1) Choose: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Traits (6/4/3) from Physical Social and Mental

2) Choose: 5 Ability Traits

3) Choose: 5 Backgrounds ** Hunter Associations cost 2 Background traits

4) [A] For Psychic/Sorcerer/Theurgy Mortals: choose 5 basic spells, Choose your primary Praxis. For each Sorcery/Theurgy in your primary Praxis choose a basic ritual in that Praxis for free.

[B] For all other mortals: Choose 4 Abilities and 2 Backgrounds

5) Choose: 4 Humanity Traits and start with 2 Willpower.

6) Choose up to 5 Negative Traits (optional).

7) Choose up to 7 points in Flaws (optional).

8) Spend 5 freebies plus any points from Negative traits or Flaws.

9) Submit a character background for extra Experience.

10) Health Levels ( 2 Healthy, 3 Bruised, 2 Wounded, 1 Incapacitated, 1 Mortally Wounded/Dead)

Lethal and Aggravated base damage are doubled for mortals.

Email Tom for information on playing mortals.

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