These are resources of potential relevance to people with hearing loss and other disabilities and/or people with high intelligence. This listing does not constitute verification or approval of the resources.

General Resources for Californians


Hearing Loss

Gifted/High Intelligence

General Resources for Californians

small outline of California CA Home Page: Your Government - Laws, Codes and Regulations


 Job Accommodation Network (USA) --provides information about accommodations for people with disabilities

California Law for Youth with Disabilities

Project Hired --employment agency for people with disabilities

Fair Employment Act

Employer has affirmative duty under FEHA to seek out reasonable accommodation for disabled employees

Unruh Civil Rights Act (Do a search down the page for Unruh Civil Rights).  This Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and other protected classes.

Image of ear on blue backgroundHearing Loss Links

Assistive Listening Technology -- Please note that listing these companies do not consistute a recommendation of all these companies or of all their products.

General Technologies
Centrum Sound 
Harris Communications


Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc., California
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program

California Laws Affecting People with Hearing Loss

AB 1836, Eastin. Special education: hard-of-hearing or deaf, 9/30/94
SB 1688, Marks. Residential care facilities. 9/13/96
SB 1687, Marks. Disabled persons, signal dogs 9/16/96
AB 3152, Martinez. Telephones. 9/23/96  This law requires the Public Utility Commission to " design and implement a program that shall provide for publicly available telecommunications devices capable of servicing the needs of the deaf or hearing impaired in existing buildings, structures, facilities, and public accommodations"


TTY FAQ -- information about TTYs, including VCO (Voice Carry Over) phones, 2-line VCO, etc.  If you are a deafened or deaf person who would like to be able to use your voice on telephone calls, read this for more information about how to do so.

Hearing Resources - Web page which lists many resources for people with hearing loss

Cal-PERS Provides Hearing Aid Coverage to Active Employees This press release describes the inclusion of hearing aid coverage for the first time for active California public employees and their dependents. I began working on this in 1994. It takes a long time to affect hearing aid coverage for a million people, but it was worth it!

Gifted/High Intelligence  

Gifted Education Conference Papers Papers from the 1996 Australia Convention. One of the most insightful is Communication: its impact on self-esteem and underachievement in the gifted child.

Nurturing Social-Emotional Development Of Gifted Children

Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Barbarian's Online Tests Page --links to different intelligence tests

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This page was updated Friday, January 16, 1998