... Powered Parachute - WARNING !!! ... ...Risk of Addiction...

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War veteran with no legs
learns to fly a Powered Parachute.

Freedom Road Flight Training
was made possible by;
HOP's Powered Parachutes
and Buckeye Aviation, Inc.

  Donald is a war veteran with no legs. I'll never forget the first time he took the front seat as pilot in command. We were at an altitude of about 300ft/agl. Flying the down wind-leg portion of the pattern, Donald was looking down and said with a happy sound in his voice, "LOOK... You can barely see that chair from up here." 

(His Wheel Chair)
   That was in May of 2002.

  Donald has sence completed all flight requirements and tests necessary to become a PPC Flight Instructor himself. He is currently a (BFI) Basic Flight Instructor and actively training students, with or without all of their limbs.
  After training Donald, the words "Freedom Road" PPC Flight Training" took on a whole new meaning. That feeling of confinement will never haunt Donald again as long as he's able to fly on freedom road. ( the real FREEDOM ROAD).  


  In the first photo you will see Donald preparing to leave his wheels of confinement and slide onto the seat that will take him into the skies by way of Freedom Road.

   This handicap friendly PPC

was manufactured by; Buckeye Aviation, Inc.: www.buckeyeaviation.com

and the custom control system used

was customized, installed and tested by Freedom Road's Dennis Mings

prior to training.





Our Location

We'll put our address and directions to our office here. We might also include a MapQuest Web Gem to display a map to our office.