Welcome to the GOPPLARPS Web.
A group of people playing Live Action Role Playing stuff.
We're based in Louisville, KY and play the second Saturday of every month.
Our next game is Saturday October 12th, 2002 at 9 pm.
We play at Clifton Unitarian Church, behind Clifton's Pizza on Frankfor
The In Game date of the next LARP is Monday April 26,
Last Update-9/29/02
Status, XP, Pictures and Character lists from the September game are
up. History is going up today. Enjpy and send all comments to me.
This site was not meant to be the final location for our site. But since
I put it up it has become THE GOPPLARPS web site. So I'm reflecting this
by moving the site (slowly so we can all get used to it) to it's own tripod
account. The new site address will be http://gopplarps.tripod.com
I am keeping this page up for two months or so too, as to not confuse or
anger anyone.