The following are excerpts from the "Colfax Leader" newspaper that I 
encountered during my own research. 

I would like to dedicate these pages to 

Muriel Martens Hoffman

who through her diligent and tireless work made it possible. Mrs. Hoffman is the author of the 1976 Bi-Centennial book "History of Lawndale, Martin and Anchor Townships And The Villages Of Colfax and Anchor." She is also responsible for gathering, sorting and preparing the stacks of forgotten and abandoned "Colfax Leader" and "Colfax Press" and having them microfilmed. In addition, she authored the source book "Eastern McLean County Obituaries" copied from The Colfax Press 1890 - 1905. She saved a part of history, knowing others would one day thank her for it. Thank you, Muriel, with all my heart. You can search this site:

You can also find additional newspaper abstracts for the US at The Home of Newspaper Abstracts I have divided the excerpts into sections. 1890 through 1891 (this page) February 1892 through June 1892 August 1892 through December 1892 January 1893 through December 1893 January 1894 through December 1894 January 1895 through December 1895 January 1896 through December 1896 January 1897 through December 1897 January 1898 through December 1898 January 1899 through December 1899 January 1900 through December 1900 January 1901 through December 1901 January 1902 through December 1902 January 1903 through December 1903 January 1904 through December 1904 January 1905 through December 1905 January 1906 through December 1906 January 1907 through December 1907 January 1908 through December 1908 Links below will take you to the remaining pages.

JULY 11,1890

- John D. Henline’s little girl fell down stairs Monday night while walking in her
sleep, breaking her arm below the elbow. Dr. Langstaff was called at once and
set it. She was getting along well at last reports.

- Proceedings have been commenced in county court to contest the “busting” of
Lexington’s prohibition charter. The charter was voted out by one majority, but it
is claimed four or more illegal votes were cast.

- Miss Hattie Waldo returned yesterday evening from the hospital in Chicago.
She had recovered from the operation sufficiently to be moved, but is not entirely
well yet. Her many friends are glad to welcome her deliverance from danger.

- Postmaster Benson and Dan Mooney had an altercation Friday evening in the
postoffice, which resulted in the latter being forcibly ejected. He went back and
was again put out and wanted to return the third time, but was prevented by
other parties who had arrived. Mr. Benson had him arrested next day for
disorderly conduct, but the case was dismissed on technical grounds. Mr.
Benson has had him arrested again, and the trial takes place today in

Attention Company!
All old soldiers and sailors of Colfax and vicinity are requested to meet at the
office of B. F. Payne on May 21st 1890, at 8 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of
taking some action in regard to the observance of Decoration Day, etc. By order
of Committee.

School Report
The following is a report of Springer school, Dist. No. 7, Martin Twp., month
ending May 13.
No. pupils enrolled 22, No. days taught 22, average daily attendance 19, No.
present every day 10. Those neither absent nor tardy: Nannie Baker, Annie
Barnes, Etta Barnes, Thursa Gibbs, Dollie Harding and Charlie Harding.
                                             Mary E. Builta, Teacher.

- Miss Dora Crumbaker is home again, but will return this fall to Ozark, Missouri,
where she has secured a position as teacher of the second room of the city

- Messrs. Bush and Waddle, of Chicago, and Miss Ella Kelly, of Normal spent
the Fourth at G.H. Franklin’s with a number of invited friends in the immediate

- Many of our people celebrated in Saybrook, Fairbury and Bloomington, but
most of them stayed at home and observed the day as a sort of midsummer
Thanksgiving, ice-cream and lemonade being substituted for turkey and
cranberry sauce.

- The walls of the new bank building were started Monday, and now the sizzle of
slacking lime, the rattle of sand, the clink of bricks and the musical cry of “mort!”
may be heard. Twenty men are employed on the work, and twenty-eight carloads
of material are required for it.

- W.W. Moberly celebrated with home folks at Armington, returning to Colfax

- Mrs. E.D. Knight gave a family picnic on the Fourth at her residence, two miles

- Hiram Henline and Viola Taylor celebrated Independence Day appropriately by
getting married.

