watch carefully in the following expanded portion of the Dea Sea Scrolls (DSS)
In the encircled names we see inclined W mounted on poles:
In the DSS that letter is also found, among others, as a text marker
which was constructed by the joint of three traces, as it is shown:
This character (called now Shamek)is found in the following ancient hebrew alphabet(second colomn), around the 600 Before Christ, in which we can match most of the characters of the coins:
Some groups are very interested in forcing that be the U, but there is not way to be so:
(The ancient Shamek was an S or Sh)
The Qumran Scribes knew the actual Jewish characters, but they did not used them to write the name of God because the alphabet didn't have the characters for the name of God!, therefore they used ancient characters. The Library of the Congress of the United Stated followed this same principle of the Qumran's Scribes.