Beyond The Pale

From the collection of Abner “Ratfink” Vanderleisen

Dated August 12, 1992

Transcribed by his loyal assistant Norman

Contents of tape #24:

(Sound of feet approaching on gravel, then two voices can be heard over a thin layer of static. The voices are identified as those of one Anton Grays & that of Mr. Vanderleisen)

AG: “Hey man, I think we’ve come far enough, OK? Let’s just get this done so I can get on the road, all right?”

RV: (small laugh) “This place will be just fine. Sit down and let’s discuss business, shall we?”

(A grunt, apparently coming from AG follows then the sound of some sort of machinery, perhaps an old air conditioner, being dragged across the ground can next be heard)

RV: “Now then, what can I do for you?”

AG: “Cut the shit, OK? I ain’t gonna stand out here & freeze my nuts off for nothing.”

RV: “You know, I guess it is cold, isn’t it? I hadn’t noticed. Hmmm, seems to me that the cold only gets to those of very thin blood. But wasn’t that what you’re being accused of? Trying to improve the quality of your blood through extraordinary means?”

AG: (another grunt) “Enough with this shit! Can we just get down to it already?”

RV: “Of course. You’ve run afoul of the local establishment & need a way out of the city. Correct? Now then, as we discussed previously, in return for my assistance, you will perform a certain errand for me upon exiting Philadelphia. Again, I am correct?”

AG: “Yeah, you’re right.”

RV: “And what was our agreement again?”

AG: “Come on, dickhead! We already talked about this.”

RV: “Oh, but I’d like to hear it again if you don’t mind.”

AG: “Man, don’t make me be your goddamn message boy. I got things to do in Cali.”

RV: “Now, now, that’s not much spirit for someone supposedly filled with vim & vigor! My goodness, you’re going to tear down the system & rebuild one of equality for all of our kind! I guess I would have expected a little more, well, enthusiasm. Or is it that you’re just full of piss & vinegar?”

AG: (A loud crash of metal) “I’ve had about enough of your shit! You’re lucky I don’t come back from San Diego & kick your ass!”

RV: “Just sit down, you’re making an nitwit of yourself, Anton. As for later, I’ll give you an open invitation to visit the Warren anytime you’d like. But, as we’re still cleaning up the walls from the Assamite who wandered in a few months back, would you mind giving me a call in advance so we can tidy up the place a bit? All those bones might make you soil yourself .”

AG: “Assamite? In Philly?”

RV: “Or was it that Setite who wanted to set up a temple under Market East? It’s hard to tell since there’s not much left. The little we did find we fed to the rats. Anyway, I’m sorry, I’m rambling again & you were busy trying to intimidate me. Now, where were we?”

AG: (Sighs audibly) “I gotta go to a place called Charlie’s House of Chops in Baltimore & meet a guy named Burke. You ain’t told me if he’s Kindred or not..... I mean, what the fuck, man, how am I supposed....”

RV: (sound of a clucking tongue)

AG: “Shit... anyway, I give this Burke a password. He’ll call you to confirm it, then give me a diskette to deliver to Khalid of clan Nosferatu in Chicago. Right?”

RV: “Exactly. I think there might be hope for you yet.”

AG: “God, you’re a sneaky little prick, but if it’ll get me out of town.... (snorts) OK, now what’s the deal? How am I gonna get out of town?”

RV: “Oh, that. Well, do you see that drainage pipe behind you?” (There is a drop out in sound, followed by a string of curses from AG) “Yes, that’s your way out. Now, you’ll have to crawl on your belly, it’s far too short for a man to walk upright in. You’ll follow that for about, oh, I’d say almost a quarter mile before it feeds into the main tributary. From there proceed north for another one-third of a mile. This will bring you to drainage pipe beneath 10th Street. Now, from here you must swim up to the surface & then come out of the vent you’ll find on your right. I’d suggest changing your clothes in the restroom at the Greyhound station before heading out for Baltimore. Even the Caitiff there are very particular about their appearance.”

AG: “There’s no other way?”

RV: “Believe me, unless you’d like to take your chances with the Tremere’s servitors, I’d suggest this.”

AG: “All right then. Umm, I guess, thanks.”

RV: “Anytime.”

(There follows the sounds of heavy boots on gravel walking away from the recorder. Next is the low voice of RV)

RV: “Or I suppose you could take a cab.”

