January 1899 through December 1899

JANUARY 6, 1899

- Ike Wood has two children sick with scarlet fever.

JANUARY 20, 1899

- Herman Mehlenfort's little child is sick with stomach trouble.

- A.B. Johnston has gone to Chariton, Ia., to visit his mother. He will be gone ten days.

- Mrs. John Thiss and Mrs. J.H. Discho are visiting Mrs. Jennie Chapman in Paxton.

- Ed Menk and family have gone to Edwardsville, where he has a steady job at
plastering and bricklaying.

- A.H. Eyman, of Harristown, came Saturday to visit at J.W. Arnold's. He
returned yesterday.

- Elmer O. Baker and Miss Zelia J. Hogan were married Saturday by Rev. Baker.
They are living at the Reagan hotel.

- John D. Henline shipped a car of hogs Monday. He went with them and was
accompanied by his son Willie and John Humphrey.

- Sam Clark's little child ran a nail into its hand a few days ago. The hand
swelled quite badly, but was lanced and is recovering.

- Frank Reaugh has taken a position as night engineer at the east shaft. John
White succeeds him at the electric plant.

- Mr. Eson, the mail clerk, caught his thumb in a car door Tuesday night and
badly crushed it. He is unable for duty.

- Mont and Amy Collings left yesterday for Mackinaw to visit two or three weeks
with their sister, Mrs. Eliza Barton.

- Mrs. Frank Powell returned last Thursday night from Friend, Neb. Her health is
much better than when she left.

- Mrs. Nelson Biggs has undergone an operation for the removal of a tumor. She
is now improving.

- Mrs. W.L. Jennings was in Bloomington Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Bechtel Wednesday.

- Mrs. H.C. McMackin is sick with the grip, and her daughter with neuralgia of the stomach.

- Elder J.G. Waggoner, of Eureka, was in town yesterday in the interest of Eureka college.

- Mrs. M.A. Smith was called to Champaign Tuesday by the sickness of her mother.

- Ike Wood has another child sick with scarlet fever. Two have not taken it.

- Miss Maud Davison came Friday and is visiting relatives and friends in town.

- Frank Powell is unable to work because of inflammatory rheumatism.

- Wm. Terwillinger's little child is quite sick with stomach trouble.

- Dr. Horine's father contemplates moving from Eureka to Colfax.

- James Stack's little girl is seriously sick with lung fever.

FEBRUARY 3, 1899

- Fifteen went to Chicago on the excursion Saturday. They were Mrs. H.L.
Henline, J.R. Arnold, T.S. Willhite, Ed Mitchell, LaSalle Stoops, A. McClellan
and sister, George Wood, Miss Mattie Puett, Jesse Meharry, Mrs. R.E. Hatcher,
Mrs. Claggett, Mrs. McReynolds, Truman Henline and Pearl Henline.

- W.A. Ray has returned from Fayette county, where he and his brother-in-law,
Nate Smith, of Anchor, have bought 160 acres for about $30 per acre.
Twenty-five acres of it is timber. Mr. Ray expects to go into the sheep business to some extent.

- The four Lowman brothers, who have farmed the Henline estate of 800 acres,
are going to quit and have a big sale on Wednesday, Feb. 15. Two of them will
farm 200 acres and the others will probably move away.

- Mrs. D.A. Clark has been quite sick with nervous trouble. She is now some better.

- Mrs. John Wood returned Tuesday night from Tennessee. Mr. Wood will arrive about March 1.

- Mrs. W.E. Goudy went to Normal to visit her daughters. One daughter and a
son-in-law are employed at the Soldiers' Orphan's home.

- H.W. Ray expects to go to Denver, Col., next week for the benefit of his health.
He is suffering with asthma and hopes to find relief.

- Henry Detloff and Gisten Pash, of LeMars, Ia., stopped a few days at John
Ward's. Mr. Detloff is a brother of Mrs. Ward and they had come to Chicago with stock.

- Mrs. J.C. Johnston has returned from Hannibal, Mo. Her sister, Mrs. Redman,
is considerably better and recovery is hoped for. Their mother, Mrs. J.W. Myers
remained to care for her.

- Telephones have been put on the exchange by Dr. E.S. Horine, office and
house; Dr. H.W. Langstaff, office and house; R.E. Meharry, electric plant and
house; W.W. Sharples livery stable. The entire list now numbers 39.

FEBRUARY 10, 1899

- Ada Meharry became very much worse yesterday, but was slightly better last night. 

- Misses Emma and Vic Seymour came Friday night to visit their brother John.
The father, Frank Seymour is sinking a shaft at Alderson, Indian Territory. The
coal seam crops out a mile from the site and is already being taken from drift
mines. It is of good quality and is made into coke for the smelters of Colorado.

- Frank Taylor returned from Centralia Friday. He has completed the course in
shorthand and is able to take 150 words a minute. He leaves today for St.
Augustine & Coast railway.

- William Ritter returned recently from a two weeks visit to Florida. His mother,
sisters and brother-in-law are not pleased with the country and will probably
move back to Illinois. Mr. Ritter wishes, however, that he could have brought the
Florida climate back with him.

APRIL 28, 1899

- William Gaddis' team ran away Saturday and his son Byron dropped out of the
rear end of the wagon to avoid danger, and struck the ground in such a manner
as to break his collar bone. The injury is not severe and is improving under

- Mrs. Dora McLean, of Chicago, has come to pay a visit to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Crumbaker. Her husband  is in Oregon settling up the estate of his
father, who was killed in the fighting around Manilla.

