The Sabian symbols for the nodes support these themes. The 13-degree Leo north node involves the contemplation and completion of one’s previous life experience, reviewing where one has been and coming to peace with it. The 14-degree Leo position, which it is moving toward, has the key words, "The yearning for self-actualization." "Behind the many rhythms and drives of individual existence, beyond the child, the adult, and the old man, stands the soul seeking always to manifest itself through the personality. This is the transpersonal urge of the spirit, expressing itself in many ways during the whole life span. But most avenues are blocked, and the soul waits until it can wait no longer. Then comes the dramatic release that may mean a joyous carnival or a madness. Let the soul speak out! Allow the power of the true tone of your being to manifest itself— smoothly, easily, unobstructed—or expect a variety of consequences. Let the soul manifest!" It seems that it is time to take one last look at where we have been, make peace with it all, and surrender to the pregnancy of the moment. The collective human soul can wait no longer, and must be born! The gifts of doing so are unfathomable and the consequences of staying asleep are dire. The south node Sabian symbols tell us how we can use our gifts from the past to face our karma and make the leap to the future. The symbol for initiation in 13 Aquarius is the "Barometer." "The ability to discover basic natural facts that allow us to plan in advance for action. Natural laws which involve causal relationships and passage of one natural condition into another. The obvious signs and indicators we can see and measure which foretell what is to come. Omens. Animals grow thick fur when a winter will be harsh. Planning for the future is a possibility because the potential or seed of the future is already operating at the core of the present. An awareness of cyclic processes, and this includes astrology. Anticipation."