(Tape ends)

The Lesson Begins

“So I cry to the alleyway

confess all to the rain

But I lie straight to the mirror

The one I’ve broken to match my face...

But nowhere safe from the storm

And I can’t bear to see

What I’ve let me be

So wicked & worn”

Metallica, “Low Man’s Lyric”

December 13, 1996

     “You’re close, but actually I’m over to your left, childe. Quite impressive, though. Should I meet your Sire I shall commend her on your progress. Forgive me, my name is Abner, Lorekeeper of our clan here in Philadelphia. yes, you heard it was ... but I prefer Abner. Your Sire sent me to welcome you to our little burg. I would be very interested in meeting this Oleg. I wasn’t aware of any Nosferatu in Wilmington. Now, how did I know exactly which train you’d be arriving on? Please <chuckles> I wouldn’t be much of a Nosferatu if I didn’t have access to such things, now would I? These things will come with time. While I’d like to linger here at the station & adore it’s charm, I fear we should make haste. There are elements about who don't care for our presence. <Gestures with a stubby hand> Please, after you, my dear.”

     “This should be far enough, so stop over right there if you will. Here’s as good a place to talk as any. Hmm? Oh, your sire will meet you at the Warren later, don’t worry about a thing. You seem to have come through the change with rather remarkable features. Forgive me staring, it’s just your skin is so smooth. (shakes his head, smiling) Since we have some time, I thought I might relate to you the role our clan has played in Philadelphia’s history. Ahh, this seems to interest you <smiles>. Very well, where shall I start? Of course, the beginning."

     “If you ask the Toreador, they’ll tell you that the first of our clan didn’t arrive here until 1629. Allow them to believe it. In their dying days they need something of their tattered pride to hold on to <smirks>. Truth be told, a Nosferatu by the name of Tyrian was here seven years before the Pig Augustus ever step foot in Pennsylvania. From what I understand, Tyrian came to the New World with the Dutch years earlier & choose our humble city, a mere village at that point, to settle in."

    "Tyrian was supposed to have been a truly monstrous beast, even by the standards of our clan, but was fair featured compared to his Sire. Legend has it that Tyrian was the childe of a terrible ancient ... <looks around, then whispers> some say one of our progenitor’s brood. You haven’t heard about...? Oh nevermind, mere fairy tales. Clan lore says that Tyrian had escaped here from Europe, fleeing the Camarilla. He guarded his Sire’s body while it rested in torpor, transporting him frequently to avoid detection. The only proven fact concerning Tyrian is that he was slain by a murder of Corax ... wereravens, forgive me, I forget myself ... in 1638. Again the shapeshifters ranted about some “Wyrm” business as the reason for their actions. As for the ancient, well, that is unknown. I feel that part was a mere ghost story if you will. The old ones scaring the young with talk of our murderous elders <laughs>."

    "In the meantime, the ‘first’ Nosferatu, a lovely creature by the name of Cybil, made Pennsylvania her home in 1629. The Pig up to this point had made few welcome in his protectorate. Until now. It’s amazing to think: a Toreador who would abhor having a Tremere in his city. One who would barely suffer a Brujah to step foot in his kingdom. But a Nosferatu? He welcomed a Nosferatu with open arms! You guessed it. Better to have one of us on your side than against you. Besides, Augustus felt he now possessed a font of information, which is partially true. Of course, you’re correct, this one had a nefarious past as well. It seems to be a recurring theme in my tale I suppose <raspy, mucous filled chuckle>. Julius says she was actually antitribu; not that it seemed to matter to the ‘Prince’ a bit. He was known for his parties that featured blood on tap, if you will. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had shared the Vaulderie, along with a few of the other scum that frequented his house. Ahhh, I apologize for straying. It seems my hatred for the Sabbat has once again gotten the best of me. "

    “Anyway, Cybil became the Prince’s eyes & ears about the city. When the Ventrue ‘secretly’ arrived in 1632, Cybil reported them within three hours of her discovery. A Brujah frenzies and slaughters three children in a barn? Cybil was beneath a haystack watching the whole thing. The Gangrel ... well, you get the point. This clever nymph fed the Pig’s paranoia by telling him all about the treacherous deeds that went on in his domain. And she also fed him a lot of lies as well. What pig do you know that doesn’t willingly wallow in shit? <grins> The fool absolutely ate it up! Why, she was the power behind the throne. Of course, others noticed the influence she had; their jealousy of our sister drove them to scheme against her. There were a few attempts on her life in the 1640’s. One, launched by the Malkavians, almost succeeded, since she didn’t have the safety of the Warren at that time. Nonetheless, Cybil proved a crafty opponent, avoiding the Final Death each time she was targeted."

