Clan Nosferatu

"I'm not sure how the Lupines could have known about your fashion show, Sebastian. Imagine the gall of these Bone Gn.. err beasts at interrupting important clan business. Of course, I'll inform Lucien at once regarding this affront to the Toreador."

Icky White, Nosferatu of Philadelphia

Alienated by their peers, the Nosferatu are the silent saviors of Philadelphia. The Sewer Rats maintain a presence on the streets, 30th Street & Market East train stations & the airport, all keeping a constant vigil against outside aggression. Without their efforts, the city might have fallen years ago. Their reward? The disgust of the Toreador, the arrogant scorn of the Ventrue. Some relish it, greedily soaking up the revulsion of the more gentile Kindred. Most burn within, the hatred of those above the sewers driving them to atrocities. For the most part these wretches, nicknamed Monsters, have been dealt with by the clan, so as not to draw scrutiny from outsiders. For several years the number of acts committed by these monsters dwindled, almost to the point of peace.

However, as 1996 draws to a close, a new breed of Monsters has emerged, seemingly driven by some outside influence. The primogen Julius is hard pressed to keep them controlled, his progeny scrambling to keep an eye on the acts of their cousins. The time will come when they cannot be controlled . A time when the Monsters will throw off the leash. Their fury will bubble forth & those below will rise....

Clan History

Downpour: the story of one miserable bastard

Foulness Personified

Samuel Easley - Look up curmudgeon in the dictionary & his picture is most likely there. A failed public servant, this wretch was Embraced as punishment for two reasons. 1) His knowledge of the city & workings of city government. 2) He was such a prick, they thought he deserved it. His story is detailed in Downpour (see above)

Alan Shoemaker - This pungent but polite Nosferatu originally hails reportedly from Europe, the exact whereabouts have yet to be revealed. Shoemaker has gained a reputation as a bit of wheeler & dealer, often seen in Gustav's engaged in conversation with those in need of information.

Cadaverous - One of the Monsters, this decayed corpse shambles about the sewers seeking Lord knows what. He is constantly in motion, only pausing long enough to utter sounds once thought to be words. The reason for his haste is unclear, only the notion that he is looking for something.

The Wretched - A legend among the Sabbat, this beast born of fire perished in them during Lucien's recapture of the city. May he rot in Hell forever. :)

"Ratfink” Vanderleisen - An amicable old Nosferatu to his friends, this twisted gray thing has the distinction of being the clan's resident historian. Not only is he well versed in Nosferatu lore, he probably knows everything about the rest of the clans as well.