, so that all you need to do, on running it, it double-click the Redwall MUCK selection in the window.
To download the software, click here.
ADDENDUM: The ewan files I have provided here are missing an important file. This file should be downloaded into:
The file is called bwcc.dll and can be downloaded by clicking here.
Using telnet through a UNIX machine is very easy. The easiest way to tell if you're using a UNIX machine is that it says it at the login prompt (or a message) Some other systems that work very similar to UNIX are IRIX and Linux (I'm sure there are more, but I won't hazard to guess ;). All of these can use the same method for logging in:
telnet 4203
Hit enter and, hopefully, you should be met by the welcoming screen. Don't get discouraged if nothing happens right away. Sometimes it takes a few seconds to establish a connection. I will discuss how to actually log in somewhat later.
I've also used a machine called a VAX. If this is the case, then you need to follow these steps:
You should be given a prompt that looks like
Type in:
connect 4203
And hit enter. You should be met with the Redwall title screen.
This is the part you've been waiting for... Now I tell you how to log on! Actually, it's quite simple. You should be seeing the follwing text by now:
To connect to your character use 'connect <playername> <password>'
To connect as a guest use 'connect guest guest'
Use the 'WHO' command to see who is online.
Now, if you've never used Redwall MUCK before, and I'm assuming you haven't, type in:
connect guest guest
You should be connected to Redwall MUCK as a guest. In the following sections, I'll discuss some basic commands for communication and using the muck, and I'll tell you how to get a permanent character.
So this is your first time MUCKing??
If it is, then stick around, I've got some stuff to tell you! If not, then you might want to read this part anyway, just to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. ;)
The main form of communication is through speaking. To say something, you can either do:
say <message>
From a personal standpoint, I prefer the second method because it's much, much quicker. The following is a sample dialogue:
Badger says, "Hey there!"
Guest says, "Hiya!"
When Badger said "Hey there!", he typed in:
"Hey there!
When the Guest replied, they typed in:
say Hiya!
It can work oposite as well:
say Hey there!
It's all a matter of preference.
A 'pose' is an action. If you've ever used IRC, it's the same as typing in:
/me <action>
Poses can be performed either by using:
pose <pose>
An example of a pose in action follows. First, Badger will type this on the screen:
:falls over laughing.
What everyone, including Badger, sees when he hits enter, is:
Badger falls over laughing.
Like wise if Badger had have typed:
pose falls over laughing.
Paging is the act of communicating with another player on the muck over long distance. This means that, even though they are not in the same room as you, you can talk to them. A 'page' is completely private.
To page a player, you must first know their name. Let's assume the Guest is going to page Badger and ask for help. The general for of page is:
page <player>=<message>
So our Guest types in:
page Badger=Help me, Badger!
Most likely, Badger will respond with:
p Guest=What can I do for you?
Note that 'page' can be shortened to 'p'.
Whispering is very much like a page in appearance and usage, save for the fact that the person you whisper to must be in the same room with you. The general form of a whisper is:
whisper <player>=<message>
Let's say Badger is going to whisper toGuest.
whisper Guest=Your fly is open!
Guest will see:
Badger whispers, "Your fly is open!" to you.
Like page, this message could have also been written:
w Guest=Your fly is open!
Whisper can be shortened to 'w'.
Some miscellaneous commands that can come in handy
Typing this command will list everyone who is online and their locations, along with some various other information, like connect time, idle time, and their self-given title.
This command will show you a list of who is online, but it will not show you their locations. Instead, it will show you a doing message, set by the players.
This means whospecies. When typed, it will list the names, species, and sex of all characters in the room with you, whether they are asleep or not.
*grin* This is a last-ditch call for help, but it can ONLY be used when Badger is online. He'll get right with you if you type that. Remember, if all else fails, use that.
Entering this will bring up a list of the wizards of Redwall MUCK, and whether they are online or not.
A daily (or so) announcement board that scrolls by when you first log in, and can be recalled by typing this. Important information is usually on this, and it's a good idea to read it so you don't suddenly find something's changed and panic because you missed the announcement on the MOTD board. ;)
Some things you should know...
Permanent characters
To get a permanent character, all you need to do is talk to one of the wizards. Make sure that you already have a name, sex, species, and temporary password in mind.
Yes, I've included a listing of all characters on Redwall MUCK, up to May 6th, 1996. There are approximately 100 characters, so the list is quite long.
Be advised, there are objects that players control known as 'zombies'. They act like players, and, for all intents and purposes, they ARE players, but you cannot page to them, whisper to them, or see them on the who and where lists. There are documents covering their creation, but you must be a permanent character to have one.
Courtesy, Respect, and Patience
You must have all of these things. Follow the golden rule you learned a long time ago: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I know it sounds hokey, but it's a darn good rule, and one your fellow muckers would like you to follow.
Respect not only your fellow muckers, but the MUCK itself. Try not to cause havoc or disruptions that might infringe on the other muckers fun.
Realize that not everything happens instantly. Some things take time. Your wizards, especially, are busy beasts, and may not be able to respodn to you right away. Trust me, however, when I say they WILL get to you. And if there is no wizard on, then try and find someone else who IS on, and maybe stick around until a wizard DOES show up. Remember, we're there for you to have fun. :-)
Disclaimer: Redwall is a copyright of Brian Jacques. All things associated and linked to it are strictly for the enjoyment of the public, and are not for profit. Otterspace Software is not liable for the actions of the players in regards to Redwall and such accompanying subject.