     "She worked for the Prince until around 1704, about the same time a Ventrue Archon by the name of Elizabeth Wellington showed up. The Ventrue, a young one at that, managed to track down Cybil & tried to sway her to her cause. They needed information: what route would Augustus take to the Christmas party, what sort of bodyguards did he possess & what not. In return, she would be considered for being made Prince. <laughs> Why she would want that I don’t know, but she agreed. What she didn’t know was this: Wellington and the Pig’s childe Charles were making deals all over town, so each clan’s hands were as dirty as the rest. But, wait, it gets better. The assassination was fully sponsored by the Camarilla, since it was mostly organized by an Archon. There would then be no Camarilla retaliation, so nobody but the Prince loses out on the deal. Sounds fair, eh?" <snorts>

     "So our sister did her part, providing what she could about her “boss”. Without her help, the plot would have completely failed. Who killed him? <smiles> The word has it that it was an Assamite; I don't know for sure. <shrugs> That’s fine, think what you will. Now then, on with the story. On a cold Christmas Eve the Prince was slain and several days later the Toreador Charles, his own childe, was named Prince, propped up by the Ventrue. Quietly our heroine stood by, eagerly awaiting her reward for regicide."

     "And her reward from the Ventrue and Toreador? Expulsion from the city. The charge: Cybil was part of an even deeper conspiracy which sought infernal power <chuckles>. Yes, I suppose the “Shaft” would be an appropriate term for it. Oh, the other clans were double crossed as well, completely locked out in their own ways. Now, the Brujah and Gangrel raged at the double-cross. The Tremere whined and the Malkavians ... you don’t want to know what they did. But Cybil, what did she do? Of course, like any worthy Nosferatu, she didn’t get mad, she got even." <smiles>

The Blackest of Hate

“What evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

The Shadow

     "Cybil was banished from the city, but soon took up residence in New Amsterdam err... pardon me, New York. It was from here she summoned two of her childer from the Old World. Hailing from Lisbon, the two were fraternal twins in life and Bound slaves in death. Known only as Shades, the twin Nosferatu had awaited their mistress’ return for decades only to be left waiting. Then, at long last word came from their Sire, calling them to the British colonies. The pair sprang into action & commandeered the first ship they could find. After ghouling the captain & slowly devouring the crew one by one, the foul brothers made their into the colonies. <sighs softly> Upon their arrival they immediately set about their mistress’ work."

     "Never a more contemptible woman had ever walked this earth, save the Hag <makes the Sign of the Cross> and long was her vengeance. Then came her childer. Even among our kind these ones were scum, but I must admit, efficient scum. Within days of their arrival, they’d located Charles’ “secret” haven and had actually tunneled beneath it. What’s that? What made them scum? Very well, I would have gotten to that. These tunnels were dug with the assistance of tainted Lupines known as Black Spiral Dancers. Together they shared a natural interest in destroying Charles. What the Lupines’ motivation was is lost to history, however. Yes, they were probably growling about that “Wyrm” nonsense as usual. If the stories that I have heard are true and I have every reason to believe them, the two groups were involved in all sorts of foul deeds. Sinister rituals involving kidnapped children, conjuring of spirits, communion with Infernalists, including the Gangrel Jan Van Dyne; it ran the gamut of evil. <frowns> I see this doesn’t shock you. <sighs> My, it would seem the children of this century are just as jaded as the media would have us believe. Just another day, is that it? "

     "Well then, let me try to chill your hardened heart then. The result of these actions beneath the Prince’s house? First, the result of these acts attracted many visitors, a few who were of another supernatural persuasion. A group of mages, not of any organization that I know of, attacked the Prince’s house one night in 1706. Apparently they were lured by the evil scent beneath it & sought to destroy it. The Kindred managed to repel them, only to be besieged again, a day later by a pack of Lupines. The Lupines did much better, managing to drive the Prince from his Haven & slay one of his chief advisors."

