A sketch submitted to Antarctic press for evaluation. Surprsingly, it received a positive response." |

Ranma in gestures studies from "18 weapons of Kung Fu." |

An experiment in using PhotoShop and old files. Took forever for sucha simple pic.

This was supposed to be the cover for Chapter1, but it didn't pan out.

I took a tutorial class that assigned exercises from "Drawing from the
Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Ryouga was from the upside down
perception excercise. |

My version of Shingden. |

My first attempt at drawing Ranma-chan with PhotoShop. |

This project took the longest. I drew and scanned Ranma and Akane
before I started PhotoShop class. After class ended, I retouched the
drawing, added more images and changed the composition. |

Another black and white picture, this time of Kasumi. Didn't realize it
before, but she's striking the same pose as Akane in the above picture.
Doh! |