- The child of Mr. and Mrs. William Bunn, three months old, died of stomach
trouble. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Wilkinson on Monday and the
burial took place in the Colfax cemetery.

- Frank Cunningham is very low at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.R.
Cunningham, in Bloomington. He has been failing for several weeks and his
death is expected at any time.

- Mrs. A.A. Chapman was called to Eureka Tuesday to attend the funeral of a
cousin Raphael Leonard, who had died at his home near that place.

- Mrs. George Wood, of Gibson, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Williams.

- Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Discho, Miss Daisy Thiss and James Davison were in
Fairbury Sunday.

- G.S. Scriven was in Fairbury Tuesday attending a meeting of the Royal Arch Masons.

- Frank Nordine has bought the R.P. Wood house on South Harrison street and
will occupy it soon.

- Mrs. W.B. Phillips and Miss Nettie Dixon visited on Saturday and Sunday with
their sister, Mrs. James Fielding.

- Fred Moore went to Claremont, Richmond county on Monday to attend the
funeral of his uncle, William Bailey.

- Frank Hanks went to Atlanta, Mo. Wednesday with a load of cattle from Sibley
which he will pasture there.

- George J. and George K. Gillan came from Cordova, Neb. to attend the funeral
of the latter's mother. They will remain until Monday.

MAY 5, 1899

- J.J. Henline has recovered sufficiently to be able to get to town.

- M.M. Sharples has been engaged to teach the Wiley school next term.

- John White went to Danvers yesterday, where he will visit a few days at his old home.

- Miss Mae Matheney has accepted her position in the primary department for another year.

- Frank Cunningham died in Bloomington at 3 p.m. Friday and was buried in that city.

- Miss Mary Tullis, of Normal, stopped a while with Colfax friends while returning
from the Chicago excursion.

- Misses Bertha and Madge Mooberry, of Anchor and their cousin, Miss Eva
Gish, of Onarga, visited at G.W. Arnold's on Wednesday.

- Prof. L.W. Haviland has been retained as principal of the Gilman school, the
board voluntarily offering him a $100 per year increase in salary.

- A small boy of James T. Smith, on the Howell place fell under a colt he was
leading yesterday, and it stepped upon his head, injuring an eye. It is hoped that
the injury will not prove to be serious.

MAY 19, 1899

- T.E. Davison and family, his sister Maud and Mrs. R.E. Meharry and daughter,
Ada drove to Champaign county Friday and returned Tuesday.

- Mrs. Phebe Wood received a substantial birthday present in the shape of a
twenty-dollar bill from her son, John in California.

- Jasper Dameron's little son, Harold fell off the front porch at Mrs. Phebe
Wood's and broke his arm.


- While Dr. N.W. Kyle was operating on a horse Friday the hobbles of the table
broke, and the horse in struggling struck him in the breast and broke a rib. He
has suffered severely from the injury, but is able to be out.

- Ezra Henline expects to start for Osage county, Kan. the first of next week. He
has a house and barn to build for his brother Marion and will be gone a month.

- Rev. Father de Paul, who left a few weeks ago to take charge of the Catholic
church at Chatham, Canada, writes that he is well pleased with the town and the people.

- Sam Wiley cut his lip quite badly by the breaking of a scaffold while painting the other day.

- George Burns is father of a boy born in Germany, where he and his wife are
attending school.

- Miss Mary C. Hawk, of Chadwick, came Tuesday and will remain two months
with her brother, W.D. Hawk.

- S.E. Cline's, Wm. Gray's, Henry Stilley's, Logan McClellan's and Wm. Harris'
babies are sick with cholera infantum.

- John Winterland's 18-year-old son was thrown from a horse on Sunday and
one of his arms broken. He is recovering in good shape.

OCTOBER 27, 1899

- Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Worcester Knight, of Carlinville, a ten-pound boy. Mr.
Knight is still in the ministry and is working as an evangelist, with excellent success.

- Thomas Tate is still in a very critical condition, with no symptoms of improvement.

- Mrs. Kate Bishop, of Leroy is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel Stauffer.

- Thomas Mullier and son, of Higby, Mo., have gone to work in the east coal mine.

- Born, on Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bierbower, a boy.

- Jacob Kauth returned Wednesday evening from his Iowa trip.

- Joe Arnold's fine driving mare died Wednesday night.

- Seth Henline is improving his farm with a fine residence.

- Born, on Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Small, a girl.

- Mrs. Joseph Ingram is sick with malarial fever.

- Mrs. T.E. Davison is sick with malarial fever.

- George Wood went to Chicago Tuesday.

- Mrs. Bilbrey is sick with lung fever.

DECEMBER 22, 1899

- Harvey Stout and family, of Danvers, are visiting his brother-in law, Wm. McReynolds.

Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: 1890 through 1891
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: February 1892 through June 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: August 1892 through December 1892
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1893 through December 1893
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1894 through December 1894
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1895 through December 1895
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader: January 1896 through December 1896
Excerpts from the Colfax Leader and Colfax Press: January 1897 through December 1897
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1898 through December 1898
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1899 through December 1899
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1900 through December 1900
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1901 through December 1901
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1902 through December 1902
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1903 through December 1903
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1904 through December 1904
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1905 through December 1905
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1906 through December 1906
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1907 through December 1907
Excerpts from the Colfax Press: January 1908 through December 1908
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