     "Now, how were the mages & Lupines suddenly attracted after all this time? Apparently the Shades & the Spirals communed with dark spirits who were detected by the others. So foul were these spirits that the two groups had no choice to attack. <grins> These assaults were, as I mentioned, repelled but spread fear throughout the Kindred community. I won’t bore you with the details that led to the First Mage War. Basically the Enlightened ones started something they couldn’t finish & the Kindred crushed them easily. As for our 'sister', she & her brood were eventually hunted down by our clan’s Justicar Petrodon, but not before unleashing one more terrible curse upon the city. Of that curse, I will speak later."


“Dead will dance for what is left

The worms will wait with bated breath”

Marilyn Manson, “Little Horn”

     "The next few decades went rather smoothly for our clan, as we nearly doubled our numbers while still dwelling in relative obscurity. I’m sure we could have easily taken the city if we had wanted to. That wasn’t our plan, however. While the ones above fought like dogs for the mere scraps of land they could hold, we ruled a veritable empire on it’s backstreets & in the hinterlands. What no one else would claim became the property of the Nosferatu. Of course the Lupines & other shapeshifters contested our presence, but isn’t that what Gangrel are for? <laughs> In exchange for gathering information, the Gangrel became our guardians in the wild. Together with the Brujah, the three clans fought the Ventrue & Toreador for recognition. Let them make their speeches, fight like animals & what not, we knew where the real power lay."

     "The next few decades the Nosferatu continued to grow, spreading through out the ever expanding city. By the time the Kine were preparing themselves for revolution, Clan Nosferatu had spread into both sides of the conflict. Although the British were mainly supported by the Ventrue & Toreador, we would have been fools to ignore future resources on either side of the conflict. On through the war we readily ghouled those deemed ‘less important’ by the leaders of both sides, finding great value in the ‘lowly’ blacksmiths, scouts, drill sergeants & the like. It was from these witnesses we gained the information that we often sold to both sides. (smirks) You seem shocked. Of course we played a role in the revolution. Perhaps we didn’t bloody our hands directly in the fight. We left that to the Gangrel & Brujah; why risk Final Death when someone else is willing to do it for you?"

     "By the war’s end, we possessed valuable pawns through out the new states of Pennsylvania & New Jersey, allowing access to whatever we needed. Instead of enemies in the other clans, we now had ‘clients’ if you will. If the Ventrue needed something there money couldn’t buy, they came to the Nosferatu. Occasionally a Tremere would lower herself for some much needed herbs for a spell. The Nosferatu now served a purpose & could never be replaced without disturbing the balance of power in Philadelphia. We are the eyes of the city; still bound by the Traditions, yet free enough to achieve our goals & exert our will on others."

     "Of course, this purpose, this cause came with a great price. How does the saying go, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance? Sadly, this task has been left to our clan. The Brujah are far too busy fighting, the Gangrel are never around... the rest can’t be bothered to do the grunt work. We are the eyes of the city, ever watchful for the return of our enemies. While the others claim to be the city’s defenders, we are the guardians. Without us, Philadelphia would fall in mere days. <grunts> Enough on this; I’ve grown bitter in these long nights."

“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

George Bernard Shaw

The Wretched

“I don’t want the world to see me

Cause I don't think that they’d understand

Where everything’s made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am...”

The Goo Goo Dolls, “Iris”

     "As I mentioned earlier, the crimes of our dear sister Cybil were brought to light by the city’s Kindred, horrifying vampires who had lived hundreds of years. With this revelation brought our clan’s Justicar, Petrodon, bringing with him several well-armed archons. Upon arrival the forces of the Camarilla scoured the city for Cybil, turning up empty after five nights of searching. It is now known that she sought refuge with a Nosferatu of the Sabbat living in seclusion. By now she had sired several more freaks to aid her. Emerging from cover on the sixth night, the foul one & her brood prepared to engage the Justicar. Something that would lure him out of the city."

     "A small farmhouse near the Valley Forge area became the target, as the family of young Nathaniel Cooke was terrorized by the evil ones. Nathaniel was forced to witness in the slaughter of his family, one by one over a three night span. An infant son, two daughters & his wife Rebecca perished before his horrified eyes. A daughter was allowed to escape, so that the word would spread of 'Satan’s minions' at work. Given this breech in the Masquerade, the Justicar & archons rode for Valley Forge. Upon arrival the battle began, the brood of Cybil attacking the Camarilla while their mistress sat draining the blood of Nathaniel. The tide turned quickly, the brood being quickly cut down by the superior archons. The foul bitch then set the cabin ablaze to drive of the hunters, leaving the weakened Nathaniel within. He managed to stumble outside, his body covered in flames. He screamed for help to the hunters; by now devoid of mercy for Kine, so consumed were they with their task. At once they mounted their horses to give chase to Cybil, who they assumed had already slipped away. The farmer managed to land in a snow bank, extinguishing the flames, but still laying dying from third degree burns over ninety percent of his blood."

