Ebirah: Hey, hey, hey! Guess what we’re reviewing today?! SpaceGodzilla: (mutters something) Ebirah: Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster! YEEAAAH! That’s me! That’s me! SpaceGodzilla: Well, at least today we have some special guests to help us out here Ebirah: Let’s bring ‘em out, shall we? SpaceGodzilla: Our first guest has been seen on every single original Star Trek episode Ebirah: And also died over 2 years ago SpaceGodzilla: So, let’s give a big hand for Leonard Skinner! Spock: Thank you, thank you, but there is no need for further pleasantries, to do so would be highly illogical Ebirah: Yeah, this guy was by larval-stage hero SpaceGodzilla: Yeah, whatever, let’s get this thing movin’ Ebirah: Okay, so we meet up with some guys tryin’ to win a sailboat so they… SpaceGodzilla: Yeesh! What’s wrong with you?! No one wants to know about the human scenes, so movie it up a knotch, or else I’ll knock your blinkin’ block off! Spock: Why the unpleasantries? Can’t we all just get along? SpaceGodzilla: You want me to stick a truckload of ‘tribbles’ down your pants, or do you want us to move on with this review Spock: Aye, Captain SpaceGodzilla: Hmm… Captain, I kinda’ like the sound of that… Ebirah: Oh yeah? Well, maybe they should call you captain CRUNCH! (Ebirah snaps his pincers down on Spacie’s tail) SpaceGodzilla: YEEEOOOOOWWW!!!! (SpaceGodzilla jumps out of the room) Spock: Well, from what I’ve seen, that’s gotta’ be a first for this show Ebirah: Oh yeah, but, hey, I figure that if I’m gonna’ get sent piece by piece to Red Lobster after a review, why not deserve it? So anyways, on with the review Spock: Yes, so they end up on some island, but there’s a terrorist group called the Red Bamboo also on the island Ebirah: And, of course, they would be nothing without me, their secret weapon! Spock: You know, this review isn’t very funny… I came here to give the film-going children of the world a laugh Ebirah: Too bad that these reviews are rated PG-13, but anyway, what do you propose we do differently? Spock: More pain and stuff Ebirah: Well, then let’s bring in our next guest, King of the Monsters, Godzilla! Godzilla: SSSSKKKKKRRRRREEEEEEOOOONNNNK!!!!!! Spock: Oww… I can never find ear plugs for ears my size… Godzilla: Hey, where’s Spacie? Ebirah: Oh, he’ll be dropping in soon enough (Spacie comes crashing down through the roof, with a Rodan roar heard faintly in the background) Godzilla: Ahh, here’s my astronomical super clone himself SpaceGodzilla: Ugh…. Who would’ve thought that I could feel THAT much pain in less than 4 minutes… Ebirah: So, these guys figure that they’d better save the Infant Island captives on the island by waking Godzilla Godzilla: Heh heh heh, that electrocution sure isn’t much of a substitute for an alarm clock, I’ll tell you what! Spock: You should try a plasma ray set from stun to Kentucky Fried Cardassian SpaceGodzilla: Now, a-hem, I believe that I have a bit of unsettled business with our little delicacy here Ebirah: The alien? Godzilla: The appetizer. SpaceGodzilla: Correct! Spock: Okay, so the G-ster lays waste to the Red Bamboos’ bases Ebirah: And then (GULP!), he heads for me! SpaceGodzilla: Hey G-man, would you mind holding the blade on this guillotine up for a moment? Godzilla: No problem Ebirah: NNNOOOOOOO!!! AAAAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!! DO SOMETHING, SPOCK! Spock: Sorry, but I must confess, this is truly humorous Godzilla: Ebirah? I didn’t even know that I was supposed to fight him, I thought that I was supposed to be playing volleyball…. So I did Ebirah: Ha, at least I won the match Godzilla: OH YEAH??!!! Lemme’ think, what comes next SpaceGodzilla: I believe that you rip his claws off next Godzilla: Oh yeah, MWA HA HA HA HA! >=^) Ebirah: AAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SpaceGodzilla: