Thanks to Weldon M. Baker for sending me this for the Baker Family Newsletter Int. I was not able to print it in the newsletter due to size, but thought many would like to see one tiny section of this famed chart.
A box on the chart states:
Compiled by: W.H. Baker, names and dates are taken from family trees and many old records from old Bibles; such as wills, and other records on file which we believe to be correct. No date on this chart.
Of course, much of the info on this chart is NOT accurate, it was researched to fit as many Baker family groups in the "False" George Peter Baker (Jacob Baker) line as possible. Some info shown is accurate, for later groups. Anything from any W.H. Baker chart/letters etc. or from notes kept in family boxes due to the "estate" is suspect without the info being documented.
I am gathering info from wills, land records, vital stats, census, etc. to make available, so the info can be rechecked and documented by researchers.
The original chart made by WH Baker, is several feet wide and several feet in length.
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