     "Emerging from hiding, the bitch stood over the scorched man, watching him plead for death. 'But you’re so strong, so full of life. Anyone who can live on after what you’ve been through deserves a special gift.' Cybil then Embraced the smoldering ruin of a man, the agony of the change on top of the suffering his burns caused him. Then she left him, a gibbering mass of pain alone in the night."

     "How he survived isn’t known. He eventually made it to Philadelphia where he was discovered by the other Nosferatu. He didn’t remember his name, only the witch who had done this to him. A disgusted Prince Charles accepted him; a Toreador actually felt pity for our kind. <smirks> In place of a name, they merely called him the Wretched, as no more sorry a beast has stalked the night. Petrodon eventually returned, refusing to acknowledge his 'part' in the Embrace, instead inviting the Wretched to join him in the hunt for Cybil. He refused & the hunters left. The Wretched went into solitude, not to be seen for nearly ten years. This one, this “cousin” of ours. Never a more vindictive creature, perhaps for with good reason, have I ever laid eyes on. Unwittingly he became the final curse of Cybil."

“You taste it, revolting

Wishing you were dead

The effect, you’ll never grow old"

Overkill, “Fatal If Swallowed”


     "Obviously not all of our clan gratefully accept the Embrace. After all, how could one expect to, given the horrific results. Some how, you either adapt or greet the sun to end your pitiful existence. The Wretched chose to adapt, albeit on his own as an outcast. As I said, he wasn’t seen for years, though that’s not to say he wasn’t busy. From his remote location the neonate learned the ways of the blood, at last reveling in new condition. Not that he 'grew up' alone. Agents of the Sabbat discovered the childe, taking him under their wing. They feed him a steady diet of hate, supplemented by equal portions of lies & blasphemy. Lord knows I detest the Sabbat; this one became one of their most vile creations. In time he became adept at the art of disguise, eventually making his way back into the Warren beneath Philadelphia."

     "For years the Wretched lived among us, spreading lies, distrust & the seeds of destruction. Wearing many faces, he moved among the clans & Kine, appearing as a Brujah to some, a Ventrue seductress to others, all in the name of revenge. Although he had been recruited by the Sabbat, ideology alone didn’t drive this beast. The Wretched hated his own kind, going beyond mere self loathing. His lust for destruction knew no bounds as he led the Sabbat’s invasion plans."

     "Granted, it took decades for his plots to spread, but a vengeful man can sometimes be a patient man. Like a spider, he spread webs of deception across the city, entangling several trusted of the clan elders’ childer. he knew their wants, their desires. The Wretched provided what they needed in return to for favors. Yes, I know, so much like a Setite. Then once thoroughly trapped by the beast, he swept down upon them, offering them freedom only through the Sabbat. Otherwise, they were devoured or ... left to more horrible fates. What could that be you say? <shudders> My dear, nothing seems to shock you."

“Lost are those you trust the liar

Satan’s son, I’m born of fire”

Slayer, “Born of Fire”

Repaving the Road to Hell

“For I am shadows and will you follow you

Whatever shape I wear...”

Metallica, “The Thorn Within”

     "As I’m sure you know, the Sabbat, with the help of the Wretched, destroyed the Kindred of Philadelphia from within, like a festering cancer. Their presence had begun in the late 19th century, growing into a full fledged invasion by the year 1923. The Wretched changed faces & forms so often no one quite knew who was. He drew to him a loyal pack of Sabbat animals who worshipped him like a god. (smirks) Don’t be so impressed, the Sabbat received their just rewards for treachery."