- W.C. Patterson has moved back to town. He occupies the rear part of Dr.
Langstaff’s building.

- Miss Alma Steele is attending the Musical Institute in LaFayette, Indiana. She
will be gone one month.

- John Hopper has moved onto E.O. Crouch’s farm in Indian Grove. Mr. Crouch
is moving into H.R. Weaver’s brick.

- W.H. Anderson has moved his family from Normal, and occupies his father’s
square house in the northeast part of town.

- James Seymour is very sick with fever.

- W.G. Anderson is suffering with a severe attack of grippe.

- Wm. Harris and Miss Julia Lawrence were married last night by Rev. Corn of
Cropsey at the residence of the bride’s father, five miles north of Colfax.

- John Dameron’s seven-year-old daughter, Kansas is very sick with diphtheria.
It is the only case so far reported in the vicinity.

SEPTEMBER 19, 1890

- The Cropsey fair yesterday was the most successful ever held by the society,
1,500 or 2,000 people being present. Although there were no gate receipts the
society has a racetrack and a large floral hall which will probably be enlarged for
next year.

- V.J. Becker was buried at Lexington Saturday under the auspices of the
Knights of Pythias, the funeral being preached by Rev. Crisswell. Some
handsome floral decorations were furnished by his fellow business men, by
whom he was held in very high esteem.

- The Batterton boys are having a lawsuit in Lexington today over the rent of
their father’s land. Since he lost his mind, they divided the land between them to
use, and Franklin got more land than the others, for which they want him to pay
$90 extra. He claims the land is less valuable and refuses to pay.

- The sidewalk has been laid in front of the new bank building, and undesirable
visitors to the Leader office will take warning. It isn’t quite so easy for the fighting
editor to kick a fellow up a six-foot area as it is down a sixteen-foot stairway, nor
will the law of gravity develop such a momentum of speed, but the brick are hard
enough to make the new method equally effective.

We the undersigned farmers of Lawndale Township give notice that we will
prosecute persons hunting or trespassing on our farms. Dated Aug. 5, 1890.
C.H. Benson				C.E. Arnold
M.E. Clark				E.L. Corpe
G.H. Johnson			        J.T. Johnson
P.B. Brown				C.H. Lighthart
Sam. Stauffer			        F.R. Starkey
J.W. Arnold				John Dameron
T.B. Kilgore				C.G. Garber
H. Helwing				John Hamilton
G. Lawrence				C.A. Brown
J.M. McGinnis			        G.W. Arnold
		  G.W. Hawthorn

JANUARY 16, 1891

- Joe Raish’s three-year-old daughter is sick with pneumonia.

- John Harris has been under the weather for a few days, but is now better.

- John T. and Boone Henline have gone to Kansas to remain several months.

- All the butcher shops of Colfax will be closed on Sunday hereafter. Please take
notice and get your meat Saturday.

MARCH 6, 1891

- J.N. Smith has moved to Bloomington, where he is working in the new carriage

- C.H. Lighthart has taken up his residence in town. His son, Fred has moved
onto the farm.

- J. Rosenthal’s clothing stock has been closed out and he and his successors
have returned to Chatsworth.

- Mr. Alexander Gillan and Miss Rhoda M. Wiley were united in marriage at the
M.E. parsonage on Tuesday evening.

- T.H Van Petten has rented his livery barn to the Wrought-Iron Range Co. of St.
Louis, who will occupy it for business next week.

- Mr. Samuel Clark and Miss Mary Hughes were united in marriage at the
Methodist parsonage on Wednesday evening at 4 o’clock.

- The appointing board of Lawndale Township has appointed Henry C. Henline
to fill out George Johnson’s unexpired term of a little over one year as

JUNE 12, 1891

- Bob Henline’s wife died Sunday of diphtheria, and was buried Monday at
Evergreen. She leaves one child two years old.

- Genial Joe Irvin, one of the Illinois Central’s most respected conductors, is
back on his old run again. Joe’s health has been very poor for the past year.

