[Chrysalis Foundation]


The initiation of Time Spiral through the planetary activation discussed above coincides with, and may have catalyzed, other significant evolutionary events on Earth. On Crete, the Minoan culture, based in the divine feminine, was beginning to flourish. The great Indus civilization, another powerful spiritual culture, was born in India. In Egypt, worship of Isis and Osiris began, and the usefulness of papyrus was discovered. Now, information could be conveyed across great distances, and the first library was born.

After this, the Time Spiral wound slowly through nearly 1600 years until it arrived at the next date, 574 B.C. The sixth century B.C. was a luminous time in world history, emphasizing the flowering of human wisdom and achievement. Many of the most famous spiritual figures in history lived during this period. Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tsu, and Zoroaster each uniquely impacted the spiritual awakening of the planet. The Oracle at Delphi was a revered pilgrimage-point during this time. Mayan astronomers and mathematicians, Greek poets, Jewish prophets, and scientists including Pythagoras sculpted the new phase of planetary culture.

The next turn of the spiral brings us to 409 A.D. Around this time the Sun and Moon temples were built in Peru, Buddhism spread from India to China and other parts of Asia, and the Roman Empire began to decline.

We then come to 1017 A.D. The beginning of the second millennium saw the redemption of the Maya culture, as Topiltzin, an incarnation of Kukulkan, the plumed serpent (the Mayan Christ-figure) started a new kingdom based not on human sacrifice, but rather emphasizing spiritual sacrifice or surrender to God. The Vikings crossed the Atlantic, connecting Europe for the first time with the future birthplace of the New Age (America). Islam flourished, while Christianity split into Italian and Eastern Mediterranean factions.

Many of the great Christian mystics, including Hildegard von Bingen, were on Earth during the late 14th and early 15th centuries as the Time Spiral completed its next cycle. At the same time, the black plague purified Europe, eliminating one-third of the population. Nicholas Oresme birthed astronomy; peasant uprisings challenged the monarchies of England and France. Slowly, the darkness of the Middle Ages began to wane.

In 1625, Francis Bacon, believed by many to be the last incarnation of St. Germain, the ascended master overseeing the incoming Aquarian age, was busy categorizing all knowledge within the fields of poetry, history and philosophy, and forwarding many scientific principles. Many are convinced he also wrote some, or all, of the plays attributed to William Shakespeare, which were encoded with spiritual teachings meant to awaken the English aristocracy. Francois de Sales, a Catholic bishop, forwarded the heretical idea that since all people had direct access to God, the priesthood was unnecessary. Galileo invented the telescope, which revealed the shocking inaccuracy of many prevailing astronomical notions. The next steps in preparing America for the New Age occurred as the first European settlers colonized the Virginias.

The next Time Spiral date, 1768, was another key milestone. The energies arising during this year would eventuate in the birth of America, which many consider the spiritual birthplace of the imminent planetary shift. In 1768, the Boston Massacre occurred, and England’s taxation policies aroused the righteous indignation of those who would later become the country’s founding fathers. Within just eight years, America had gained her independence.

The technological advances that led to the Industrial Revolution also emerged in England at this time. This was necessary to create the planetary infrastructure to support the 6 billion souls who would later be in body for the planetary shift at Omega-Alpha. Steam power led to mass transportation and the development of manufacturing machines. Enormous textile looms fabricated the first consumer goods, enabling people to buy what they had formerly, out of necessity, made themselves. International free trade was established. The development of active intelligence was emphasized during this time, resulting in countless inventions that were almost immediately superseded by even more sophisticated possibilities made manifest.

The Time Spiral tightened considerably during the next cycle, taking less than 89 years to arrive at 1857. Around this time, Marx and Engels released their manifestos, and Darwin wrote Origin of Species. The first Neanderthal skull was found, catalyzing a huge paradigm shift regarding who we are, where we have come from, and where we might be going. Mother Mary appeared to Bernadette at Lourdes, in the first of her widely-publicized visitations. Her message emphasized the necessity of returning to God to avoid cataclysm. In America, it was the advent of the days during which the horrors of the Civil War led to the Emancipation Proclamation, and the beginning of the end of slavery. This was a necessary next step in preparing American to birth the Aquarian Age, whose keynote is divine freedom.

The next turn of the spiral brings us to 1911. Significant advances occurred in psychology as C. G. Jung released The Theory of Psychoanalysis. Jung and a host of followers explored the overlap of psychology and the spiritual realms of existence. Jung used the term "shadow" to refer to the unconscious forces within us that can cause great suffering and destruction if denied by the more conscious aspects of the Self. Jung stressed the necessity of facing and owning our "shadow material." This occurs as we stop denying, blaming, and projecting our own unowned shadow qualities onto others, and take responsibility for our own feelings, thoughts, and reactions to situations. If we are ever to go beyond the destruction of war, the ultimate catastrophe of shadow projection, each of us must do this uncomfortable inner work.

As a few brave souls began to do this challenging excavating of the unconscious, the "Heroic Age of Aviation" simultaneously arrived. We lifted off the Earth’s surface for the first time, which revealed a panoramic view of our planet and ourselves, and expanded our scope and context. The discovery of polymers opened the door to the synthetic world of plastics, without which modern civilization couldn’t exist (think about a computer made of wood and metal!).

Glimmerings of fourth-dimensional consciousness began to permeate the mind of humanity. Cosmic radiation was discovered, H. N. Russell presented his theory of stellar evolution, Rutherford introduced the nuclear model of the atom, and a few years later, Bohr unveiled his quantum model of atomic structure. The Geiger counter revealed the first evidence of the mysterious fourth-dimensional world of subatomic particles. And in 1915, Einstein announced his General Theory of Relativity. We would never again be able to rest comfortably in the illusion that "this is all there is."