     "No, I won’t go into the details of the siege. Had it not been for their Spiral allies, we might have stood a chance. If we had the sense to ally with the Lupines before all of this .... bah. Although we learn from our mistakes, this is not one I like to linger on. Let’s leave it at this: we were destroyed from within, the survivors, making it to points of relative safety along the Eastern Seaboard. One party escape to... excuse me ... were lured by the Wretched’s trolls to Raleigh, North Carolina. Thinking they had found sanctuary in the haven of an ancient Nosferatu Grandmother Elias. Poor bastards never knew what hit them. A Sabbat pack from Charlotte moved in & wiped out the whole lot. More stragglers were picked off by the Sabbat across the country. Me, where did I escape to? <laughs> Let’s just say I eventually made my way to Chicago to link up with other survivors. A scattered few made, most preferring to drift to safer places. Ha, there’s no safe place for our kind."

     "In any matter, those who cared organized in Lodin’s Chicago, gradually making our way east towards Philadelphia. Myself & others set up outside the city, reestablishing our mortal contacts. The plan? Why, do unto others like they have done to you. Our scouts began to sneak back into the city, spying upon the spies themselves. Some time had passed & things had changed. The United States was engaged in war, a sense of conflict tempered with bitter sorrow could be felt everywhere. The Nosferatu alone were brave enough to enter Philadelphia again, however we were careful to not engage the enemy. Within a decade we had established an information channel if you will with some of the local antitribu. That’s right, the matters of sect mean little to those suppressed by their 'Kindred'. Local civil servants, such as Samuel were brought into the clan, their knowledge of the city’s operations proving invaluable to our plans. we used many of the same tactics as the Sabbat, turning pack against pack until civil war erupted. Then, when the groundwork was laid, our agents in place, we crept back to Chicago."

     "It took months to finalize the invasion plans. Meanwhile the Sabbat of Philadelphia continued to destroy each other, weakening them even further. What happened with the other survivors? The Gangrel had been working towards a united front with the Lupines (which we were not opposed to) in driving out the Sabbat, so atleast they were useful. The Brujah, for all their talk, did little but moan & groan. I think the rest just stood in awe of Lucien, this architect of vindication, the one responsible for uniting the clans. I’ve heard he called in about every favor he had as well as solicited help from other sources. Who? <laughs, wagging a finger> That’ll cost you. Finally came the big summit in the year 1968.

     "In the Pocono mountains the two groups met by moonlight, eternal enemies coming together for a common purpose. Of course, the Lupines seemed to have the biggest problem with us, given our appearances. Still, through masterful negotiating, an accord was struck were each side would divide up sections of the city to begin working on. Naturally since we has already begun our endeavor, the Nosferatu took the lead."

Fighting Fire With Fire

“Beauty’s where you find it”

Madonna, “Vogue”

     “Although we have females of our species here in Philadelphia, it never fails to amaze me their continued existence. Now calm down, it was meant as a compliment, although it didn’t come out that way. What I meant was that among the Nosferatu, the transformation is sometimes hardest for the women. Some crumble into suicidal wrecks, quickly greeting the sun upon learning of what they’ve become. Others, as I previously mentioned, have been some of our most adept members. <sighs> My darling Katherine, childe of the infamous mole Kenneth Rigby, was the one to finally bring down the Wretched. For two years she worked to earn this beast’s trust, going far as to become his <shudders> ... lover. While Rigby worked at starting a civil war amongst the various covens of Philadelphia, Katherine became our spy for all of the antitribu’s plots. She became his confidant, possibly the only thing he truly had loved since his family was murdered. Then the attacks began. One by one havens were discovered by competitive packs, as key Sabbat were destroyed. By the time the truth was discovered, Katherine had long fled the city. His own was either slain or had abandoned him. The great traitor was again alone."

     "Don’t think that was the end of him. Although he undoubtedly felt the fool, this did not deter the tactics that gotten so far. He went to ground, as it were, apparently into to torpor to wait out the Sabbat civil war. Sadly, the Wretched did not rest for long. By late 1969 the Sabbat & it’s allies were all but vanquished. It was the Lupines who finally tracked him down, cornering him in a train tunnel near city hall. Those who witnessed it, no there are Kindred remaining who witnessed it, say it was a terrible battle. A pack of raging Lupines could barely stop the elder Nosferatu. The wolves used the horrible claws & magics, finally driving him against the third rail of the tracks. With a agonizing scream the Wretched burst into flames, dying the same as he was reborn, into flames. By the end two Lupines, called Bone Gnawers, survived. They say that the very winds of Hell swept up the Wretched’s ashes, carrying them to the Devil himself. At last this beast was finally slain. The remaining minions of the Sabbat were meanwhile dealt with by the other clans, ending the Sabbat menace."