- Samuel Wright has so far recovered as to be able to walk uptown. Though
almost a stranger here he received many kindnesses from our people and
wishes to express his gratitude therefore.

- No, we are not a community of astronomers. We gaze at the skyscraping kite
built by a syndicate of local sports headed by Frank Powell, five feet in length
and taking up a whole ball of binder twine.

AUGUST 21, 1891

- Walter Hamilton started Monday to visit his grandparents at Morrisonville.

- John T. Henline is a horse poorer, his bay having turned his toes moonward
this week.

- Frank Woodard’s little girl, two years old died Tuesday night of congestion of
the bowels.

- Frank Powell was also with the Niagara Falls excursion party, and will visit
friends in Ohio before returning.

- Will Vandevender ran a foot race Monday afternoon. John Bozarth thought he
also was running, but he was not in it.

- Mrs. Gendor, of Iowa, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.N. Gilmore. They
have both now gone to Hudson to visit another daughter a couple of weeks.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1891

- “Uncle Jack” Henline, one of the first settlers on Mackinaw, is lying
dangerously ill at his home in Lawndale township. 

- The new house John Harris, Sr. is putting up is a combination of beauty and
usefulness which speaks well for the builders, the Colfax Lumber Co.

- Lost between Colfax and Arrowsmith, about two weeks ago, a wheel from a
child’s tricycle. Finder please leave at J.R. Williams & Son’s store.

- M.F. Anderson is building a house on the 80-acre farm he recently bought of
Wm. Wyskiver, west of Evergreen church. G.W. & J.R. Arnold have the contract.

- G.W. & J.R. Arnold have sold their blacksmith shop to George Davis, of
Lexington, who will take possession Oct. 1st. Mr. Davis is a worthy citizen and a
good business man, and the shop will continue to be well managed.


- Mrs. A.J. Beier and children are visiting relatives in Indiana.

- Mrs. Edna Parr, of Cooksville, is spending the week with her parents here.

- Several of our young people attended the Normal “grind” Saturday night.

- Miss Hattie Brigham, of Bloomington, is visiting relatives here and at

- The festival at Union Saturday night was well attended, about $30 being taken

- Last Saturday, the two-year-old child of Mr. Hennesy, the Merna section boss,
fell into a bucket of hot water that had been poured from a pot of potatoes, and
after suffering two hours died in fearful agony.

- Carl Ward and George Judd have returned from Indiana. They bought
four-hundred acres in White County.


- L.W. Dauel is erecting a new residence, and will rent the one he now occupies.

- M.E. Miller and Miss Maggie Miles closed their school Thursday to enable their
pupils to attend the fair at Cropsey.

- Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Turneaure departed last week for their new home in St.
Louis. Mrs. Turneaure was formerly Miss May Stewart.

- There is a great deal of sickness at present. Mrs. John Woodrum is very low
with consumption, and Jacob Decker is seriously ill with erysipelas.

- E. Merrill and W.F. Newell are in Indiana visiting, and prospecting for a location
for Mr. Newell. Mr. Merrill will leave the last of this week for his new home in
Jefferson county.

DECEMBER 23, 1891

- H.A. Stoddard is at home very sick with typhoid-pneumonia.

- Harvey Davis and Miss Annie Woodard were married Sunday afternoon by Rev. T.J. Giddens.

- Williams & Son painted the roof of their new building Monday afternoon and the rain at 
night washed a good share of it off. Five dollars will make the roof good, but some unsightly
stains remain on the brick work and the floor.

Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: February 1892 through June 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: August 1892 through December 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1893 through December 1893
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1894 through December 1894
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1895 through December 1895
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1896 through December 1896
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader and Colfax Press: January 1897 through December 1897
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1898 through December 1898
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1899 through December 1899
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1900 through December 1900
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1901 through December 1901
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1902 through December 1902
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1903 through December 1903
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1904 through December 1904
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1905 through December 1905
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1906 through December 1906
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1907 through December 1907
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1908 through December 1908
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