


More than 5 starting Status

Status from Laws of the Hunt, ESPECIALLY Military

Restricted: These are Merits, Clans, Flaws, etc that are limited. Contact the Story Teller or Secretary for information on playing a character with one or more of these attributes.




Daughters of Cacophany




Lasombra antitribue

Paths other than Humanity

Generation above 11th

Demolitions Ablility

Iron Will

Magic Resistance




True Faith

Merits & Flaws outside of the book Laws of the Night

Thamaturgy Paths Other Than: Path of Blood, Path of Flame, and Movement of the Mind, Players are encouraged to begin with Path of Blood

Master Level Disciplines

Beginning characters cannot have clan specific disciplines from a clan they are not part of (ie. A Gangrel cannot start with Thamaturgy. Clan specific disciplines are: Thamaturgy, Protean, Obeah, Septentis, Necromancy, Spiritus, Mytheciria, Temporis, Quietus, Dementation, Chimestry, Melpominee, Thanatosis, Bardo, Daimoinon, Obtenebration, & Viceratika)

** GOPPLARPS storylines have created the existance of a new positive Status Trait. A Character may have the Status "Oathbound" denoting that they have sworn an oath of loyalty to the Camarilla. Character may get this status in game as well. **

Now, onto the Process of Creating the new You. The following guide comes from White Wolf's Laws of the Night, for the Mind's Eye Theater. Having a copy of this book is almost essential to playing Vampire in the LARP. This is just a general outline. Questions can be sent to Tom (Vampire Storyteller), or Michele (Secretary). Thank you to Steve for contributing to this page.

1) Choose Nature, Demeanor, Character Name & Clan (Warning all Independant and Camarilla clans are listed on a single page. This means that page is large and may have a large load time. I've taken all graphics off to speed it up.)

2) Choose: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Traits (7/5/3) from Physical Social and Mental

3) Choose: 5 Ability Traits

4) Choose: 5 Backgrounds

5) Choose 3 basic levels of in-clan Disciplines.

6) Choose: 7 morality traits (each trait automatically has one, before spending the 7)

7) Calculate Path Rating (Self Control + Courage, divided by 2, rounded down), Willpower and Blood Pool.

8) Choose up to 5 Negative Traits (optional).

9) Choose up to 7 points in Flaws (optional).

10) Spend 5 freebies plus any points from Negative traits or Flaws.

11) Submit a character background for extra Experience.

Done? Questions? Contact Me.

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