Executive Order No. 9066
LESSON SIX:"Local Sensibilities" by Wing Tek Lum

 - To compare their personal meanings for the words pineapple, Duke, man-of-war,
packages, Jap, and Hawaii.  Discuss the importance of word interpretation.

 - Start the class off with a word game.

 - Have the students pair off and sit together in different sections of the 
the room.

 - Give each student of the pair a different sheet of paper with six words
or phrases on it.  Have one student read off the words on their list while
the other student writes the first word that comes to mind when they hear 
that word or phrase. (Instruct the students to only pause a few seconds 
with every word.) Once one student has finished writing, the pair switches.

 - After they have finished, have them look at the reaction words they
wrote down.  Were the partners surprised at the words that their partner
came up with.

 - Have the students go back to their seats and write reaction words to
these words or phrases as you read them:

 - After the class has finished writing their reaction words to the words/
phrases you gave them, go through with each individual word and write on
the board some of the reaction words that the students thought initially
when they heard the given word.

 - Ask the class why they might of each thought of something different 
when they heard any given word.

 - Have someone read out loud "Local Sensibilities".

 - How have the class' reactions to the words differed from the speaker's?  
Were there any similarities?  Were there any differences?  Why do they 
believe their reactions differed from the speaker of the poem?

 - Focuss on the passage:
	`When I read the term "Jap,"
	the image of a kamikaze pilot now turned Sony exports
		is not what I see;
	mainly it is the Sand Island roundup and those old men
		who still wince long after the 442nd has marched back.'

 - Explain to the class that the Sand Island roundup was the equivalent 
of Executive Order No. 9066, only that it took place in Hawaii.

 - Considering the mass hysteria in the mainland states after Pearl Harbor, how
do they think it may have differed in Hawaii considering the attack happened there
directly? Do they think it would have been more severe?

 - Have the class divide into groups and discuss stereotypes that they have.
Before this unit of study, what had been their view of Japanese people and
culture?  What things came to mind when they heard the word: Japanese?
Have some of their stereotypes changed over the course of the last couple of
days of classes?

 - Have the group write down their findings and present them to the class.

 - Have the students choose a word from the poem and draw a picture of some of 
the images that the speaker created in reaction to the word.

 - Have the students show their pictures to the class and explain how they imagined
the picture based upon the speaker's words.

 - Ask the students what they got out of the class.

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