Hey, I thought that my shipment of Land-o-Lakes butter was supposed to come in today! Spock: Yes, I believe that Godzilla conveniently nuked it into a delicious seafood dip as he came in SpaceGodzilla: Brace yourself, Ebby, ‘cause these this is REALLY going to hurt… (Godzilla and Spacie tug off Ebirah’s arms) Ebirah: NNNNOOOOOO! THE PAIN! WHEN WILL THE HURTING STOP? FROINLAVEN! AAAAUUUGGGHHH!!!! Godzilla: Okay, so Ebirah gets ripped to shreds, and then runs away to momma Ebirah: Ah ha! So because I survived the movie, I don’t get chopped in half by the guillotine here SpaceGodzilla: Oh, I guess that that’s right Godzilla: Whoops? Was I supposed to hold on to this rope? (CENSORED due to explicit violent adjectives) SpaceGodzilla: Eww…..I guess that I’ll need a new co-host Ebirah: You’d be surprised… at what you can live through… Godzilla: Oh good, he’s alive, Spock, why don’t you go give him a nice massage Spock: As you say, most honorable monster king SpaceGodzilla: Hmph, we all know that I would’ve kicked your butt had MOGUERA not interfered… Godzilla: Oh? You wanna’ step outside? SpaceGodzilla: You got it! Spock, you finish the review, I gotta’ teach this false king a thing or two about pain Godzilla: Oh good, you get to demonstrate! (Godzilla grabs Spacie, and chucks him outside, then runs out there as well) Spock: You okay now Ebirah? Ebirah: Yeah, I think that they can grow all of those missing parts on laboratory rats, nuked ones, though Spock: Giant nuclear rats with lobster claws on their backs…… riiight…. Ebirah: That’s how I return to make new reviews all of the time Spock: Okay, so there’s a bomb on the island, and Mothra saves all of the Infant Island slaves there Ebirah: And Godzilla manages to get off the island before the bomb goes off, usual happy ending, even though there were no Moth-burgers Spock: Kinda’ hard for me to massage a 50-meter lobster, you want me to go lower Ebirah: Yeah, just a bit… ahh… there’s the spot….ACK! THE PAIN! AAAUUGGHH! Spock: Oh shoot, I hate it when I accidentally use the Vulcan death touch when doing that (SpaceGodzilla is whacked through the room, and out the other side, with Godzilla following him) Godzilla: Yep, I still got it! Spock: I’d say that it’s about time to end this insanity SpaceGodzilla: (With shoulder crystals cracked off, and tail missing) Yeah…. The sooner,… the better….. anyone seen my tail?… Godzilla: SSSSSKKKKKKKRRRRREEEEEEOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKK!!!! (Godzilla is seen slurping up a blue vine like spaghetti) Spock: Well, you could call that found, but I don’t think that you want it back (SpaceGodzilla shoots out a nuclear ray, hitting Godzilla back outside) SpaceGodzilla: Dang straight! That’s why they call me a SUPER clone where I come from Spock: Time for me to return to the Enterprise SpaceGodzilla: S’long for now! Spock: Beam me up, Snotty, err, Scotty! (Spock slowly disappears, and is transported back to the ship) SpaceGodzilla: Ah-ha! So it seems that I DID beat my weak little nemesis! (Godzilla comes flying into the room, sliding on his tail, with feet out in front, and slams into Spacie) SpaceGodzilla: AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!! (Did I mention that Godzilla stepped in a giant cow pie before he did that?) SpaceGodzilla: Eww…. Wipe it off! Wipe it off! Godzilla: My pleasure (With a giant tail swing, Godzilla sends Spacie flying out of sight) Ebirah: Nyuck nyuck nyuck! Looks like I’m still ticking (doesn’t notice time bomb Spacie put under him) Godzilla: I win again! (Godzilla jumps up and down, doing a scottish jig) Ebirah: S’long, all, thanks for joining us! (After Godzilla makes it into the sea, the bomb finally…..) Ebirah: (Well, you know!) NNNYYYAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! THE END!!!!!