     "Following this, the Ventrue was made Prince. Yes, it’s true, as you so elegantly put, he 'screwed' the Camarilla out of the city. Well, if they were so angry, then why didn’t they come take it back? It’s because he was a strong leader, childe, having done what they couldn’t have done. They couldn’t get rid of the Sabbat. They couldn’t resolve the Lupine issue. He did both! He & the others, myself included, had the courage to stand up to the Camarilla, declaring themselves free. Not only were we strong, but our Lupine allies were growing as well. Philadelphia was shining model of true liberty, having earned it ourselves. "<smiles>

     "As for the Nosferatu, Julius rose among us to become our Primogen, still serving the clan to this very night. Through his guidance we reestablished our lines of  'proper’ communication, still continuing our friendly relations with the Lupines. Lucien has allowed us our freedom from the others, which in return pay as the city’s guardians. Never again will we fail in our vigilance.

      "You seem bored by my speeches. Very well, ask me what you would like to hear. How are things now, with so many years having passed? <hesitates slightly> They are perhaps not as .... controlled as they once were. The Toreador as you might have heard recently were engaged in civil war. No my dear, it’s not as easy to dismiss them as 'art fags'. You see, not all of the Kindred enjoy being an independent city. Many Toreador felt anxiety separation if you will. They felt alone with the so called protection of the Camarilla. Understand this, we declared ourselves separate from the Inner Circle’s commands. It’s true, we respect the Justicars & what not, but they do not rule us. These particular Toreador, the Revisionists, felt we should go back to the Camarilla, fearing Sabbat or possibly Camarilla reprisal. The Revisionists failed. I fear there may be more movements in the works. These dark nights hold great threats indeed."

     "Such as? <snorts> Well, watch your step here, childe, it’s very slippery along here. What was I saying? Oh yes, the threats. It’s enough that we must worry about the Sabbat. If we don’t destroy ourselves first, perhaps the Nosferatu can save the city from all of the outside dangers. There has been a disturbing trend within the clan as of late. While previously the trend had been to generally Embrace those who could help the clan best, architects, civil service workers, computer experts, the latest wave has been very distasteful, even for our kind.

<glances around> Someone or something has created a new ... strain might the correct term of Nosferatu. They are more hideous than anything we’ve yet encountered, often possessing very little intelligence it seems. Yet they seem so evil. These Monsters as they’ve been dubbed are hulking beasts, bent only on murder & mayhem. As a clan, we are loathe to destroy our own. Look around, you’ll see them if look close en perhaps in pity, has tried to restrain the Monsters, keeping them below, lest the shatter the Masquerade. Still the time will come to thin the herd as it were. The Monsters will eventually have to be dealt with."

     "Who sired this line? <shrugs> Even our mighty information sources come up empty. The only ideas are mere conjecture. Samuel has proposed that they were created by the Sabbat. Myself? I suspect a darker source. Legend talks of Tyrian bringing a truly monstrous being to North America. It may be more true than we like to believe."

     "There are other things here in the dark. The Nosferatu are no longer the kings of the underground. A breed of wererat exists in small pockets, eluding our attempts at communication. In yet other places, I’ve heard tales of fair folk choosing to live in our world. I think they hide here from the Malkavians. Whatever, the reason, we leave them in peace. The major conflict will be from the Camarilla, though. They’ve had their eye on this city since we reclaimed it. We left them out of our celebration & know they’re going to crash the party, if you know what I mean. They’ve already sent a Justicar once to settle the Toreador issue. The next time will be war."

     "Of course, there’s always the Giovanni in Atlantic City who may make a move against. One of our kind, Lester, lives deep under the boardwalk, gathering bits of info here & there. Nothing of much of substance. The Sabbat? What about them? I’m sure they’ve tried to infiltrate the city again. But they’re mere animals compared to the Camarilla, far too stupid to conquer us this time. I’m quite certain of it."

"Oh, into that next tunnel, please, after you my dear. Yes, down to the left."

<Sounds of crashing metal, followed by the screams of someone falling into moving metal gears. The noise is punctuated by the splashing of vitae upon the entrance to the tunnel>

“Case in point. Imagine trying to send a flesh-crafted Tzimisce into our Warren. Didn’t think we could tell the difference, could they? Well, my dear, see you in Hell. I’ve business to attend to before my own appointment.”

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