Ranma 1/2 is the property of Rumiko Takahashi. This site is for non-commercial purposes only. I am just trying to expand my horizons. These pictures were all completed in PhotoShop.

Let me know how I'm doing, I would appreciate feedback.


A sketch submitted to Antarctic press for evaluation. Surprsingly, it received a positive response."

Ranma in gestures studies from "18 weapons of Kung Fu."

An experiment in using PhotoShop and old files. Took forever for sucha simple pic.

This was supposed to be the cover for Chapter1, but it didn't pan out.

I took a tutorial class that assigned exercises from "Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Ryouga was from the upside down perception excercise.

My version of Shingden.

My first attempt at drawing Ranma-chan with PhotoShop.


This project took the longest. I drew and scanned Ranma and Akane before I started PhotoShop class. After class ended, I retouched the drawing, added more images and changed the composition.

Another black and white picture, this time of Kasumi. Didn't realize it before, but she's striking the same pose as Akane in the above picture. Doh!

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