Next Game's Moon Phase:

Half Eaning


Sept Alpha- Kahli Skyfang

Sept Beta- Jerry

Warder- Jerry/Kahli Skyfang/Greusollog Rueprick

Den Mother- Amanda

Rite Master- Kahli Skyfang

The following packs frequesnt the Caern of the Open Way

Joker's Wild- Kahli Skyfang (pack alpha), Jerry (pack beta), Amanda

Also involved with the sept is a solitary Bastet and a few people who wish to not be named.

Garou 101

Rage and Frenzy

Form and Social Technicalities of Garou

(Including useful Abilities and Rank)

Here's some pictures of our Garou from a recent Game:

Amanda Perkins- Corax, Den Mother: Caern of the Open Way

Thom, our storyteller

Our Storyteller:

Thom H.

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