This is a copy of patient instructions MY DOCTOR gives HIS patients. Your doctor might do things differently. If your doctor gave you different instructions – Be sure to follow YOUR doctor’s instructions. But this could be a guide to help you make something like this to post on your refrigerator as a daily reminder.

To help you follow your daily supplement regimen, here's a brief review. Post this supplement review on your refrigerator as a daily reminder!

The first five weeks following surgery:

1. Multivitamins.

Take one chewable multivitamin with iron at breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Do not take vitamins/minerals with caffeine (cocoa, tea, coffee, or caffeine containing diet sodas). Also do not take vitamin/mineral supplements within one hour of taking your calcium supplement or Tums as this may interfere with vitamin/mineral absorption as well.

Note: During your first five weeks postoperative all your pills or capsules should be crushed in liquid or be chewable.

2. Calcium.

You need about 1,500mg of elemental calcium per day following gastric bypass surgery.
You can achieve this dosage by taking one of the following:
6-7 Regular Strength Tums,
5 Ex-Tums or 3 Tums Ultra;
3 Caltrate 600-D or 3 Calel D;
one heaping teaspoon of calcium carbonate powder, or the appropriate amount of other preparations such as calcium citrate.(which is very readily absorbed) at bedtime, daily.

Note: It is important to take your calcium supplement at bedtime because calcium is best utilized in the evening when you are inactive. It is also a good idea to take your calcium near bedtime or apart from your vitamins so they don't interfere with absorption.

3. Protein.

You need to take three scoops of Promod or one packet of Advanced Health System as a protein supplement every day (unless directed otherwise by our staff). If you have been told you have a protein deficiency, you may need more. We monitor your labs on a regular basis and will notify you if you need to adjust your dosage of protein supplement.

Do not stop taking your protein supplement on your own. If you feel you are getting enough protein from your diet, you can keep a diet diary (write everything you eat and drink on a daily basis for at least seven days) which can be reviewed on your next follow-up clinic appointment by our nutritionist.


Take all your supplements as directed.

Do not make substitutions or discontinue taking your supplements on your own.

Keep all scheduled follow-up appointments.

Bring a completed 24-hour dietary recall sheet to each follow-up appointment. You can get blank 24-hour dietary recall sheets in our office, if you ask. Also write down the name, dosage and frequency that you take your supplements.

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