Next Game's Moon Phase:
Half Eaning
Sept Alpha- Kahli Skyfang
Sept Beta- Jerry
Warder- Jerry/Kahli Skyfang/Greusollog Rueprick
Den Mother- Amanda
Rite Master- Kahli Skyfang
The following packs frequesnt the Caern of the Open Way
Joker's Wild- Kahli Skyfang (pack alpha), Jerry (pack beta), Amanda
Also involved with the sept is a solitary Bastet and a few people who wish to not be named.
Form and Social Technicalities of Garou
(Including useful Abilities and Rank)
Here's some pictures of our Garou from a recent Game:
Amanda Perkins- Corax, Den Mother: Caern of the Open Way
Thom, our storyteller
Our Storyteller:
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