"These are some of the bad guys we all love to hate."

Professor Emerald: My absolute favorite bad guy! He was the most evil magician in the world and Doctor Snuggles arch enemy. The Professor wore a top hat, in which stayed his bush baby pal , Horner. He would pop out and say things then go back in. I loved Horners accent too.

Willy Fox: Willy was a fox who talked like a gangster. He was a liar, a theif, a cheater and always had wild schemes planned to make money.

Charlie Rat: Charlie was a rat who was Willy Foxs sidekick. He was always bossed and bullied about by Willy who expected Charlie to do all the dirty work.

Madame Midas: Kind of a baddie. She was the richest woman in the world and collected diamonds. She would do anything for them.

Smog Machines: Big machines that go from planet to planet and eat everything, making the planet dead.

Skybed Fred: A pirate who lives in the sky. He and his crew fly about on beds challenging thier enemies to pillow fights. When it snows, its really feathers from the torn pillows. When it rains, its from Skybed Freds crying at having lost.
